Author Archives: Adrian Hedqvist

The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The most obvious and straight-forward to this is a minimap. […]

The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The most obvious and straight-forward to this is a minimap. […]
The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]
The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]
The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]
The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]

The concept we chose for our project, Planet Suburbia, does a pretty interesting thing when it comes to in-game resources: money and health is the same thing. The explaination behind it is that you have the job of defending the planet. You can spend your companys money to up your defences, but it also gets drained when the invading aliens manages to land on the planet. If you go over budget, you get an angry phone call from your boss […]
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player!
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player! But alright, let’s […]
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player! But alright, let’s […]
Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.
Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.
Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.
Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.
The reasoning behind […]

Moving in circles
If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.
The reasoning behind […]
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll.
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll.
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll.
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll.