Daily Archives: June 7, 2017

Tablet Material
Our sensor audio output was to be visualized on a tablet screen. For this, I’d need spectrometer data from the audio files that were playing, but before getting a hold of that, I needed some way of visualizing the data. At the time I had not yet worked much with Unreal Engine’s material graph. I have written shaders in both HLSL (high-level shading language) and GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) so I had a vague idea of what I was getting […]

Tablet Material
Our sensor audio output was to be visualized on a tablet screen. For this, I’d need spectrometer data from the audio files that were playing, but before getting a hold of that, I needed some way of visualizing the data. At the time I had not yet worked much with Unreal Engine’s material graph. I have written shaders in both HLSL (high-level shading language) and GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) so I had a vague idea of what I was getting […]

Big Game Project Post 5
This post will mainly be about the 3D modelling, UV mapping and texturing that went in the last week before GGC.
Somewhere between 1-2 weeks before GGC we had to make some changes to our graphics to save time. Therefor i sat down one day, locked myself up in my apartment and started creating a human base. With this i could create all remaining characters to the same quality, reusing the same animations, rigg and most of the skinning. This was […]

Big Game Project Post 5
This post will mainly be about the 3D modelling, UV mapping and texturing that went in the last week before GGC.
Somewhere between 1-2 weeks before GGC we had to make some changes to our graphics to save time. Therefor i sat down one day, locked myself up in my apartment and started creating a human base. With this i could create all remaining characters to the same quality, reusing the same animations, rigg and most of the skinning. This was […]

Easy level making
Hi! In todays blogpost I would like to talk about how we made our levels in A Rat Betwixt.
The levels are designed around the game being square-grid based and around the overlooking camera angle.
The first step to creating a room for the level is whiteboxing an idea in the engine. The one I am showing today ended up looking like this:
The whiteboxed room in the engine shot from straight above
As you can see in the picture I have left room […]

Easy level making
Hi! In todays blogpost I would like to talk about how we made our levels in A Rat Betwixt.
The levels are designed around the game being square-grid based and around the overlooking camera angle.
The first step to creating a room for the level is whiteboxing an idea in the engine. The one I am showing today ended up looking like this:
The whiteboxed room in the engine shot from straight above
As you can see in the picture I have left room […]

BGP – 6
In last post I talked about bikes and bike stands etc! So I guess now I should introduce the school…
The good thing about our game is that we had a time limit. That basically means the player doesn’t have too much time to roam around and investigate the environment and notice all the possible things that could be missing. There can be so much weird things located in classrooms, especially in elementary school because they are filled with drawings made […]

BGP – 6
In last post I talked about bikes and bike stands etc! So I guess now I should introduce the school…
The good thing about our game is that we had a time limit. That basically means the player doesn’t have too much time to roam around and investigate the environment and notice all the possible things that could be missing. There can be so much weird things located in classrooms, especially in elementary school because they are filled with drawings made […]
A new beginning: Rune Mages in retrospect!
Time has come once again to write on this blog. This time, I will be writing about my second-year project, Rune Mages! Again, I was the Lead Programmer, and as such I will be discussing topics primarlily concerning structuring the systems behind the scenes.
See you soon!
A new beginning: Rune Mages in retrospect!
Time has come once again to write on this blog. This time, I will be writing about my second-year project, Rune Mages! Again, I was the Lead Programmer, and as such I will be discussing topics primarlily concerning structuring the systems behind the scenes.
See you soon!