Yearly Archives: 2017

BGP #2

But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #2

But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]

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Program: Programming

What the puppet boy been up to

I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

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Program: Graphics

What the puppet boy been up to

I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 20

Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme. 
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 20

Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme. 
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

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Program: Graphics

Week three and four

Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.

I […]

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Program: Graphics

Week three and four

Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.

I […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP 2017 – The tools

For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:

In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]

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Program: Programming

BGP 2017 – The tools

For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:

In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear Blog 1.

Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren.  Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt.  Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear Blog 1.

Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren.  Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt.  Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.3-4 Fast Gear

I slutet av förra veckan (V.3 av produktionen) så hade vi ett ”pre-alpha” speltest med de andra eleverna i klassen. Detta gjordes för att få och ge feedback till spelen som har gjorts. Den responsen vi fick var att AI:n var alldeles för svår och att bilkörningen inte kändes ”äkta”. Detta kommer vi att ha i åtanke när vi fortsätter produktionen. Det gavs även respons på att den asymmetriska vyn på kameran hade ett lagg vid övergången till en annan vy.
Under […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion V.3-4 Fast Gear

I slutet av förra veckan (V.3 av produktionen) så hade vi ett ”pre-alpha” speltest med de andra eleverna i klassen. Detta gjordes för att få och ge feedback till spelen som har gjorts. Den responsen vi fick var att AI:n var alldeles för svår och att bilkörningen inte kändes ”äkta”. Detta kommer vi att ha i åtanke när vi fortsätter produktionen. Det gavs även respons på att den asymmetriska vyn på kameran hade ett lagg vid övergången till en annan vy.
Under […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype and Networking

In the current course we are to make a ‘vertical slice’ of a game. We are 7 people in my group; 4 are graphical artists, and 3 are programmers. 1 of the artists are is the lead designer, and 1 of the programmers is the producer. The producer has so far not made any of the code, so I and the other programmer have made the code we have produced so far.
The Game
 The game is called “A Rat […]

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Program: Programming

Prototype and Networking

In the current course we are to make a ‘vertical slice’ of a game. We are 7 people in my group; 4 are graphical artists, and 3 are programmers. 1 of the artists are is the lead designer, and 1 of the programmers is the producer. The producer has so far not made any of the code, so I and the other programmer have made the code we have produced so far.
The Game
 The game is called “A Rat […]

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Program: Programming

DynaMine: The Beginning.

Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

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Program: Graphics

DynaMine: The Beginning.

Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 19.1

Vertex Painting and Tessellation
The sun is shining and springs is here, what better than to spend your time sitting inside, learning about materials and tessellation? At least that is what I did. I wanted to look into that, since our Lead Artist asked me if I knew how to use it, I didn’t, but now I do! Also another thing was mentioned when the programmers had their QA with their teacher. The teacher was worried that we wouldn’t get all the […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 19.1

Vertex Painting and Tessellation
The sun is shining and springs is here, what better than to spend your time sitting inside, learning about materials and tessellation? At least that is what I did. I wanted to look into that, since our Lead Artist asked me if I knew how to use it, I didn’t, but now I do! Also another thing was mentioned when the programmers had their QA with their teacher. The teacher was worried that we wouldn’t get all the […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 4

Week 4 started with rework on the drone to make the outer neon light strips larger. We then experimented with different colors and patterns to find something we liked. We knew we wanted something with a simple color scheme like the rest of the environment, almost like the rocks, but lighter in tone. The body also needed to look different from the wings. As such, we experimented with different shades of grey until we stumbled upon […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 4

Week 4 started with rework on the drone to make the outer neon light strips larger. We then experimented with different colors and patterns to find something we liked. We knew we wanted something with a simple color scheme like the rest of the environment, almost like the rocks, but lighter in tone. The body also needed to look different from the wings. As such, we experimented with different shades of grey until we stumbled upon […]

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Program: Graphics


The point of this series of blogs will be to explain and archive my workprocess, which means that it’s as much for myself as it is for you, the reader.
So to first describe the project in question: Fast Gear is a racing game which is heavily inspired by formula 1 and dating simulators. The main thing that seperates it from others within its genre is its focus on story and character-interaction between races. It’ll not stop there though, what we […]

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Program: Game Design


The point of this series of blogs will be to explain and archive my workprocess, which means that it’s as much for myself as it is for you, the reader.
So to first describe the project in question: Fast Gear is a racing game which is heavily inspired by formula 1 and dating simulators. The main thing that seperates it from others within its genre is its focus on story and character-interaction between races. It’ll not stop there though, what we […]

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Program: Game Design