Daily Archives: March 13, 2018

Blog Comment:2

Moa Bruus
Hi Moa! I really liked your text because you created such a clear picture of what your group was aiming for with your game. When reading your text I felt like that if I hadn’t know of the games concept previously that wouldn’t have mattered, since you made it so clear.
I love how you describe in your text the progress of for example the bee character. It really goes to show that people in a group a have very […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Comment:2

Moa Bruus
Hi Moa! I really liked your text because you created such a clear picture of what your group was aiming for with your game. When reading your text I felt like that if I hadn’t know of the games concept previously that wouldn’t have mattered, since you made it so clear.
I love how you describe in your text the progress of for example the bee character. It really goes to show that people in a group a have very […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment 180313

Intriguing text you got here, though it sounds like you had several unplanned difficulties with your playtesting sessions, which is sad to hear. I found some minor language errors in your text, but I had no problem understanding it.
With the text you clearly describe the importance of playtesting and that your group did not receive the desired results do to problems with bugs and broken builds. I like that you, despite the struggle with the second playtest, tried […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment 180313

Intriguing text you got here, though it sounds like you had several unplanned difficulties with your playtesting sessions, which is sad to hear. I found some minor language errors in your text, but I had no problem understanding it.
With the text you clearly describe the importance of playtesting and that your group did not receive the desired results do to problems with bugs and broken builds. I like that you, despite the struggle with the second playtest, tried […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #5

“Hi Amanda! Your blog explains nicely some issues that playtesting has helped you discover and how you solved it in your game. I think it was nice to read. However, I would like to know more about what the players thought about your game in general, and what more playtesting can do to help the game development process. Perhaps some tips on what you and your team discovered that is good to think about when having a playtesting; what to […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #5

“Hi Amanda! Your blog explains nicely some issues that playtesting has helped you discover and how you solved it in your game. I think it was nice to read. However, I would like to know more about what the players thought about your game in general, and what more playtesting can do to help the game development process. Perhaps some tips on what you and your team discovered that is good to think about when having a playtesting; what to […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Comment 5

Link to designated blog:
My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Comment 5

Link to designated blog:
My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]

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Program: Programming

Comment week 5

I enjoy your fresh take on Umibozu. I’ve got a few pointers regarding the text. You early on specify which game you’re making (you give the reader a quick memory-refresh, summarising the game very concretely and precisely), which is a very appropriate way to start a text. You are clear and specific about what forms of data you were collecting, and mention your results. It would benefit the overall appeal of the post if you included some graphical display of […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment week 5

I enjoy your fresh take on Umibozu. I’ve got a few pointers regarding the text. You early on specify which game you’re making (you give the reader a quick memory-refresh, summarising the game very concretely and precisely), which is a very appropriate way to start a text. You are clear and specific about what forms of data you were collecting, and mention your results. It would benefit the overall appeal of the post if you included some graphical display of […]

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Program: Graphics