Daily Archives: June 28, 2017

Recordings are online!
All* the presentations and the Award Ceremony are finally available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!
Platform Pressures and Perils by Chris Franklin
From Porn to Love: Games’ Growing Up! by Doris C. Rusch
Vulvas on the Tablet: Cunt Touch This by […]

Recordings are online!
All* the presentations and the Award Ceremony are finally available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!
Platform Pressures and Perils by Chris Franklin
From Porn to Love: Games’ Growing Up! by Doris C. Rusch
Vulvas on the Tablet: Cunt Touch This by […]
Step Counter
Making the step counter was easy in the sense of that there are many various sources of documentations and blog posts of people receiving help in these kinds of problems. Our game went through so many changes that in the end it became a type of activity app with a Tamagotchi experience tied to it. The activity part was necessary in our opinion because we wanted to set our game apart from the many apps that was similar to the […]
Step Counter
Making the step counter was easy in the sense of that there are many various sources of documentations and blog posts of people receiving help in these kinds of problems. Our game went through so many changes that in the end it became a type of activity app with a Tamagotchi experience tied to it. The activity part was necessary in our opinion because we wanted to set our game apart from the many apps that was similar to the […]