Daily Archives: February 22, 2018

This week our assignment is to write a blog post about how Scrum has affected the development of our game. I’m sure most of the readers of this blog are already familiar with Scrum however to be thorough, I will first briefly explain the basics and then explain how Scrum has been implemented by our group. Specifically, I will write about all the meetings associated with Sprints which I will soon explain in more detail.
Scrum is an agile framework meant to […]

This week our assignment is to write a blog post about how Scrum has affected the development of our game. I’m sure most of the readers of this blog are already familiar with Scrum however to be thorough, I will first briefly explain the basics and then explain how Scrum has been implemented by our group. Specifically, I will write about all the meetings associated with Sprints which I will soon explain in more detail.
Scrum is an agile framework meant to […]

Lycanthrope: Scrum, Agile Development
Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
Scrum the agile method they taught to us during the lectures and that we finally got to apply to our own game development, so what do I have to tell about it?
Scrum has been a very useful tool during our development and is something I would like to use in future development […]

Lycanthrope: Scrum, Agile Development
Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
Scrum the agile method they taught to us during the lectures and that we finally got to apply to our own game development, so what do I have to tell about it?
Scrum has been a very useful tool during our development and is something I would like to use in future development […]
It’s that time of the week again, loyal followers!
This week everyone is expected to write about their experience with Scrum and yours truly is no exception. Now, where to start?
I guess it’s appropriate to start with my initial reaction to Scrum, which was… sceptical, to say the least. I’ve always expected these ”workflow enhancers” and whatnot to be a huge waste of time.I know it may sound narrow-minded but from personal experience they never live up to the hype, nobody […]
It’s that time of the week again, loyal followers!
This week everyone is expected to write about their experience with Scrum and yours truly is no exception. Now, where to start?
I guess it’s appropriate to start with my initial reaction to Scrum, which was… sceptical, to say the least. I’ve always expected these ”workflow enhancers” and whatnot to be a huge waste of time.I know it may sound narrow-minded but from personal experience they never live up to the hype, nobody […]

The agile way to achieve boatiness
Game development requires planning in order to be structured. The extra work required to do the planning is worth it because it makes the rest of the work easier. Going for an agile framework over a traditional one is usually preferred for software development.
Making it go around
In agile development, the product is broken up into pieces, with the goal being incrementally improving it throughout the iterations. An iteration is one of many work cycles in the development process. At the […]

The agile way to achieve boatiness
Game development requires planning in order to be structured. The extra work required to do the planning is worth it because it makes the rest of the work easier. Going for an agile framework over a traditional one is usually preferred for software development.
Making it go around
In agile development, the product is broken up into pieces, with the goal being incrementally improving it throughout the iterations. An iteration is one of many work cycles in the development process. At the […]

Agile Programming
Welcome back honored blog-reader,
Fredrik here again, and today I will discuss Scrum and how it has affected my personal workflow throughout this project. First off I would like to talk about the bad parts. For instance, the fact that there are now multiple additional obstacles in the way of me sitting down and actually coding. Which as a fairly lazy person is definitely a huge problem. Not only do I have to make a new task within HacknPlan (the Kanban […]

Agile Programming
Welcome back honored blog-reader,
Fredrik here again, and today I will discuss Scrum and how it has affected my personal workflow throughout this project. First off I would like to talk about the bad parts. For instance, the fact that there are now multiple additional obstacles in the way of me sitting down and actually coding. Which as a fairly lazy person is definitely a huge problem. Not only do I have to make a new task within HacknPlan (the Kanban […]

Third Post: Scrum
This week I am going to talk a little bit about the work method my team is required to use and how it affected our development process.
My team and I work with a method called scrum. Basically how each work week looks like is that we pick a number of items from a list of things that need to be done, and work with them throughout the week. At the end of the week we review how far we have […]

Third Post: Scrum
This week I am going to talk a little bit about the work method my team is required to use and how it affected our development process.
My team and I work with a method called scrum. Basically how each work week looks like is that we pick a number of items from a list of things that need to be done, and work with them throughout the week. At the end of the week we review how far we have […]

Blog 3: Working with Scrum
When we started working on this project we were told to use a method called Scrum. Scrum is an agile work method where the group breaks down the project and starts doing iterations. These iterations are supposed to take 1-2 weeks to complete and are often planned at the start of a so-called “Sprint”, another name for the 1-2 iteration.
When we started working we chose to break down the entire concept including the userstories to so-called assets that were put […]

Blog 3: Working with Scrum
When we started working on this project we were told to use a method called Scrum. Scrum is an agile work method where the group breaks down the project and starts doing iterations. These iterations are supposed to take 1-2 weeks to complete and are often planned at the start of a so-called “Sprint”, another name for the 1-2 iteration.
When we started working we chose to break down the entire concept including the userstories to so-called assets that were put […]
Scrum – Yay or nay?
I’ll try and be quick with this.
Scrum is a work framework that emphasizes iterative development and being agile. It’s made for small teams, but can be scaled up. Development is divided into sprints, in our case these last one week, but should preferably be a bit longer, two weeks is apparently common. At the start of a sprint there is a sprint planning where the team members discuss and pick the tasks they’ll be working on during the sprint, and […]
Scrum – Yay or nay?
I’ll try and be quick with this.
Scrum is a work framework that emphasizes iterative development and being agile. It’s made for small teams, but can be scaled up. Development is divided into sprints, in our case these last one week, but should preferably be a bit longer, two weeks is apparently common. At the start of a sprint there is a sprint planning where the team members discuss and pick the tasks they’ll be working on during the sprint, and […]
Scrum Reflections
So, for this blogpost I will talk a bit about Scrum and Agile and how that effects game development, and especially how it affects our group’s development.
I will start right of the bat that we don’t really work in a Scrum or Agile environment, at least not in the way our course literature and we in Design/Design class have been taught earlier. This is more of an adaptation and version of Scrum that isn’t really the most optimal way. But […]
Scrum Reflections
So, for this blogpost I will talk a bit about Scrum and Agile and how that effects game development, and especially how it affects our group’s development.
I will start right of the bat that we don’t really work in a Scrum or Agile environment, at least not in the way our course literature and we in Design/Design class have been taught earlier. This is more of an adaptation and version of Scrum that isn’t really the most optimal way. But […]
Scrum and Sirens
The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.
As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]
Scrum and Sirens
The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.
As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]