Daily Archives: March 2, 2017

A blog: Part 4 – Covenant of the Blog
This is the enemy melee soldier that i talked about in my last blog, and his completed animations.
This week has been a veritable rollercoaster of good and bad, which is mostly down to the latest unity update. Our project was nearly destroyed when that update was rolled out, as it seemed to corrupt most of our files in very odd ways.
A normal file looks like this in notepad:
… and this is what it looked like after the unity update:
Yeah, you […]

A blog: Part 4 – Covenant of the Blog
This is the enemy melee soldier that i talked about in my last blog, and his completed animations.
This week has been a veritable rollercoaster of good and bad, which is mostly down to the latest unity update. Our project was nearly destroyed when that update was rolled out, as it seemed to corrupt most of our files in very odd ways.
A normal file looks like this in notepad:
… and this is what it looked like after the unity update:
Yeah, you […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Final
This morning was the deadline for the #Artwar character contest which I am participating in. Was going to post my final entry last night, but then their forum went down. :SNow it is posted and the deadline passed, so I just wanted to share the final result (although it is getting ahead of retopology and texturing parts.
This is the very first art contest that I am participating in and it was definitely a challenge. I am not […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Final
This morning was the deadline for the #Artwar character contest which I am participating in. Was going to post my final entry last night, but then their forum went down. :SNow it is posted and the deadline passed, so I just wanted to share the final result (although it is getting ahead of retopology and texturing parts.
This is the very first art contest that I am participating in and it was definitely a challenge. I am not […]

Of sprite sheets and animations
This week, I’m going to write about my work with sprite sheets and animations. Even though this is more in the line of an artist’s job, I decided to do it because in the end, it turned out to be a numbers game. Plus, we wanted to implement multiple animations on the same sprite, so it required coding.
So why was it a ‘numbers game’. And why the multiple animations. We had three animated objects in the game. The player itself, […]

Of sprite sheets and animations
This week, I’m going to write about my work with sprite sheets and animations. Even though this is more in the line of an artist’s job, I decided to do it because in the end, it turned out to be a numbers game. Plus, we wanted to implement multiple animations on the same sprite, so it required coding.
So why was it a ‘numbers game’. And why the multiple animations. We had three animated objects in the game. The player itself, […]

Play-testing and Beta stress
As of this week, we attended the play-testing and most of what we got out of it was really helpful for the team. This week has all been focused around either things that were to change be for the play-testing but we did not have time for or feedback we received, most of the feedback was aimed at how the game was played and not what was in the game.
As the feedback was coming in we noticed one very clear […]

Play-testing and Beta stress
As of this week, we attended the play-testing and most of what we got out of it was really helpful for the team. This week has all been focused around either things that were to change be for the play-testing but we did not have time for or feedback we received, most of the feedback was aimed at how the game was played and not what was in the game.
As the feedback was coming in we noticed one very clear […]

Cleaning up the wave spawning.
Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called Draxl’s journey.
We are now on the sexto week of production and our game is almost in beta.
This week.
This week I have mostly only continue working on the wave spawning script. I wrote about the wave spawning in my last blog post, so in this one I will talk about another problem I have had.
So let get started […]

Cleaning up the wave spawning.
Hello! I Am Christofer Mattsson the lead coder in team Leviathan. We are now under ten weeks working on a game called Draxl’s journey.
We are now on the sexto week of production and our game is almost in beta.
This week.
This week I have mostly only continue working on the wave spawning script. I wrote about the wave spawning in my last blog post, so in this one I will talk about another problem I have had.
So let get started […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Game Design 2 – Projectiles
Implementing variation of projectiles.