Daily Archives: June 5, 2017
BGP – 2
This time I’m going to talk a little about our characters for the game. In the game we are planning to have five people that are missing, a bunch of rescue workers and citizens that roam around the streets. We have been working on the survivors since they happen to be the most crucial characters in the game.
Before the start of the course we had a conversation with our 3D teacher and she suggested that we used a program called […]
BGP – 2
This time I’m going to talk a little about our characters for the game. In the game we are planning to have five people that are missing, a bunch of rescue workers and citizens that roam around the streets. We have been working on the survivors since they happen to be the most crucial characters in the game.
Before the start of the course we had a conversation with our 3D teacher and she suggested that we used a program called […]

BGP – 1
I am working on my fellow classmate’s concept called Sound of Life for two months and I am going to post a couple of blogs where I explain about my part of the project and talk a little about possible stumbling blocks during the journey and how I manage to solve them.
So lets start with the simple question: What is Sound of Life?
Sound of Life is a first-person game where you play as a rescue worker and you are located […]

BGP – 1
I am working on my fellow classmate’s concept called Sound of Life for two months and I am going to post a couple of blogs where I explain about my part of the project and talk a little about possible stumbling blocks during the journey and how I manage to solve them.
So lets start with the simple question: What is Sound of Life?
Sound of Life is a first-person game where you play as a rescue worker and you are located […]

Eyes Align – Switching Engine to Ren’py
As the three first weeks of production came to a close, our attempts at using Unreal 4.0 as our game engine has been less fruitful than we expected, and as our alpha deadline draws close, a switch to something more suited for our project was deemed necessary.
Enter Ren’py, a game engine designed specifically for visual novels:
”Ren’Py is a visual novel engine – used by hundreds of creators from around the world – that helps you use words, images, and sounds […]

Eyes Align – Switching Engine to Ren’py
As the three first weeks of production came to a close, our attempts at using Unreal 4.0 as our game engine has been less fruitful than we expected, and as our alpha deadline draws close, a switch to something more suited for our project was deemed necessary.
Enter Ren’py, a game engine designed specifically for visual novels:
”Ren’Py is a visual novel engine – used by hundreds of creators from around the world – that helps you use words, images, and sounds […]

Week 7 – Local multiplayer
We planed for our game to have a 1 vs 1 local multiplayer. That means that the player fights against another player on the same device.
But how to implement it ? In unreal engine it is accually really easy by using the blueprint system. The first thing i needed to do is to create a second player in the level blueprint. Because unreal engine is zero based i had to set the create player blueprint to zero where player one is […]

Week 7 – Local multiplayer
We planed for our game to have a 1 vs 1 local multiplayer. That means that the player fights against another player on the same device.
But how to implement it ? In unreal engine it is accually really easy by using the blueprint system. The first thing i needed to do is to create a second player in the level blueprint. Because unreal engine is zero based i had to set the create player blueprint to zero where player one is […]

Swedish Game Awards 2017
We’re still busy publishing content from the Gotland Game Conference so this post will be brief: the The Swedish Game Awards took place in Visby this weekend and it was a blast!
The SGA is a national competition for all game educations, and this year our students took home no less than three awards!
Eyes Align – Best Execution in Narrative
Pump The […]

Swedish Game Awards 2017
We’re still busy publishing content from the Gotland Game Conference so this post will be brief: the The Swedish Game Awards took place in Visby this weekend and it was a blast!
The SGA is a national competition for all game educations, and this year our students took home no less than three awards!
Eyes Align – Best Execution in Narrative
Pump The […]

The Wreck Deck – Damage System – Week 6
Today i am going to talk about the Damage system i have implementet in our game.
The plan was to give the sword wich the player is using for damaging the other player as soon they are in a boarding situation. I was working a lot with the blueprint system in unreal engine. Which is acctually a skripting language for devs. That means that you dont need to code everything it is a visual coding language.
The first thing i did to […]

The Wreck Deck – Damage System – Week 6
Today i am going to talk about the Damage system i have implementet in our game.
The plan was to give the sword wich the player is using for damaging the other player as soon they are in a boarding situation. I was working a lot with the blueprint system in unreal engine. Which is acctually a skripting language for devs. That means that you dont need to code everything it is a visual coding language.
The first thing i did to […]
Rune Mages – Play-testing
During the last week of the production we had cut out eight out of fifteen spells from the game which ment that a lot of the work I had done wasn’t going to be in the game. The time constraints finally caught up to us and we needed to start fixing bugs and not implement more features. During the final week I was almost exclusively play-testing our game to find bugs and other unwanted behavior. If there was a wanted […]
Rune Mages – Play-testing
During the last week of the production we had cut out eight out of fifteen spells from the game which ment that a lot of the work I had done wasn’t going to be in the game. The time constraints finally caught up to us and we needed to start fixing bugs and not implement more features. During the final week I was almost exclusively play-testing our game to find bugs and other unwanted behavior. If there was a wanted […]
A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #5 – Additional Problems
Featured image – “This is fine dog” by KC Green
Personal Status
Hello! Back again with another insight blog post into the Game Design Project – A Rat Betwixt.
So, a project such as a game project takes quite a bit of time and work to get finished. This can be quite the stressful period with a lot of crunching (working extra hours beyond the “normal” amount of extra hours. Often multiple hours after midnight after a normal 9-17 work day) just to hit those […]
A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #5 – Additional Problems
Featured image – “This is fine dog” by KC Green
Personal Status
Hello! Back again with another insight blog post into the Game Design Project – A Rat Betwixt.
So, a project such as a game project takes quite a bit of time and work to get finished. This can be quite the stressful period with a lot of crunching (working extra hours beyond the “normal” amount of extra hours. Often multiple hours after midnight after a normal 9-17 work day) just to hit those […]

The wreck deck – Real time Lightning
Iam going to talk about how i made the lightinig this week.
So as an programmer i had some clues how to get good lightning in the game but i was not sure. I startet to watch some turtorials and found a really good turtorial in youtube . The lightning academy for unreal on youtube helped me with a lot of problems i faced when i made the lightning. There are some tools in unreal which helps to get an more […]

The wreck deck – Real time Lightning
Iam going to talk about how i made the lightinig this week.
So as an programmer i had some clues how to get good lightning in the game but i was not sure. I startet to watch some turtorials and found a really good turtorial in youtube . The lightning academy for unreal on youtube helped me with a lot of problems i faced when i made the lightning. There are some tools in unreal which helps to get an more […]

Rune Mages – Burning Hands VFX
In our game Rune Mages a key mechanic is to combine runes to make different spells. But what do you get if you combine a fire rune with a water rune? We decided that it would be a water spray on fire. This spell has greater range then the water spray spell but is also cone shaped and it does a lot of damage. Unlike the water spray I didn’t have any problem selling the effect as a “fire spray” […]

Rune Mages – Burning Hands VFX
In our game Rune Mages a key mechanic is to combine runes to make different spells. But what do you get if you combine a fire rune with a water rune? We decided that it would be a water spray on fire. This spell has greater range then the water spray spell but is also cone shaped and it does a lot of damage. Unlike the water spray I didn’t have any problem selling the effect as a “fire spray” […]