Yearly Archives: 2018

Comment #5 Group C

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Program: Game Design

Comment #5 Group C

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Program: Game Design

Comment #5

Regarding: Mija’s blog post
Hi Mija,
You aptly describe what playtesting has given to your team and how it has effected your development. It is nice to see that you are also honest about being inspired by the other groups developing similar games in how you eventually solved the issue of implementing fog into your game successfully. Why reinvent the wheel when you can look at other wheels and hopefully see how to improve upon existing design?
I also enjoyed reading about the […]

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Comment #5

Regarding: Mija’s blog post
Hi Mija,
You aptly describe what playtesting has given to your team and how it has effected your development. It is nice to see that you are also honest about being inspired by the other groups developing similar games in how you eventually solved the issue of implementing fog into your game successfully. Why reinvent the wheel when you can look at other wheels and hopefully see how to improve upon existing design?
I also enjoyed reading about the […]

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Blog Comment 5

It is nice to hear that you were able to be present during at least one playtest session, so you did not go all without good but as of course also bad critique/feedback.
One conclusion I drew myself from the playtesting is that not all feedback is good feedback and I think it is nice that you manage to fight through all the hate and sit down and work with the good feedback instead. Some people have very specific cravings when […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Comment 5

It is nice to hear that you were able to be present during at least one playtest session, so you did not go all without good but as of course also bad critique/feedback.
One conclusion I drew myself from the playtesting is that not all feedback is good feedback and I think it is nice that you manage to fight through all the hate and sit down and work with the good feedback instead. Some people have very specific cravings when […]

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Program: Graphics

Comments made on different managers blogs #4

Hi Sasa
it’s clear that you had a good experience at the Beta playtest and there was as you write a better atmosphere than in the Alpha playtest. Now regarding your post, you write about what you kind of question you asked the player and the general feedback which is good. The feedback is tied to your aesthetic goal (good) however you do not state if the goals have been completely met or what you’re going to do with this feedback. […]

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Comments made on different managers blogs #4

Hi Sasa
it’s clear that you had a good experience at the Beta playtest and there was as you write a better atmosphere than in the Alpha playtest. Now regarding your post, you write about what you kind of question you asked the player and the general feedback which is good. The feedback is tied to your aesthetic goal (good) however you do not state if the goals have been completely met or what you’re going to do with this feedback. […]

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Comment Week 5 (Oscar Vines)
”Hello Oscar, Fredrik here.
Your post was very interesting, and I can relate to not wanting to reiterate the importance of playtesting as I also talked about it in a previous week. I can also agree that having fresh eyes can really help the improvement of the game. As you mentioned, even if there’s a part of the game that you as the developer think is really cool, in the end It doesn’t mean anything unless the player feels […]

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Program: Programming

Comment Week 5 (Oscar Vines)
”Hello Oscar, Fredrik here.
Your post was very interesting, and I can relate to not wanting to reiterate the importance of playtesting as I also talked about it in a previous week. I can also agree that having fresh eyes can really help the improvement of the game. As you mentioned, even if there’s a part of the game that you as the developer think is really cool, in the end It doesn’t mean anything unless the player feels […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5: August Demirsson

Hello August,
You’re going to be getting a lot of attention for this post.
You’ve written an informative piece here. However, something that immediately came up for me is that you wrote more about your first playtesting session. Now, the requirements don’t specify that you had to write about the beta testing, but I feel that was implied. Anyway, it’s not really an issue, especially when it was not made clear in the instructions. The paragraph for the beta test provides more […]

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Comment #5: August Demirsson

Hello August,
You’re going to be getting a lot of attention for this post.
You’ve written an informative piece here. However, something that immediately came up for me is that you wrote more about your first playtesting session. Now, the requirements don’t specify that you had to write about the beta testing, but I feel that was implied. Anyway, it’s not really an issue, especially when it was not made clear in the instructions. The paragraph for the beta test provides more […]

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Comment 5

Hi, Samantha!
Your text was really well written and nicely divided with headlines, making it even more enjoyable to read. Furthermore, the use of pictures contributed to the experience and gave it a more light-hearted side to it even though they maybe didn’t specifically relate to the playtesting.
The presentation of the two initial options followed by your contemplations leading up to finding a different solution to issue at hand was interesting to follow. The choice of method is well conveyed and […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment 5

Hi, Samantha!
Your text was really well written and nicely divided with headlines, making it even more enjoyable to read. Furthermore, the use of pictures contributed to the experience and gave it a more light-hearted side to it even though they maybe didn’t specifically relate to the playtesting.
The presentation of the two initial options followed by your contemplations leading up to finding a different solution to issue at hand was interesting to follow. The choice of method is well conveyed and […]

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Program: Game Design

My fifth blog comment

Week 5 – Amanda Cohen
Hi Amanda!
I’m really happy to hear that the playtesting sessions have helped your group to improve your game! I can definitely agree on that it is tricky to find the bugs and wrongs in your own game, since you eventually become blind to all the different errors. My group also had issues finding flaws in our own game. However, the bugs were then discovered during playtesting. Just like you, I have certainly understood the importance of […]

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My fifth blog comment

Week 5 – Amanda Cohen
Hi Amanda!
I’m really happy to hear that the playtesting sessions have helped your group to improve your game! I can definitely agree on that it is tricky to find the bugs and wrongs in your own game, since you eventually become blind to all the different errors. My group also had issues finding flaws in our own game. However, the bugs were then discovered during playtesting. Just like you, I have certainly understood the importance of […]

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Feedback on the blog post ”The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest” by Guy Dimor.
Hello Guy, Oscar here from team Rakshasa! Really like the combination of describing yourself and actually showing wit pictures how your project evolved from alpha to beta. You also have an interesting writing style which helps your post feel more personal.
My main critique would be that you don’t really comment at all on what feedback you got. Even though you had a very primitive alpha […]

/ Comments Off on 13-03-2018
Program: Programming


Feedback on the blog post ”The virgin alpha playtest vs. the chad beta playtest” by Guy Dimor.
Hello Guy, Oscar here from team Rakshasa! Really like the combination of describing yourself and actually showing wit pictures how your project evolved from alpha to beta. You also have an interesting writing style which helps your post feel more personal.
My main critique would be that you don’t really comment at all on what feedback you got. Even though you had a very primitive alpha […]

/ Comments Off on 13-03-2018
Program: Programming


When making a game, having playtests to provide feedback on your work is crucial. Usually, as a creator, you’re biased towards your own product and will fail to spot the flaws of it, having others spot them for you is important.
And this is exactly what happened during the playtest. We constructed questions where players could tell us how to improve on certain features. Either the ones we thought could be improved or how the core mechanics felt.

These were the questions […]

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Program: Game Design


When making a game, having playtests to provide feedback on your work is crucial. Usually, as a creator, you’re biased towards your own product and will fail to spot the flaws of it, having others spot them for you is important.
And this is exactly what happened during the playtest. We constructed questions where players could tell us how to improve on certain features. Either the ones we thought could be improved or how the core mechanics felt.

These were the questions […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment 5


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Program: Graphics

Comment 5


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Program: Graphics

Level design

Something that was a bit hard for me as a designer was to make a varied level of our game since only one enemy had been implemented so far. What that meant was that I had to come up with multiple formations that were still somewhat balanced to make it seem that the level is varied.
However, even after I came up with more formations, since the enemy was still the same it just felt off. What I did then was […]

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Program: Game Design

Level design

Something that was a bit hard for me as a designer was to make a varied level of our game since only one enemy had been implemented so far. What that meant was that I had to come up with multiple formations that were still somewhat balanced to make it seem that the level is varied.
However, even after I came up with more formations, since the enemy was still the same it just felt off. What I did then was […]

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Program: Game Design