Daily Archives: February 27, 2018

Blog Post 2 Comment

Hello Magdalena,
Great job on the blog post! The post was very well structured, showing how the process was iterated upon throughout the sprint. As someone who doesn’t do any art this wasn’t useful at face value, but the general idea of iterations and the full involvement of the group in the decisions you made are of great value to new producers. The idea behind the iterations are also very clear, which helps the reader understand the general purpose. Furthermore all […]

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Blog Post 2 Comment

Hello Magdalena,
Great job on the blog post! The post was very well structured, showing how the process was iterated upon throughout the sprint. As someone who doesn’t do any art this wasn’t useful at face value, but the general idea of iterations and the full involvement of the group in the decisions you made are of great value to new producers. The idea behind the iterations are also very clear, which helps the reader understand the general purpose. Furthermore all […]

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Comments on other posts so far..

Comment #1
General Ship Design by Emma
Hej! You explained your design process very well. When I read your post, I could almost follow everything you were saying as if I were the one designing your ship. You clearly said what was done, how and why.
Also, this post made me think about my very own choices in my designs. When I was reading I kept going back to my own design process, trying to figure out if I was going through what […]

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Program: Graphics

Comments on other posts so far..

Comment #1
General Ship Design by Emma
Hej! You explained your design process very well. When I read your post, I could almost follow everything you were saying as if I were the one designing your ship. You clearly said what was done, how and why.
Also, this post made me think about my very own choices in my designs. When I was reading I kept going back to my own design process, trying to figure out if I was going through what […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog feedback #3

Hi Sofie, good post!
Scrum is indeed a great way to work and splitting the work into sprints is a nice method of seeing how far you’ve come, how far you’ve got left and how things need to change.
You seem to know your way around scrum, I don’t have much to add. You did however mention that your group had some problems when your project manager wasn’t present, and I’ll add to that by saying that we have had a lot […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #3

Hi Sofie, good post!
Scrum is indeed a great way to work and splitting the work into sprints is a nice method of seeing how far you’ve come, how far you’ve got left and how things need to change.
You seem to know your way around scrum, I don’t have much to add. You did however mention that your group had some problems when your project manager wasn’t present, and I’ll add to that by saying that we have had a lot […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #2

Well said Axel. Your post is well structured and fairly easy to follow. One thing I have to note is that it’s pretty hard to understand the whys behind the redesigning of the enemy. Or rather, I could use a longer explanation. You mention that the original design both lacked a sense of mechanics and had too complicated mechanics. How? An explanation or a visualisation of the original design would be great here, some simple drawing perhaps. The only thing […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #2

Well said Axel. Your post is well structured and fairly easy to follow. One thing I have to note is that it’s pretty hard to understand the whys behind the redesigning of the enemy. Or rather, I could use a longer explanation. You mention that the original design both lacked a sense of mechanics and had too complicated mechanics. How? An explanation or a visualisation of the original design would be great here, some simple drawing perhaps. The only thing […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #1

Your post is clearly made and explained simple enough so that someone who knows very little about line art, like myself, can understand. You state what the post is about early on and keep the red thread through-out with very few to almost none tangents. By the end I understand exactly why paying attention to line art is important and how it affects character design, perceived character personalities and how it can work with the game aesthetic. The post is […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #1

Your post is clearly made and explained simple enough so that someone who knows very little about line art, like myself, can understand. You state what the post is about early on and keep the red thread through-out with very few to almost none tangents. By the end I understand exactly why paying attention to line art is important and how it affects character design, perceived character personalities and how it can work with the game aesthetic. The post is […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment #3

Link to original post: https://thedudeleo.wordpress.com/2018/02/22/blog-3-the-importance-of-sprint-retrospectives/
Hello Leo. Thank you for an interesting read.
I like that you explain what scrum is and why it is useful for you and your team. This makes it so that anyone can read what it is you are talking about and also refreshes the already knowledgeable person’s mind. It is also very good that you explain how the sprint retrospective works and bring up the three questions “What things should we stop doing? What should we start doing? What […]

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Blog comment #3

Link to original post: https://thedudeleo.wordpress.com/2018/02/22/blog-3-the-importance-of-sprint-retrospectives/
Hello Leo. Thank you for an interesting read.
I like that you explain what scrum is and why it is useful for you and your team. This makes it so that anyone can read what it is you are talking about and also refreshes the already knowledgeable person’s mind. It is also very good that you explain how the sprint retrospective works and bring up the three questions “What things should we stop doing? What should we start doing? What […]

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Commenting! #3

Original post: “SCRUM”
My comment:
Hello Mateusz,
It was surprising to see how you not only bring up the positive aspects, but also introduce new, more dubious perspective on our current framework in Game Development course. A breath of fresh air! Your standpoint is completely understandable for me and I believe you backed it up well by alluding to Gabriel. (Although, I think you should consider elaborating on what exactly he was telling us, project managers, so that people from other minors […]

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Commenting! #3

Original post: “SCRUM”
My comment:
Hello Mateusz,
It was surprising to see how you not only bring up the positive aspects, but also introduce new, more dubious perspective on our current framework in Game Development course. A breath of fresh air! Your standpoint is completely understandable for me and I believe you backed it up well by alluding to Gabriel. (Although, I think you should consider elaborating on what exactly he was telling us, project managers, so that people from other minors […]

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Comment Archives: Week #2 – Alexander Sinn, Team Cockatrice

I can appreciate how you’ve chosen to take the harder yet potentially more fruitful path by going with the fog instead of nighttime. You explained your process clearly and the way you described it was also clear. I feel like me or someone else could possibly reverse engineer what you did, which, if that was your intention, you’ve succeeded.
Some English advice though. Words like ‘basically’ and ‘essentially’ are similar to ‘like’ in that there are mostly used to fill in […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Archives: Week #2 – Alexander Sinn, Team Cockatrice

I can appreciate how you’ve chosen to take the harder yet potentially more fruitful path by going with the fog instead of nighttime. You explained your process clearly and the way you described it was also clear. I feel like me or someone else could possibly reverse engineer what you did, which, if that was your intention, you’ve succeeded.
Some English advice though. Words like ‘basically’ and ‘essentially’ are similar to ‘like’ in that there are mostly used to fill in […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3 – Comment

Group F, Tomas Savela
What you have done throughout the weeks is clear regarding planning, but I think you could have explained in more detail what you did that was affected by Scum and Agile framework. With meetings and so on.
I like the way you describe and show with two separate gif’s how the game have developed during these weeks, where you clearly see a difference between them.
I also like that you bring up negatives that you learned from, as this […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 3 – Comment

Group F, Tomas Savela
What you have done throughout the weeks is clear regarding planning, but I think you could have explained in more detail what you did that was affected by Scum and Agile framework. With meetings and so on.
I like the way you describe and show with two separate gif’s how the game have developed during these weeks, where you clearly see a difference between them.
I also like that you bring up negatives that you learned from, as this […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 2 – Comment

Group E, Hampus Serrestam
I think you have conveyed the way the test was done in a good way especially with the pictures of the survey, and how they are telling us what you looked for in the test.
One thing I would like to see is a description of the game version that was tested. For example, how long it was, or what the player did in the test, just a summary in other words. So that I can relate the […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 2 – Comment

Group E, Hampus Serrestam
I think you have conveyed the way the test was done in a good way especially with the pictures of the survey, and how they are telling us what you looked for in the test.
One thing I would like to see is a description of the game version that was tested. For example, how long it was, or what the player did in the test, just a summary in other words. So that I can relate the […]

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Program: Game Design


Feedback on the blog post Agile Method – Scrum by Teddy Chavez
Hello Teddy! My name is Oscar Vines and I’m the programmer for team rakshasa.
It’s good that you start with explaining what Scrum actually is, as the whole post would otherwise be very confusing. I do feel that you could have added some more personal insights though, as right now you mainly just described how your group worked and not really what you think about the whole Scrum process. The […]

/ Comments Off on 27-02-2018
Program: Programming


Feedback on the blog post Agile Method – Scrum by Teddy Chavez
Hello Teddy! My name is Oscar Vines and I’m the programmer for team rakshasa.
It’s good that you start with explaining what Scrum actually is, as the whole post would otherwise be very confusing. I do feel that you could have added some more personal insights though, as right now you mainly just described how your group worked and not really what you think about the whole Scrum process. The […]

/ Comments Off on 27-02-2018
Program: Programming

Week 1 – Comment

Group D, Maya Sidén
I think that you have a good explanation on why and what you choose to have different kind of enemies. That they are there to learn the player about what your weapons do, and that you must switch between them to be effective against them.
I think it is a bit unclear of what attack 2 and 3 works, and what they do. As you cannot aim them but still take out enemy number 1 in a more […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 1 – Comment

Group D, Maya Sidén
I think that you have a good explanation on why and what you choose to have different kind of enemies. That they are there to learn the player about what your weapons do, and that you must switch between them to be effective against them.
I think it is a bit unclear of what attack 2 and 3 works, and what they do. As you cannot aim them but still take out enemy number 1 in a more […]

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Program: Game Design