Monthly Archives: February 2018
Blog Post #2: Damage Sounds
During this very busy week I have been thinking over the sounds I need to make for this sprint plan and desperately trying to find time to do so. As I finally got some time to myself this afternoon, I managed to put together the start to some damage sounds. I have been considering carefully how I will make the sounds of damage reflect the art style and the emotional impact I want them to invoke. Since our Behemoth ship […]
Blog Post #2: Damage Sounds
During this very busy week I have been thinking over the sounds I need to make for this sprint plan and desperately trying to find time to do so. As I finally got some time to myself this afternoon, I managed to put together the start to some damage sounds. I have been considering carefully how I will make the sounds of damage reflect the art style and the emotional impact I want them to invoke. Since our Behemoth ship […]

Lighting in Umibozu
The game concept my team and I are developing features a cone of light that reveals elements of the game world as its core mechanic. In the original concept the cone originates from the player’s avatar and and rotate automatically and the player can toggle this spot light on and off. In addition a halo of light surrounds the player, extending over a shorter distance than the light cone. Having the light cone on also depletes the player ship’s battery, […]

Lighting in Umibozu
The game concept my team and I are developing features a cone of light that reveals elements of the game world as its core mechanic. In the original concept the cone originates from the player’s avatar and and rotate automatically and the player can toggle this spot light on and off. In addition a halo of light surrounds the player, extending over a shorter distance than the light cone. Having the light cone on also depletes the player ship’s battery, […]

Game Design-group Lycanthrope AI Bees part 2 I’m firing my Lasers
Hello, today I will write about how I upgraded my AI bees for our game. Our AI bees relied on circle colliders, but now they use line casting for detecting all kind of things, but mainly the distance to the player and if a point in the formation is empty. This new system will allow our bees to react dynamically to the player, the honeycomb formation, and the different positions the bees will have in the idle state. I made this […]

Game Design-group Lycanthrope AI Bees part 2 I’m firing my Lasers
Hello, today I will write about how I upgraded my AI bees for our game. Our AI bees relied on circle colliders, but now they use line casting for detecting all kind of things, but mainly the distance to the player and if a point in the formation is empty. This new system will allow our bees to react dynamically to the player, the honeycomb formation, and the different positions the bees will have in the idle state. I made this […]
Working in a small team
Hi everyone!
In this post I’d like to say something more about working in a 4 men squad, fairly small-sized Scrum group. Our set up is: 2 people in graphic department, one programmer and me as a producer. According to Scrum framework, a team should be cross-functional, which means knowledge of all the aspects of development and design is available to the team. In reality, each of us has little to no prior experience with our minors, so in order to […]
Working in a small team
Hi everyone!
In this post I’d like to say something more about working in a 4 men squad, fairly small-sized Scrum group. Our set up is: 2 people in graphic department, one programmer and me as a producer. According to Scrum framework, a team should be cross-functional, which means knowledge of all the aspects of development and design is available to the team. In reality, each of us has little to no prior experience with our minors, so in order to […]

Swimming in the Right Direction
Lately I’ve been working on a swimming shark that is going to be used for two different school projects. It is one of two animations I’m doing for an animation assignment, and it is also going to be the animation of one of the enemies in the game I am making for another course. The biggest challenge when working with this animation has been to balance the different criteria that this animation needs to fulfill. I want it to look […]

Swimming in the Right Direction
Lately I’ve been working on a swimming shark that is going to be used for two different school projects. It is one of two animations I’m doing for an animation assignment, and it is also going to be the animation of one of the enemies in the game I am making for another course. The biggest challenge when working with this animation has been to balance the different criteria that this animation needs to fulfill. I want it to look […]

2nd post – Preparing for the Alpha presentation
This week our team will have the Alpha presentation, which is the major milestone in our “Shoot em up” project. During the presentation we will need to present a chosen concept and explain how we interpreted it. We will also have to present 3 things we are satisfied with the project, and 3 things that we had problems with.
While preparing for this presentation, it was easy to come up with problems we were facing when working with the Alpha features. […]

2nd post – Preparing for the Alpha presentation
This week our team will have the Alpha presentation, which is the major milestone in our “Shoot em up” project. During the presentation we will need to present a chosen concept and explain how we interpreted it. We will also have to present 3 things we are satisfied with the project, and 3 things that we had problems with.
While preparing for this presentation, it was easy to come up with problems we were facing when working with the Alpha features. […]
Designing the Level
Hello Everyone!
This week our team Bugbear decided that we should probably have level design for our game Umibozu. Because right now our game have random enemy spawns, and random power-ups spawns. You just float around on an endless sea and meeting the enemies as you ”progress” forward. It works with game we choose, sure, but we thought we could make our game even better if made a level design. It also makes it easier to make in a sense when […]
Designing the Level
Hello Everyone!
This week our team Bugbear decided that we should probably have level design for our game Umibozu. Because right now our game have random enemy spawns, and random power-ups spawns. You just float around on an endless sea and meeting the enemies as you ”progress” forward. It works with game we choose, sure, but we thought we could make our game even better if made a level design. It also makes it easier to make in a sense when […]

Dev Blog 2, The Harpoon Projectile
This is the second part of my blog detailing what I have worked on while creating the game Umibozo together with my team, based on the designed created by another team.
In Umibozo the player controls a ship equipped with a harpoon. While usually used for fishing, it proves particularly useful when monsters start attacking. In this blog post I will talk about how we designed and implemented the mechanics of the harpoon.
The original design explained the harpoon as a simple […]

Dev Blog 2, The Harpoon Projectile
This is the second part of my blog detailing what I have worked on while creating the game Umibozo together with my team, based on the designed created by another team.
In Umibozo the player controls a ship equipped with a harpoon. While usually used for fishing, it proves particularly useful when monsters start attacking. In this blog post I will talk about how we designed and implemented the mechanics of the harpoon.
The original design explained the harpoon as a simple […]

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Presentation’s Where I Wanna Be
PowerPoint on the beach where the slides are free.
The Alpha Presentation was a perfect subject to put too much effort into instead of doing more important work. I do, however, think it paid off.
I decided that it would be easiest to make the structure by simply copying the topics that were listed as requirements, each slide being on one of the requirements. While I would have preferred to do something more original, it would make the task easier. It would […]

Presentation’s Where I Wanna Be
PowerPoint on the beach where the slides are free.
The Alpha Presentation was a perfect subject to put too much effort into instead of doing more important work. I do, however, think it paid off.
I decided that it would be easiest to make the structure by simply copying the topics that were listed as requirements, each slide being on one of the requirements. While I would have preferred to do something more original, it would make the task easier. It would […]

Boaty water like no other
The ocean is what the player is going to stare at for most of the playthrough. That is why a lot of effort was put into making the ocean look attractive. Some design decisions were made early on, while others came along as the ocean changed between versions of the game. Water would normally go into the art category, but I felt like I could do something interesting, favoring programming techniques instead of art. This post will be one of […]

Boaty water like no other
The ocean is what the player is going to stare at for most of the playthrough. That is why a lot of effort was put into making the ocean look attractive. Some design decisions were made early on, while others came along as the ocean changed between versions of the game. Water would normally go into the art category, but I felt like I could do something interesting, favoring programming techniques instead of art. This post will be one of […]

Blog Post 2 – Bee
Considering that the bee is the main protagonist of our game it’s no more than right that it gets its own post. We technically have two versions of the bee in the game, as the main bee that the player controls is slightly bigger and has a different hue of orange than the swarm bees that essentially serve as the player’s health bar. But since they both share the same core design I’ll discuss them both as one here.
Much like […]

Blog Post 2 – Bee
Considering that the bee is the main protagonist of our game it’s no more than right that it gets its own post. We technically have two versions of the bee in the game, as the main bee that the player controls is slightly bigger and has a different hue of orange than the swarm bees that essentially serve as the player’s health bar. But since they both share the same core design I’ll discuss them both as one here.
Much like […]