Monthly Archives: April 2017

BGP – Day 22
Getting all my work into the project
Today I moved all my textures and materials into the project, including the functions of the dynamic material and the included scripting. This was easy and didn’t take long but sadly adding them to the character or environment have to wait, since we cannot work on the same asset at the same time or it might damage the Unreal project (because technical reasons). But the dynamic material got added to the hand at the […]

BGP – Day 22
Getting all my work into the project
Today I moved all my textures and materials into the project, including the functions of the dynamic material and the included scripting. This was easy and didn’t take long but sadly adding them to the character or environment have to wait, since we cannot work on the same asset at the same time or it might damage the Unreal project (because technical reasons). But the dynamic material got added to the hand at the […]

The Summoning – Blog Post 1
My name is Peo Johansson, and I am a graphical artist and the lead sound designer on the team Ninja Slice, developing the game concept The Summoning.
So, what kind of game is The Summoning? Well, it’s a top-down perspective 3D game, that is centered around the concept of asymmetrical multiplayer. In order words, people compete against each other, but their goals and what they do are different.
One player plays the game similarly to an action adventure or hack-and-slash game, controlling one character fighting multiple enemies.
The other […]

The Summoning – Blog Post 1
My name is Peo Johansson, and I am a graphical artist and the lead sound designer on the team Ninja Slice, developing the game concept The Summoning.
So, what kind of game is The Summoning? Well, it’s a top-down perspective 3D game, that is centered around the concept of asymmetrical multiplayer. In order words, people compete against each other, but their goals and what they do are different.
One player plays the game similarly to an action adventure or hack-and-slash game, controlling one character fighting multiple enemies.
The other […]

BGP: A Ray of Hope
I need to stop forgetting to make posts about this.
As things are I am working on assets for the game levels bathroom. While I am having difficulties with two points of the assets (the bathroom stalls) not wanting to keep their faces when I import them to texture them that I need to solve this week, I have finished the ground color of the sink and the toilet themselves.
Next point of interest would be to find tutorials to […]

BGP: A Ray of Hope
I need to stop forgetting to make posts about this.
As things are I am working on assets for the game levels bathroom. While I am having difficulties with two points of the assets (the bathroom stalls) not wanting to keep their faces when I import them to texture them that I need to solve this week, I have finished the ground color of the sink and the toilet themselves.
Next point of interest would be to find tutorials to […]

BGP – Day 21
Stylized Texturing
For our game we our aiming for a ”stylized realism” which means that everything will be semi realistic, with realistic lighting and high detailed textures, but hand painted. And as I have been working on materials, textures are a part of them and I have only used placeholder textures, I was asked to hand paint some textures. To start of I’m not very good when it comes to 2D art, but here is what I came up with on […]

BGP – Day 21
Stylized Texturing
For our game we our aiming for a ”stylized realism” which means that everything will be semi realistic, with realistic lighting and high detailed textures, but hand painted. And as I have been working on materials, textures are a part of them and I have only used placeholder textures, I was asked to hand paint some textures. To start of I’m not very good when it comes to 2D art, but here is what I came up with on […]

We recently learned what blendshapes are, or Morpher in 3DS Max, and tried to do something with it to learn if it’s something we want to use in the game, and it is! It’s a really good way to make the objects fade from a good to a bad shape, and it’s really fast too! Because it needs to be the same object you only need to make one, copy it and change it a bit and then put on […]

We recently learned what blendshapes are, or Morpher in 3DS Max, and tried to do something with it to learn if it’s something we want to use in the game, and it is! It’s a really good way to make the objects fade from a good to a bad shape, and it’s really fast too! Because it needs to be the same object you only need to make one, copy it and change it a bit and then put on […]

5 weeks in, bgp update 1
I should started this sooner than five weeks in to the project but it’s easy to get caught up in the workflow and start forgeting things. anway better late than never i supposed.
So background on this project bfore i go in on what i have been doing. the “Big game proeject” for secondyears is our final assigment. it’s a chance where we get to make any game we want, the only restriction being our own capabilities.
The project i’m woking on […]

5 weeks in, bgp update 1
I should started this sooner than five weeks in to the project but it’s easy to get caught up in the workflow and start forgeting things. anway better late than never i supposed.
So background on this project bfore i go in on what i have been doing. the “Big game proeject” for secondyears is our final assigment. it’s a chance where we get to make any game we want, the only restriction being our own capabilities.
The project i’m woking on […]
BGP #2
But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]
BGP #2
But before I gave up on the camera I decided to continue a little bit more with it and ended up trying to make it work for 1-2 days. We wanted a camera to rotate around the player statically and can only be moved by the player. Then it should also have a collision towards walls and other objectives. It seemed like an easy task but it completely twisted my arm. I ended up making a couple of different cameras […]

What the puppet boy been up to
I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

What the puppet boy been up to
I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

BGP – Day 20
Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme.
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

BGP – Day 20
Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme.
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

Week three and four
Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.
I […]

Week three and four
Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.
I […]
BGP 2017 – The tools
For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:
In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]
BGP 2017 – The tools
For the first week I worked a bit on implementing the movement of the tools which the players cooperate to use. The first one which I worked on was the stretcher.
The stretcher
The stretcher is used to transport the orcs around the camp. The stretcher has two parts to its movement:
In the front are steering handles, used to orient the front wheels of the stretcher. Once the orientation has been set, the stretcher will rotate in that direction when moved.
In the […]

Fast Gear Blog 1.
Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren. Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt. Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]

Fast Gear Blog 1.
Ny kurs och nytt projekt. I kursen ”Big game project” så är planen att vi ska skapa ett ”Story-based racing game” där spelarens val innan racet har en avgörande faktor i hur motståndarna beter sig emot spelaren. Detta är planen när vi går in i arbete med projektet.
Som programmerare har jag under den första perioden fokuserat på att utveckla motståndarens AI. Detta är med all säkerhet den största och avgörande delen av spelet rent programmeringsmässigt. Eftersom vi alla programmerare precis avslutat […]