Monthly Archives: May 2017

Tillbaka till rosornas och ruinernas stad

Den här bloggen har varit helt bortglömd i flera månader nu. Mycket har skett sen jag senast skrev här. Jag ska dra igenom allting så snabbt jag kan innan jag kommer fram till varför jag bestämde mig för att skriva ett inlägg efter denna tystnad.
Innan jag avslutade min studier på Campus Gotland så hade jag redan fått en timanställning på det fantastiska företaget A Small Game där jag hade rollen som PR Manager i nästan ett år. Där hade […]

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Program: Programming

Tillbaka till rosornas och ruinernas stad

Den här bloggen har varit helt bortglömd i flera månader nu. Mycket har skett sen jag senast skrev här. Jag ska dra igenom allting så snabbt jag kan innan jag kommer fram till varför jag bestämde mig för att skriva ett inlägg efter denna tystnad.
Innan jag avslutade min studier på Campus Gotland så hade jag redan fått en timanställning på det fantastiska företaget A Small Game där jag hade rollen som PR Manager i nästan ett år. Där hade […]

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Program: Programming

It’s Unreal!

Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

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Program: Graphics

It’s Unreal!

Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Five: Some UI

We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Five: Some UI

We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]

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Program: Graphics

High-Poly Statues

As previously mentioned in this blog, I worked on creating statues for the gods in the game. When I last wrote a post about this I was almost finished with the low-poly for Anubis. I shortly after that started to work on Horus. To make life easier for everybody we decided to reuse Anubis body and replacing the head. This worked quite well and I only had to make some small alterations to Horus’s body.
When it was time for me […]

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Program: Graphics

High-Poly Statues

As previously mentioned in this blog, I worked on creating statues for the gods in the game. When I last wrote a post about this I was almost finished with the low-poly for Anubis. I shortly after that started to work on Horus. To make life easier for everybody we decided to reuse Anubis body and replacing the head. This worked quite well and I only had to make some small alterations to Horus’s body.
When it was time for me […]

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Program: Graphics

sjätte vecka och framåt till veckan innan GGC och slutet för kursen

Det inträffade många olika saker mellan vecka 6 och framåt till nu.
Vi fick göra om flera saker som vi trodde fungera bra, men nätverks delarna i projektet fick en så enkel sak som väg att som är två torn, och vägen mellan tornen var olika segment kom vi upp i en nivå som vi inte kände till att den inte klara av att sköta mer än 999 olika Photonview. i “Photon Netework FrameWork”. efter den var nåd kunde man inte […]

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Program: Programming

sjätte vecka och framåt till veckan innan GGC och slutet för kursen

Det inträffade många olika saker mellan vecka 6 och framåt till nu.
Vi fick göra om flera saker som vi trodde fungera bra, men nätverks delarna i projektet fick en så enkel sak som väg att som är två torn, och vägen mellan tornen var olika segment kom vi upp i en nivå som vi inte kände till att den inte klara av att sköta mer än 999 olika Photonview. i “Photon Netework FrameWork”. efter den var nåd kunde man inte […]

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Program: Programming

The Sling mechanic

In the last blogpost I wrote about cleaning the Demon class and creating a FSM to make it easier to implement new states. Now I have been able to harvest what I sow. Now the Demon player can sling objects against the Human player to inflict damage.  As a start I made a prototype on the sling in one of our offline test scenes beffore the implementation to the real game. This was mostly so that I wouldn’t need to bother with network stuff and other […]

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Program: Programming

The Sling mechanic

In the last blogpost I wrote about cleaning the Demon class and creating a FSM to make it easier to implement new states. Now I have been able to harvest what I sow. Now the Demon player can sling objects against the Human player to inflict damage.  As a start I made a prototype on the sling in one of our offline test scenes beffore the implementation to the real game. This was mostly so that I wouldn’t need to bother with network stuff and other […]

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Program: Programming

The Summoning – Blog Post 3

Hello again!
I am Peo Johansson, a graphical artist and resident sound designer on team Ninja Slice. We’re working on the game concept The Summoning. 
I’ve already gone over the game concept itself in the previous blogs, so for this blog post I’ll just jump straight to the point. This time, I’ll write about a 3D model for a character in our game that I’ve worked on. To be specific, the second type of minion that the real time strategy side player control.
Unlike the minion […]

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Program: Graphics

The Summoning – Blog Post 3

Hello again!
I am Peo Johansson, a graphical artist and resident sound designer on team Ninja Slice. We’re working on the game concept The Summoning. 
I’ve already gone over the game concept itself in the previous blogs, so for this blog post I’ll just jump straight to the point. This time, I’ll write about a 3D model for a character in our game that I’ve worked on. To be specific, the second type of minion that the real time strategy side player control.
Unlike the minion […]

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Program: Graphics

So I made a pause menu

Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.

Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

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Program: Programming

So I made a pause menu

Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.

Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

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Program: Programming

The Summoning 06

This is the last time that I will write this blog before Gotland Game Conference. This is also the part where I will write about the textures in the game.
For our game, The Summoning, the art style is kind of special. I have mentioned this before in previous posts. So, because the style is like ink on parchment paper the color needed to be minimalistic.
As the lead artist and communication with the producer it was decided to have color only […]

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Program: Graphics

The Summoning 06

This is the last time that I will write this blog before Gotland Game Conference. This is also the part where I will write about the textures in the game.
For our game, The Summoning, the art style is kind of special. I have mentioned this before in previous posts. So, because the style is like ink on parchment paper the color needed to be minimalistic.
As the lead artist and communication with the producer it was decided to have color only […]

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Program: Graphics

update #6 last minute aditions

Since it’s the last week and we are 99% done with all art most of the time is spent polishing all the existing assets.
We are balling around the idea of trying to add some sort off powerps to the game. powerups would be aquired from getting diffrent companies to sponsor your team.
So i made some quick logos for diffrent companies that would give the players car diffrent stat boosts.

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Program: Graphics

update #6 last minute aditions

Since it’s the last week and we are 99% done with all art most of the time is spent polishing all the existing assets.
We are balling around the idea of trying to add some sort off powerps to the game. powerups would be aquired from getting diffrent companies to sponsor your team.
So i made some quick logos for diffrent companies that would give the players car diffrent stat boosts.

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Program: Graphics

BGP #6

My last blog post and I will summarize what I have done until now.
In the beginning of creating our game I started making the camera for the player, the camera did not go as planned and I ended up making 4-5 different cameras with various functions. So I decided that another point of view would be better so I let someone else look at it and I could move on. The next thing was the HUD, the hud contained health, […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #6

My last blog post and I will summarize what I have done until now.
In the beginning of creating our game I started making the camera for the player, the camera did not go as planned and I ended up making 4-5 different cameras with various functions. So I decided that another point of view would be better so I let someone else look at it and I could move on. The next thing was the HUD, the hud contained health, […]

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Program: Programming

Part 5: Some thoughts on Color

Since Rune Mages uses Physically Based Rendering, there are some rules that must be followed for the highest visual fidelity and functionality. There are some general guidelines, such as The Comprehensive PBR Guide, that let’s you understand what values are PBR and which ones who arent. The Marmoset PBR guide is splendid as well.
So, with all these things in consideration, it is important to stay neutral in the albedo’s color. If the albedo is excessively saturated the surface will not remain […]

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Program: Graphics

Part 5: Some thoughts on Color

Since Rune Mages uses Physically Based Rendering, there are some rules that must be followed for the highest visual fidelity and functionality. There are some general guidelines, such as The Comprehensive PBR Guide, that let’s you understand what values are PBR and which ones who arent. The Marmoset PBR guide is splendid as well.
So, with all these things in consideration, it is important to stay neutral in the albedo’s color. If the albedo is excessively saturated the surface will not remain […]

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Program: Graphics