Daily Archives: February 15, 2018

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Presentation’s Where I Wanna Be
PowerPoint on the beach where the slides are free.
The Alpha Presentation was a perfect subject to put too much effort into instead of doing more important work. I do, however, think it paid off.
I decided that it would be easiest to make the structure by simply copying the topics that were listed as requirements, each slide being on one of the requirements. While I would have preferred to do something more original, it would make the task easier. It would […]

Presentation’s Where I Wanna Be
PowerPoint on the beach where the slides are free.
The Alpha Presentation was a perfect subject to put too much effort into instead of doing more important work. I do, however, think it paid off.
I decided that it would be easiest to make the structure by simply copying the topics that were listed as requirements, each slide being on one of the requirements. While I would have preferred to do something more original, it would make the task easier. It would […]

Boaty water like no other
The ocean is what the player is going to stare at for most of the playthrough. That is why a lot of effort was put into making the ocean look attractive. Some design decisions were made early on, while others came along as the ocean changed between versions of the game. Water would normally go into the art category, but I felt like I could do something interesting, favoring programming techniques instead of art. This post will be one of […]

Boaty water like no other
The ocean is what the player is going to stare at for most of the playthrough. That is why a lot of effort was put into making the ocean look attractive. Some design decisions were made early on, while others came along as the ocean changed between versions of the game. Water would normally go into the art category, but I felt like I could do something interesting, favoring programming techniques instead of art. This post will be one of […]

Blog Post 2 – Bee
Considering that the bee is the main protagonist of our game it’s no more than right that it gets its own post. We technically have two versions of the bee in the game, as the main bee that the player controls is slightly bigger and has a different hue of orange than the swarm bees that essentially serve as the player’s health bar. But since they both share the same core design I’ll discuss them both as one here.
Much like […]

Blog Post 2 – Bee
Considering that the bee is the main protagonist of our game it’s no more than right that it gets its own post. We technically have two versions of the bee in the game, as the main bee that the player controls is slightly bigger and has a different hue of orange than the swarm bees that essentially serve as the player’s health bar. But since they both share the same core design I’ll discuss them both as one here.
Much like […]

Blog post #2 Monster approach sound
!Link to the music clip at the end!
Team Cockatrice is building a Japanese mythology inspired game. In this game, you as the player traverse a foggy sea while mythical monsters try to get in your way. Even though there are enemies, the game is more about the feeling of threat and the sense of adventure without actually being in danger. So how do you design sound for these monsters?
This week I made several sound effect clips, amongst them were the […]

Blog post #2 Monster approach sound
!Link to the music clip at the end!
Team Cockatrice is building a Japanese mythology inspired game. In this game, you as the player traverse a foggy sea while mythical monsters try to get in your way. Even though there are enemies, the game is more about the feeling of threat and the sense of adventure without actually being in danger. So how do you design sound for these monsters?
This week I made several sound effect clips, amongst them were the […]

Fog and Darkness system
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have been redesigning how the fog system works within our game to help us in the team to solve the problem of creating levels and a sense of progression within our game. As our game is a vertically scrolling game that takes place on the open ocean and with randomly spawned enemies we had a hard time solving this […]

Fog and Darkness system
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have been redesigning how the fog system works within our game to help us in the team to solve the problem of creating levels and a sense of progression within our game. As our game is a vertically scrolling game that takes place on the open ocean and with randomly spawned enemies we had a hard time solving this […]

Game Design journal 2
Mikael Ferroukhi date: 15/02/18
During this second week, I have so far been mainly working on tasks related to my Graphic Minor, while slowing down on my “team related” work. This means that instead of drawing placeholders and art in general, I have preferred to focus on an Art assignment that is due for the next week.
I decided to go in this direction because the assignment consist of drawing two different animation for a character of my choice. The thing is […]

Game Design journal 2
Mikael Ferroukhi date: 15/02/18
During this second week, I have so far been mainly working on tasks related to my Graphic Minor, while slowing down on my “team related” work. This means that instead of drawing placeholders and art in general, I have preferred to focus on an Art assignment that is due for the next week.
I decided to go in this direction because the assignment consist of drawing two different animation for a character of my choice. The thing is […]

Creating A Relatively Easy Enemy From A Mechanical/Dynamic/Aesthetic View
Today I will blog a bit about what we are calling The Pufferfish
How did we design a relatively easy enemy?
This is The Pufferfish, it is supposed to be one of the easiest enemies in the game. We wanted to create an original enemy as opposed to what was written in the original concept document.We chose to do this because we felt that the original design lacked a sense of mechanics, or rather too complicated mechanics. But also […]

Creating A Relatively Easy Enemy From A Mechanical/Dynamic/Aesthetic View
Today I will blog a bit about what we are calling The Pufferfish
How did we design a relatively easy enemy?
This is The Pufferfish, it is supposed to be one of the easiest enemies in the game. We wanted to create an original enemy as opposed to what was written in the original concept document.We chose to do this because we felt that the original design lacked a sense of mechanics, or rather too complicated mechanics. But also […]

The Design and Code of Aetherial’s Harpoon
As I have mentioned in my previous blog post, we wanted the Harpoon to be more versatile than it was supposed to be in the original concept document. Instead of being the weapon of choice for the player we decided to make it slow firing, but deal a lot of damage. This way the player still wanted to use it in certain situations, but since the harpoon also couldn’t be aimed he would have to use the beam attack to […]

The Design and Code of Aetherial’s Harpoon
As I have mentioned in my previous blog post, we wanted the Harpoon to be more versatile than it was supposed to be in the original concept document. Instead of being the weapon of choice for the player we decided to make it slow firing, but deal a lot of damage. This way the player still wanted to use it in certain situations, but since the harpoon also couldn’t be aimed he would have to use the beam attack to […]

2018.02.15 – Enemy follow/move towards Player in a 2D Environment (NOT Pathfinding!)
Topic: How to create a basic “chasing” A.I. (i.e. stupid zombie like )
Why this is NOT pathfinding!
Simply put pathfinding implies obstacle avoidance, which this method doesn’t do. In other words, using the method described below, your enemies will be running head first into obstacles and do so until they are killed or they are destroyed.
Why it is a working placeholder solution for our game?
Considering the enemies in this game are wedding-attendees who transformed into zombie-like demons, the player expects […]

2018.02.15 – Enemy follow/move towards Player in a 2D Environment (NOT Pathfinding!)
Topic: How to create a basic “chasing” A.I. (i.e. stupid zombie like )
Why this is NOT pathfinding!
Simply put pathfinding implies obstacle avoidance, which this method doesn’t do. In other words, using the method described below, your enemies will be running head first into obstacles and do so until they are killed or they are destroyed.
Why it is a working placeholder solution for our game?
Considering the enemies in this game are wedding-attendees who transformed into zombie-like demons, the player expects […]

the role of a Lead Artist
Today I would like to discuss the role of a Lead Artist (from here on referred to as LA) as I have implemented it during my work with Depth.
Our group (Ettin) has two graphic designers (blessed), so it was not a clear choice who should take on the role as LA. Since there were only one of each other minor in the team, we reasoned that the ”extra” artist would be Lead Sound Designer. Truthfully, I don’t recall exactly what […]

the role of a Lead Artist
Today I would like to discuss the role of a Lead Artist (from here on referred to as LA) as I have implemented it during my work with Depth.
Our group (Ettin) has two graphic designers (blessed), so it was not a clear choice who should take on the role as LA. Since there were only one of each other minor in the team, we reasoned that the ”extra” artist would be Lead Sound Designer. Truthfully, I don’t recall exactly what […]

Lighting effects in Unity
I’m Guy Dimor, lead coder for team Wendigo, and today I’ll write about my journey into the wonderful world of lighting, Unity, and the combination thereof.
After the alpha playtests, my group decided that our immediate priorities are the implementation of the ‘fog mechanic’, concealing the true nature of game objects, and lighting effects, to add to the atmosphere of the game and greatly enhance the player’s experience.
Once I was done with the aforementioned fog mechanic, which involved using sprite masks […]

Lighting effects in Unity
I’m Guy Dimor, lead coder for team Wendigo, and today I’ll write about my journey into the wonderful world of lighting, Unity, and the combination thereof.
After the alpha playtests, my group decided that our immediate priorities are the implementation of the ‘fog mechanic’, concealing the true nature of game objects, and lighting effects, to add to the atmosphere of the game and greatly enhance the player’s experience.
Once I was done with the aforementioned fog mechanic, which involved using sprite masks […]