Monthly Archives: March 2017

The Fifth Blogpost
Hello and welcome to my fifth and also last blogpost. To be honest I have not done that much since last blog. It’s been mostly polishing and adding the few things that needed to be implemented before the beta.
Either way, today I will be talking about our mana that you can use to either teleport to the mouse position or you can press space to use your power up which increases your fire rate and your projectiles also has increased […]

The Fifth Blogpost
Hello and welcome to my fifth and also last blogpost. To be honest I have not done that much since last blog. It’s been mostly polishing and adding the few things that needed to be implemented before the beta.
Either way, today I will be talking about our mana that you can use to either teleport to the mouse position or you can press space to use your power up which increases your fire rate and your projectiles also has increased […]

Beta Presentation
In my last blog post I talked about how my group and I manage our communication and sprints. This time I’ll talk about the beta presentation we had last Monday, including the way I prepared it and how it went.
First of all, the presentation was supposed to last not longer than 10 minutes, including showing gameplay and features implemented. As with the Alpha presentation, we had a few questions to answer, such as:
3 things that have gone well since […]

Beta Presentation
In my last blog post I talked about how my group and I manage our communication and sprints. This time I’ll talk about the beta presentation we had last Monday, including the way I prepared it and how it went.
First of all, the presentation was supposed to last not longer than 10 minutes, including showing gameplay and features implemented. As with the Alpha presentation, we had a few questions to answer, such as:
3 things that have gone well since […]

Additions to the GUI
As the deadline is closing in we are mostly just finalizing things and adding the remaining missing assets to the game. All the features have been implemented as the most time consuming tasks have been completed. For the most part the UI needs to be worked on to comply with more recent design changes.
Since the player has 10 points of health the healthbar needed an additional asset to better represent the amount of health the player has. We could just […]

Additions to the GUI
As the deadline is closing in we are mostly just finalizing things and adding the remaining missing assets to the game. All the features have been implemented as the most time consuming tasks have been completed. For the most part the UI needs to be worked on to comply with more recent design changes.
Since the player has 10 points of health the healthbar needed an additional asset to better represent the amount of health the player has. We could just […]
Let’s Evaluate Shall We
For this blog post I won’t talk about something I’ve done or implemented during the sprint but rather evaluate a bit about the project in a whole. There are things that have been discussed behind closed curtains which I feel should be put into the open. This will be the purpose of my blog post for this week.
After this week we will only have one more week left to work with our game before it is time to display the […]
Let’s Evaluate Shall We
For this blog post I won’t talk about something I’ve done or implemented during the sprint but rather evaluate a bit about the project in a whole. There are things that have been discussed behind closed curtains which I feel should be put into the open. This will be the purpose of my blog post for this week.
After this week we will only have one more week left to work with our game before it is time to display the […]

Week 5 – The Spawning System
This week I’ll be writing about how I and my group went on how to create a spawning system for our enemies, power ups and anything we might need to add into our game.
I’ll also be writing on how I evolved the system from a something very rudimentary and basic to a more flexible system.
For our game we needed a spawning system that would have to be expandable and flexible.
As this was something I needed to create pretty early on […]

Week 5 – The Spawning System
This week I’ll be writing about how I and my group went on how to create a spawning system for our enemies, power ups and anything we might need to add into our game.
I’ll also be writing on how I evolved the system from a something very rudimentary and basic to a more flexible system.
For our game we needed a spawning system that would have to be expandable and flexible.
As this was something I needed to create pretty early on […]

Wrapping the mix up.
The game our group has been working on since January is supposed to be done on the 16th of this month. That’s seven days from now. We passed the Beta presentation of our game earlier this week and now shifted focus on our final milestone; the final version of the game.
The Beta version by definition had to be feature complete. It means we had to have everything we wanted to include to the game implemented in some way. We were allowed […]

Wrapping the mix up.
The game our group has been working on since January is supposed to be done on the 16th of this month. That’s seven days from now. We passed the Beta presentation of our game earlier this week and now shifted focus on our final milestone; the final version of the game.
The Beta version by definition had to be feature complete. It means we had to have everything we wanted to include to the game implemented in some way. We were allowed […]

Polishing Animations
Good morning readers, last week I went through how to make an animation from start to finish. This post will build on from that post, therefore it might be a good idea to read my previous blog entry – Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
This week is the polishing of animations and implementing them into the game. Originally I had no prior knowledge how to actually make the animations from a technical perspective or how they affect each other. I asked my […]

Polishing Animations
Good morning readers, last week I went through how to make an animation from start to finish. This post will build on from that post, therefore it might be a good idea to read my previous blog entry – Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
This week is the polishing of animations and implementing them into the game. Originally I had no prior knowledge how to actually make the animations from a technical perspective or how they affect each other. I asked my […]

Last blog post for this D-flector-1
Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called D-flector-1 (we have change the name from Draxl’s journey to D-flector-1).
Our game is now in the seventh week and our game is now in beta, and this will be my last blog post on this project.
Under this week we had the beta presentation, and this week I have only fixed allot of small things in our game. So […]

Last blog post for this D-flector-1
Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called D-flector-1 (we have change the name from Draxl’s journey to D-flector-1).
Our game is now in the seventh week and our game is now in beta, and this will be my last blog post on this project.
Under this week we had the beta presentation, and this week I have only fixed allot of small things in our game. So […]

What’s Next? How did it go?
Hello again. This last week has been very relaxed and easy, this Monday we had the BETA deadline along with every single group’s BETA presentation. A very long and rough day for many students. But it was still very satisfying to know that we only have one last milestone left in this project. That milestone is the Final version of the game. We have about 10 days including weekends to finish our game from that BETA deadline. Meaning that the […]

What’s Next? How did it go?
Hello again. This last week has been very relaxed and easy, this Monday we had the BETA deadline along with every single group’s BETA presentation. A very long and rough day for many students. But it was still very satisfying to know that we only have one last milestone left in this project. That milestone is the Final version of the game. We have about 10 days including weekends to finish our game from that BETA deadline. Meaning that the […]

UI Attracts Ur Eye
The post this week will be entirely focused on graphics, wohoo. In this post I will detail the design decisions behind the GUI artefacts I made for our game, and I will list the principles that guided me while making the assets.
In-Game GUI
Due to the importance of conveying gameplay relevant information to the player in real time, the in-game GUI took priority and was an element I started working on early in the project.
I started with what I deemed most important […]

UI Attracts Ur Eye
The post this week will be entirely focused on graphics, wohoo. In this post I will detail the design decisions behind the GUI artefacts I made for our game, and I will list the principles that guided me while making the assets.
In-Game GUI
Due to the importance of conveying gameplay relevant information to the player in real time, the in-game GUI took priority and was an element I started working on early in the project.
I started with what I deemed most important […]

My Fifth Game Design Blog Post – Creating Damage Feedback on Players Health.
In this post, I will write about my damage feedback on player’s health. One of my tasks this week was to create a damage feedback on the player’s health. I tried to make the health bar blink but it didn’t fully work out so instead I made it to change to red color for a second and go back to white again.
(Health bar normally.)
(Health bar after taking damage.)
Whenever the enemy deals damage to the player the health bar of the […]

My Fifth Game Design Blog Post – Creating Damage Feedback on Players Health.
In this post, I will write about my damage feedback on player’s health. One of my tasks this week was to create a damage feedback on the player’s health. I tried to make the health bar blink but it didn’t fully work out so instead I made it to change to red color for a second and go back to white again.
(Health bar normally.)
(Health bar after taking damage.)
Whenever the enemy deals damage to the player the health bar of the […]
The last Fishburger
This is my 5th and final blog post for Selfish and we are pretty much done. Minor tweaks and fixes lies ahead as we have less than a week until our final deadline. Rather than talking about what exactly I’ve been doing this week I’m going to attempt to wrap up this project.
This is the first time I’ve created an actual game and this is the first time I’ve been working in scrum. These weeks have been incredibly educational […]
The last Fishburger
This is my 5th and final blog post for Selfish and we are pretty much done. Minor tweaks and fixes lies ahead as we have less than a week until our final deadline. Rather than talking about what exactly I’ve been doing this week I’m going to attempt to wrap up this project.
This is the first time I’ve created an actual game and this is the first time I’ve been working in scrum. These weeks have been incredibly educational […]