Daily Archives: August 13, 2017

Life drawing – final assignments
Hello all! This summer has gone by so unbelievably fast, I get a bit stressed out when I think about it. But it’s definitely been fun!
Our final assignment in life drawing class was twofold; the first part was to make a sculpture, which we did in class with a model as a reference. The second part was to redraw a classical painting, but change it slightly.
Here’s my sculpture:
I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out. […]

Life drawing – final assignments
Hello all! This summer has gone by so unbelievably fast, I get a bit stressed out when I think about it. But it’s definitely been fun!
Our final assignment in life drawing class was twofold; the first part was to make a sculpture, which we did in class with a model as a reference. The second part was to redraw a classical painting, but change it slightly.
Here’s my sculpture:
I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out. […]