Daily Archives: March 2, 2017

Where am I?
Hi, this is my fourth blog post, in which I’ll be mostly talking about fixes that we are working on, provided by the beta playtesters feedback. I’ll focus mainly on the teleport, a game mechanic in our game that allows the player to move to a certain position.
At first, the teleport that we had in our game was very simple, the player pressed the right mouse button and main character gillis would instantly move to that position. Since the camera […]

Where am I?
Hi, this is my fourth blog post, in which I’ll be mostly talking about fixes that we are working on, provided by the beta playtesters feedback. I’ll focus mainly on the teleport, a game mechanic in our game that allows the player to move to a certain position.
At first, the teleport that we had in our game was very simple, the player pressed the right mouse button and main character gillis would instantly move to that position. Since the camera […]

Week 4 -Redrawing enemies
For this week I’ve been asked to change our enemy fish in our game.
The first enemy (above) was made by a guy named Axel in our group. This enemy does not do much it just swims straight forward and if it hits you your character dies. But, we got some feedback that it looked too friendly and you felt bad for killing it. Axel was asked to draw something else this week so I was tasked with making the enemy look […]

Week 4 -Redrawing enemies
For this week I’ve been asked to change our enemy fish in our game.
The first enemy (above) was made by a guy named Axel in our group. This enemy does not do much it just swims straight forward and if it hits you your character dies. But, we got some feedback that it looked too friendly and you felt bad for killing it. Axel was asked to draw something else this week so I was tasked with making the enemy look […]

Our fish game is taking shape – aaaaaand some sound
If I can say it myself I’m really happy with the progress my team have made in this project. As we are now pretty much staring down at a finished product. With finished product I mean something functioning that we probably could ship in this state. HOWEVER, the saying goes: the devil is in the details.
I’ve been working in the same areas as last week, particle animations, sound and level design. Since I learnt about particle animations last week […]

Our fish game is taking shape – aaaaaand some sound
If I can say it myself I’m really happy with the progress my team have made in this project. As we are now pretty much staring down at a finished product. With finished product I mean something functioning that we probably could ship in this state. HOWEVER, the saying goes: the devil is in the details.
I’ve been working in the same areas as last week, particle animations, sound and level design. Since I learnt about particle animations last week […]

The curious case of teleportation.
this week I worked on how the player would be transported through the room.at first we just wanted to delete the door so the player could walk freely between the rooms. This showed itself to be quite bothersome.
To explain how our game works. We’re designing a game called “Bullet_hack” wich is about a spy trying to infiltrate a compan to get information about them. You play as the spy and try to hack doors to get to the main server.You […]

The curious case of teleportation.
this week I worked on how the player would be transported through the room.at first we just wanted to delete the door so the player could walk freely between the rooms. This showed itself to be quite bothersome.
To explain how our game works. We’re designing a game called “Bullet_hack” wich is about a spy trying to infiltrate a compan to get information about them. You play as the spy and try to hack doors to get to the main server.You […]

Week 4 – The Third Enemy
The Enemy with placeholder sprites
This week I have been working with our third enemy and some small refinements on a few things like making the camera work in parallax and getting knockback on the powerup for the player.
For the third enemy we wanted a much more harder enemy that could shoot and be able to take a few hits from the player’s base weapon.
So the enemy would be big and slow moving as well be able to shoot projectiles in […]

Week 4 – The Third Enemy
The Enemy with placeholder sprites
This week I have been working with our third enemy and some small refinements on a few things like making the camera work in parallax and getting knockback on the powerup for the player.
For the third enemy we wanted a much more harder enemy that could shoot and be able to take a few hits from the player’s base weapon.
So the enemy would be big and slow moving as well be able to shoot projectiles in […]

Week 4 – Adding what is missing
Week 4 is coming to an end and like previous weeks this has been a fast one.
With the Beta deadline coming up in a matter of days team Kraken is now refining what has been done and adding some assets to the current placeholders. For me as the Lead Artist this week has consisted of two things; creating a visual indication of when the dash for the moth is available, and also creating a light bulb with light to fit […]

Week 4 – Adding what is missing
Week 4 is coming to an end and like previous weeks this has been a fast one.
With the Beta deadline coming up in a matter of days team Kraken is now refining what has been done and adding some assets to the current placeholders. For me as the Lead Artist this week has consisted of two things; creating a visual indication of when the dash for the moth is available, and also creating a light bulb with light to fit […]

Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey
Yes, in the blog-post for this week we will learn all about the manipulation of time, and the evi- I mean great and different ways one can use this knowledge in your game.
Anyway, in all seriousness. Yes, this week has been all about time manipulation. The reason? We’re less than a week away from the Beta hand-in and our game still doesn’t have a working menu, pause menu or tutorial (oops).
Thus I, a simple programmer, took it upon myself to […]

Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey
Yes, in the blog-post for this week we will learn all about the manipulation of time, and the evi- I mean great and different ways one can use this knowledge in your game.
Anyway, in all seriousness. Yes, this week has been all about time manipulation. The reason? We’re less than a week away from the Beta hand-in and our game still doesn’t have a working menu, pause menu or tutorial (oops).
Thus I, a simple programmer, took it upon myself to […]

Blog Post #4
What have I done?
Since last blog post, my team have been focusing entirely on getting the game ready for the beta presentation next Monday. This is what I’ve done to fulfill my part:
Finished Boss Mechanics
A third enemy with its own unique behavior
How and why did I do the things mentioned in the list above?
Finished Boss Mechanics
The boss and the third enemy was definitely the toughest things to code this week. AI needs to be very polished for the player to feel both fairly […]

Blog Post #4
What have I done?
Since last blog post, my team have been focusing entirely on getting the game ready for the beta presentation next Monday. This is what I’ve done to fulfill my part:
Finished Boss Mechanics
A third enemy with its own unique behavior
How and why did I do the things mentioned in the list above?
Finished Boss Mechanics
The boss and the third enemy was definitely the toughest things to code this week. AI needs to be very polished for the player to feel both fairly […]

Feedback and power
This week I have design, code in and implemented a feedback system with a particle system for when an enemy gets hit by our power-up bullets.
I have done this with the help of art provided to me by our artist Felipe and googling ways to code this in into unity. This was also done with much trial and error from my part as I am not a programmer.
The way the code works is just by instantiate a specific game object […]

Feedback and power
This week I have design, code in and implemented a feedback system with a particle system for when an enemy gets hit by our power-up bullets.
I have done this with the help of art provided to me by our artist Felipe and googling ways to code this in into unity. This was also done with much trial and error from my part as I am not a programmer.
The way the code works is just by instantiate a specific game object […]

Background Art
This is an artefact I made from last week. I designed and drew several background borders for the game that would convey the setting to the player. The main locations for our game would be the village and, later on, the forest.
To start it off, I had a discussion with my team regarding the perspective. Our game is in a top-down perspective, but drawing trees and houses from that angle is difficult. For example, when I attempted to draw a tree […]

Background Art
This is an artefact I made from last week. I designed and drew several background borders for the game that would convey the setting to the player. The main locations for our game would be the village and, later on, the forest.
To start it off, I had a discussion with my team regarding the perspective. Our game is in a top-down perspective, but drawing trees and houses from that angle is difficult. For example, when I attempted to draw a tree […]

Trouble with knight
The beta release of our project is next week and we have been working hard with implementing all our assets into the game. I have been having a lot of trouble with the knight due to not having a clear vision on the code. The knight as a whole consists (or rather, will consist) of a sweeping attack, a shield that blocks damage, and a charge attack, and then of course an AI that ties this all together and executes […]

Trouble with knight
The beta release of our project is next week and we have been working hard with implementing all our assets into the game. I have been having a lot of trouble with the knight due to not having a clear vision on the code. The knight as a whole consists (or rather, will consist) of a sweeping attack, a shield that blocks damage, and a charge attack, and then of course an AI that ties this all together and executes […]

Implemented a boss
Image: Displaying the boss that has chosen his position of charging to when the load has finished.
Implemented a boss
During the last two weeks I’ve had the role of supporting the game designer in spontaneous fixes, meaning that when something needs to be done immedietely, I’ve been there to aid him. Also while doing this I focused on creating the boss for the game.
The boss was supposed to be the last part of our game, to make it an extra struggle […]

Implemented a boss
Image: Displaying the boss that has chosen his position of charging to when the load has finished.
Implemented a boss
During the last two weeks I’ve had the role of supporting the game designer in spontaneous fixes, meaning that when something needs to be done immedietely, I’ve been there to aid him. Also while doing this I focused on creating the boss for the game.
The boss was supposed to be the last part of our game, to make it an extra struggle […]