Daily Archives: March 20, 2018

Post Mortem Shoot ‘em Up
Greetings once again!
This week I will discuss the overall result of the 10 weeks of production that went into our Shoot ‘em Up game ”Beelonging”. My role in the project was Lead Programmer.
The game was a ”Side-Scrolling” shooter in which you played as a Bee and was hindered on your way to the beehive by enemies such as Flies, Spiders, Wasps, and Dragonflies. The game included a scoring system and a power-up mechanic in the form of a formation as […]

Post Mortem Shoot ‘em Up
Greetings once again!
This week I will discuss the overall result of the 10 weeks of production that went into our Shoot ‘em Up game ”Beelonging”. My role in the project was Lead Programmer.
The game was a ”Side-Scrolling” shooter in which you played as a Bee and was hindered on your way to the beehive by enemies such as Flies, Spiders, Wasps, and Dragonflies. The game included a scoring system and a power-up mechanic in the form of a formation as […]
Comment #6
Hey Hampus, this is Guy from Wendigo, let’s get this last blog post over with!
Your summary of your developement process was very interesting to read, and the criticism you raise towards your group and yourself shows a high level of introspection and willingness to improve, which in turn shows great strength of character. I also really liked reading about your creative process and goals, describing the feel of your game as that of a horror film where the protagonist is […]
Comment #6
Hey Hampus, this is Guy from Wendigo, let’s get this last blog post over with!
Your summary of your developement process was very interesting to read, and the criticism you raise towards your group and yourself shows a high level of introspection and willingness to improve, which in turn shows great strength of character. I also really liked reading about your creative process and goals, describing the feel of your game as that of a horror film where the protagonist is […]

“They’re not dead, they just lay down and rest… forever”
The game is finally finished! Our first game. I am very happy and proud to present Beeloning. If you want to try the game press the link below:
One of the things I think we did well is the graphics, specifically that the art looks coherent and it looks like it is all made by the same person. Me and my fellow artist Moa, achieved that by showing each other our sketches when working on a new […]

“They’re not dead, they just lay down and rest… forever”
The game is finally finished! Our first game. I am very happy and proud to present Beeloning. If you want to try the game press the link below:
One of the things I think we did well is the graphics, specifically that the art looks coherent and it looks like it is all made by the same person. Me and my fellow artist Moa, achieved that by showing each other our sketches when working on a new […]

Game Design journal 6
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date 20/03/18
Throughout this entire course there has been quite a lot of work and emotions that I have been through with my team, and this come both from the excitement and the fear of producing our first game: will it be good enough? will it look like what we want it to? will it be fun???
All of these questions that can’t really be answered until the final moment when the game is released which make the pressure add up […]

Game Design journal 6
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date 20/03/18
Throughout this entire course there has been quite a lot of work and emotions that I have been through with my team, and this come both from the excitement and the fear of producing our first game: will it be good enough? will it look like what we want it to? will it be fun???
All of these questions that can’t really be answered until the final moment when the game is released which make the pressure add up […]
Commenting on “Fear is in me” Postmortem – by Krzesimir Pszenny
Link to the original post: https://krzesimirsite.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/fear-is-in-me-postmortem/#respond
Krzesimir’s post describes what he learned from his experience as a project manager over the course of the development of his game “Fear is in me”. His post is well structured as it goes over the successes and faults of his project and goes well into detail on what he learned as a project manager, from the mistakes that were made over the course of the project. He not only talks about how he or his […]
Commenting on “Fear is in me” Postmortem – by Krzesimir Pszenny
Link to the original post: https://krzesimirsite.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/fear-is-in-me-postmortem/#respond
Krzesimir’s post describes what he learned from his experience as a project manager over the course of the development of his game “Fear is in me”. His post is well structured as it goes over the successes and faults of his project and goes well into detail on what he learned as a project manager, from the mistakes that were made over the course of the project. He not only talks about how he or his […]

Blog 6
Well this is it, the final blog.
During this course I have learned a lot of new things. When I started this course, I didn’t have any experience in actually making a game or any experience in working with unity at all. The later would come to greatly impact the way we would be working on the project. But that will come in a short while. For now I just want to say that while I did come in here with […]

Blog 6
Well this is it, the final blog.
During this course I have learned a lot of new things. When I started this course, I didn’t have any experience in actually making a game or any experience in working with unity at all. The later would come to greatly impact the way we would be working on the project. But that will come in a short while. For now I just want to say that while I did come in here with […]
Aetherial post mortem
In retrospective I am generally quite happy with the overall development of ‘Aetherial’, of course there are things that could have gone more smoothly or been better, but considering this was our first project of that size I am quite happy with the results.
The final product had a lot of improvements, visually and mechanically, since the beta version of the game. Most of the negative feedback we got was addressed in one of the last sprints and a lot of […]
Aetherial post mortem
In retrospective I am generally quite happy with the overall development of ‘Aetherial’, of course there are things that could have gone more smoothly or been better, but considering this was our first project of that size I am quite happy with the results.
The final product had a lot of improvements, visually and mechanically, since the beta version of the game. Most of the negative feedback we got was addressed in one of the last sprints and a lot of […]
“Fear is in me” Postmortem
This time I’m going to sum up the past weeks that my team and I spent on creating our first digital game – Fear is in me. Let me describe the end result then!
My group produced a short Shoot ‘em up game with unusual shooting mechanic. The set-up is a dark forest full of 3 different kinds of terrifying and bloodthirsty creatures. But none of them is true – in fact, everything takes place in a little girl’s mind, as […]
“Fear is in me” Postmortem
This time I’m going to sum up the past weeks that my team and I spent on creating our first digital game – Fear is in me. Let me describe the end result then!
My group produced a short Shoot ‘em up game with unusual shooting mechanic. The set-up is a dark forest full of 3 different kinds of terrifying and bloodthirsty creatures. But none of them is true – in fact, everything takes place in a little girl’s mind, as […]

Blog #6 – Postmortem of our first digital game: Aetherial
What We Made
Archon, the group I was a part of for the past 6 months, recently wrapped up our production of a small 2D side-scrolling shooter game. This game was based on a design produced bu another team during the previous semester. The game was produced as part of the course Game Design 2: Game Production here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and the production of our game has been this semester’s most extensive assignment. The game was delivered on […]

Blog #6 – Postmortem of our first digital game: Aetherial
What We Made
Archon, the group I was a part of for the past 6 months, recently wrapped up our production of a small 2D side-scrolling shooter game. This game was based on a design produced bu another team during the previous semester. The game was produced as part of the course Game Design 2: Game Production here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and the production of our game has been this semester’s most extensive assignment. The game was delivered on […]
Blog Post #6 – Post Mortem
My group Siren’s game Behemoth turned out to be a great finished product. Our group turned out to be managed so well that we weren’t rushing to add any features and were rather focused on polishing the last week of production. I was very satisfied with the end product and I think the same can be said for the rest of my group’s feelings towards the game. We received some good feedback during the final playtesting. I think we did […]
Blog Post #6 – Post Mortem
My group Siren’s game Behemoth turned out to be a great finished product. Our group turned out to be managed so well that we weren’t rushing to add any features and were rather focused on polishing the last week of production. I was very satisfied with the end product and I think the same can be said for the rest of my group’s feelings towards the game. We received some good feedback during the final playtesting. I think we did […]
Time to dissect a fresh corpse: Aetherial Post Mortem
With the 2D shooter game finally done it’s time to dissect it’s still warm corpse and see what I’ve learned during this project. There’s a lot of things I’ve learned so I’m just gonna mention some of the bigger ones and the things that really stand out.
First of all, let’s talk about the outcome of the game. During the final playtest we had a lot of people play our game and the vast majority seemed to be enjoying themselves. […]
Time to dissect a fresh corpse: Aetherial Post Mortem
With the 2D shooter game finally done it’s time to dissect it’s still warm corpse and see what I’ve learned during this project. There’s a lot of things I’ve learned so I’m just gonna mention some of the bigger ones and the things that really stand out.
First of all, let’s talk about the outcome of the game. During the final playtest we had a lot of people play our game and the vast majority seemed to be enjoying themselves. […]
As the shoot ’em up project closes up, it is time to reflect on the process we went through. Going into it none of us had any real experience creating games. The idea of the project was to learn how the process worked and how we as a team cooperate to digitalize the vision we had starting out. As well as this we were expected to “learn by doing”, essentially creating a game with the purpose of learning how to […]
As the shoot ’em up project closes up, it is time to reflect on the process we went through. Going into it none of us had any real experience creating games. The idea of the project was to learn how the process worked and how we as a team cooperate to digitalize the vision we had starting out. As well as this we were expected to “learn by doing”, essentially creating a game with the purpose of learning how to […]