Monthly Archives: March 2018

Blog Feedback #6

Link to Krzesimir’s post mortem:
My comment:
Hi, Krzesimir!
Happy to be giving some feedback to you 
Your post is very clear and has good structure as well as English, and with everything combined – makes the text easy to follow and understand.
You describe clearly the positive aspects as well as negative aspects of the project, in addition lessons learned. Reading your post mortem gives an impression that in overall, you were happy with both your group and the outcome of the project. I […]

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Blog Feedback #6

Link to Krzesimir’s post mortem:
My comment:
Hi, Krzesimir!
Happy to be giving some feedback to you 
Your post is very clear and has good structure as well as English, and with everything combined – makes the text easy to follow and understand.
You describe clearly the positive aspects as well as negative aspects of the project, in addition lessons learned. Reading your post mortem gives an impression that in overall, you were happy with both your group and the outcome of the project. I […]

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Comment #6
Hello Lina! First I want to congratulate you on a really fantastic game. I was more than impressed with what you guys created.
Your post is well-structured and easy to follow. You clearly describe the different aspects related to your work, both the good and the bad. Something I think you did a really good job of, is explaining why you do certain practices or why something can be beneficial or detrimental.
Your post is valuable and I really like […]

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Comment #6
Hello Lina! First I want to congratulate you on a really fantastic game. I was more than impressed with what you guys created.
Your post is well-structured and easy to follow. You clearly describe the different aspects related to your work, both the good and the bad. Something I think you did a really good job of, is explaining why you do certain practices or why something can be beneficial or detrimental.
Your post is valuable and I really like […]

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Commenting! #6

Here’s the comment to Kristina’s postmortem:
Hey Kristina!
You really managed to cover a lot in your post! Short recap, some difficulties along the process, some design decision, a mention about backlog. My favourite part is about the gem. Your example shows that there is a multitude of ways of presenting what a game is about and its’ objective by neither needless text nor explicitly pointing something out. We are only limited by boundaries of our creativity!
In fact, all […]

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Commenting! #6

Here’s the comment to Kristina’s postmortem:
Hey Kristina!
You really managed to cover a lot in your post! Short recap, some difficulties along the process, some design decision, a mention about backlog. My favourite part is about the gem. Your example shows that there is a multitude of ways of presenting what a game is about and its’ objective by neither needless text nor explicitly pointing something out. We are only limited by boundaries of our creativity!
In fact, all […]

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Blog comment 6

Hello there Tomas!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You clearly explain what has been done during the last playtest and showing a graph of what players thought of your game helps a lot. You explained problems you had with the finished game, such as the players didn’t really understand why they died. You write about the things that went well and the things that were bad which gives me a good understanding […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 6

Hello there Tomas!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You clearly explain what has been done during the last playtest and showing a graph of what players thought of your game helps a lot. You explained problems you had with the finished game, such as the players didn’t really understand why they died. You write about the things that went well and the things that were bad which gives me a good understanding […]

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Program: Game Design

Post Mortem

The Umibozu project have now been finished after 10 weeks of development. These weeks have both been fun and interesting as well as frustrating, but they have also provided a lot of experience.
The end result of the project ended up being a discovery/adventure style game which concept was based upon the myth of the Umibozu from Japanese culture. The gameplay itself takes place in a labyrinth style setting where the player controls a ship with the objective to gather clues […]

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Program: Programming

Post Mortem

The Umibozu project have now been finished after 10 weeks of development. These weeks have both been fun and interesting as well as frustrating, but they have also provided a lot of experience.
The end result of the project ended up being a discovery/adventure style game which concept was based upon the myth of the Umibozu from Japanese culture. The gameplay itself takes place in a labyrinth style setting where the player controls a ship with the objective to gather clues […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #6 Jad Masri
So glad that you learnt a lot and created a wonderful game! Despite the hard time that you had during the process, the outcome indicated everything worth it. I would like to share something regarding the game since i played it. I I love the pixel art and the music, they really suits to each other. Especially the start menu, it instantly brought you into the game and it definitely impressed everyone. Also the game play, the game […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #6 Jad Masri
So glad that you learnt a lot and created a wonderful game! Despite the hard time that you had during the process, the outcome indicated everything worth it. I would like to share something regarding the game since i played it. I I love the pixel art and the music, they really suits to each other. Especially the start menu, it instantly brought you into the game and it definitely impressed everyone. Also the game play, the game […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 6 comment

This is a comment left on a blog post of another student.
Their post:
Hello Timothée,
This blog post was a great read, and as a post mortem it gave me a good insight into your experience working on the project. You write about many different aspects of the development that all seem relevant to a post mortem.
I think for each point you bring up you clearly describe the “what”, “why” and “how”. On top of this, the lessons you […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 6 comment

This is a comment left on a blog post of another student.
Their post:
Hello Timothée,
This blog post was a great read, and as a post mortem it gave me a good insight into your experience working on the project. You write about many different aspects of the development that all seem relevant to a post mortem.
I think for each point you bring up you clearly describe the “what”, “why” and “how”. On top of this, the lessons you […]

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Program: Programming

Comment for 6th blogpost

Hey Tim,
great blogpost! I think you start of well with a nice introduction and concept summary outlining the game your group has been working on and what your blogpost will be about.
It is interesting to read about how the mentality of going into the development process is affected by the premises – did going into development with this mentality prove a hindrance in some way? For instance, did the reluctance to redesign certain aspects prove problematic, and is there something […]

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Program: Programming

Comment for 6th blogpost

Hey Tim,
great blogpost! I think you start of well with a nice introduction and concept summary outlining the game your group has been working on and what your blogpost will be about.
It is interesting to read about how the mentality of going into the development process is affected by the premises – did going into development with this mentality prove a hindrance in some way? For instance, did the reluctance to redesign certain aspects prove problematic, and is there something […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on blog – nr 6 – Shifatul Kabir Siam

Dear fellow student,
Don´t be so hard on yourself. You did it! You and your team built a game during the course and presented it on the Final playtesting session.
I understand from reading your blog post that you have had a tough ride to get there. You describe difficulties that have occurred both for you as a person and for the team. Or, sometimes not like a team at all… Reading your blog, I am impressed by the journey you have […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment on blog – nr 6 – Shifatul Kabir Siam

Dear fellow student,
Don´t be so hard on yourself. You did it! You and your team built a game during the course and presented it on the Final playtesting session.
I understand from reading your blog post that you have had a tough ride to get there. You describe difficulties that have occurred both for you as a person and for the team. Or, sometimes not like a team at all… Reading your blog, I am impressed by the journey you have […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #5

Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson

Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #5

Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson

Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post #6 Postmortem

Now ten weeks have gone by and at last, the game is completed. What kind of game was created in the end? The umibozu that we made became a semi-open world where there is less focus on the player shooting rather it is the enemies obstructing your way and shooting at you throughout the level.
The goal of the game is to reach four individual landmarks that give clues to what is attacking you and how to appease it in order […]

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Blog post #6 Postmortem

Now ten weeks have gone by and at last, the game is completed. What kind of game was created in the end? The umibozu that we made became a semi-open world where there is less focus on the player shooting rather it is the enemies obstructing your way and shooting at you throughout the level.
The goal of the game is to reach four individual landmarks that give clues to what is attacking you and how to appease it in order […]

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