Daily Archives: March 2, 2017

Precision Training and Polishing Line Art
Last week I finished most rough enemy animations for the game Revenge of Teddy, so this week I have been able to continue on to polishing line art for them. As I usually prefer speed over precision, I seldom draw very precise line art and instead leave my drawings at a somewhat sketchy phase. I have therefore taken this opportunity to deliberately focus on improving my precision as I have polished the line art of the rough animations.
I went over each […]

Precision Training and Polishing Line Art
Last week I finished most rough enemy animations for the game Revenge of Teddy, so this week I have been able to continue on to polishing line art for them. As I usually prefer speed over precision, I seldom draw very precise line art and instead leave my drawings at a somewhat sketchy phase. I have therefore taken this opportunity to deliberately focus on improving my precision as I have polished the line art of the rough animations.
I went over each […]

Sound Script
This week has sadly been a very slow week when it comes to the current game design work due to me catching a fever and needing to rest. As such I haven’t had the ability to do the work that I needed.
However I did manage to get a script working in the game that allows a sound effect for when you take damage.
When I started with this task I first tried at first to use the same method as last […]

Sound Script
This week has sadly been a very slow week when it comes to the current game design work due to me catching a fever and needing to rest. As such I haven’t had the ability to do the work that I needed.
However I did manage to get a script working in the game that allows a sound effect for when you take damage.
When I started with this task I first tried at first to use the same method as last […]
Level Transition
Our game is in the final stages of being complete, so at the moment we are focusing on visual polish, fixing any bugs we can find and improving the art assets. As far as visual polish goes from a programming perspective, this week I was tasked with doing the level transition for the game. Currently it operates on a never endless mode where after all the waves have passed, the game restarts with more difficult enemies and will continue to […]
Level Transition
Our game is in the final stages of being complete, so at the moment we are focusing on visual polish, fixing any bugs we can find and improving the art assets. As far as visual polish goes from a programming perspective, this week I was tasked with doing the level transition for the game. Currently it operates on a never endless mode where after all the waves have passed, the game restarts with more difficult enemies and will continue to […]

Master grapher
Pop ups
In our game we use space to pick up objects. To teach the player the controls we decided to have small prompts pop up when the player approaches something grabbable. After the player has picked up the object once, the prompt will no longer appear.
The concept for the pop up window.
The red circle in the image is a trigger collider, which spawns the prompt window as a game object when triggered. But having the prompt just appear out of […]

Master grapher
Pop ups
In our game we use space to pick up objects. To teach the player the controls we decided to have small prompts pop up when the player approaches something grabbable. After the player has picked up the object once, the prompt will no longer appear.
The concept for the pop up window.
The red circle in the image is a trigger collider, which spawns the prompt window as a game object when triggered. But having the prompt just appear out of […]

Trail Rendering #5SD064
I’ve been working with unity’s in built trail rendering system this week. In our alpha demonstration and on from other occasions we’ve received critique about not giving the player feedback from using a teleport function.
My first thought was to have particles appear in connection with using the teleport, but just before I was to sit down and work with it I learnt about unity’s Trail render component, I thought that it would be easier to use that.
My first problem that […]

Trail Rendering #5SD064
I’ve been working with unity’s in built trail rendering system this week. In our alpha demonstration and on from other occasions we’ve received critique about not giving the player feedback from using a teleport function.
My first thought was to have particles appear in connection with using the teleport, but just before I was to sit down and work with it I learnt about unity’s Trail render component, I thought that it would be easier to use that.
My first problem that […]

Blog 4
This week I have once more been dealing with the trouble of not having a working tablet. Earlier I thought it was the cable, but it was more complicated than that.
I have been working on a lot this week, but what I have been spending most time on, is once more the fire-bird. This time, I have been working more on the colour, and making it look like it is burning and this is how I did it:
Last time I […]

Blog 4
This week I have once more been dealing with the trouble of not having a working tablet. Earlier I thought it was the cable, but it was more complicated than that.
I have been working on a lot this week, but what I have been spending most time on, is once more the fire-bird. This time, I have been working more on the colour, and making it look like it is burning and this is how I did it:
Last time I […]

Custom Editors – a begginer’s guide
I would like to preface this post by mentioning that this is kind of a “beginner’s guide” to using custom editors in Unity. I will try to go through what I know about them as thoroughly as possible to make sure that it’s as easy as possible to create one for yourself.
The example scripts used in this post are available on the pastebin links below.
myClass, example variables: myClass
The first version of the editor: myClassEditor
The second version of the […]

Custom Editors – a begginer’s guide
I would like to preface this post by mentioning that this is kind of a “beginner’s guide” to using custom editors in Unity. I will try to go through what I know about them as thoroughly as possible to make sure that it’s as easy as possible to create one for yourself.
The example scripts used in this post are available on the pastebin links below.
myClass, example variables: myClass
The first version of the editor: myClassEditor
The second version of the […]

Pitchforks, Torches and Copy paste: How to Easily Create an Angry Mob
Stella from Team Nazgul here again.
Before I go into this week’s topic I’d just like to mention that I think I’ve finally fixed the comment problem! Only took me about… 3 weeks. So sorry about that.
Anyway, this week I’m gonna explain my work process behind the Angry mob in Burn Witch, Burn.
My fist sketch for the angry mob of medieval farmers who chase after the witch protagonist and slay her if she is caught. It is […]

Pitchforks, Torches and Copy paste: How to Easily Create an Angry Mob
Stella from Team Nazgul here again.
Before I go into this week’s topic I’d just like to mention that I think I’ve finally fixed the comment problem! Only took me about… 3 weeks. So sorry about that.
Anyway, this week I’m gonna explain my work process behind the Angry mob in Burn Witch, Burn.
My fist sketch for the angry mob of medieval farmers who chase after the witch protagonist and slay her if she is caught. It is […]

Controlling audio mixers through code in Unity
If you create custom audio mixers in Unity, you gain more control over the sound in your game. Just remember to assign your “AudioSource” components to the correct mixer. I wrote a bit about AudioSources in a previous post.
Several child mixers can be routed through a parent mixer. For example, I have created separate mixers for Music and Sound Effects in our game.
The MusicMixer is the parent of several child mixers with different music tracks playing through them. This way […]

Controlling audio mixers through code in Unity
If you create custom audio mixers in Unity, you gain more control over the sound in your game. Just remember to assign your “AudioSource” components to the correct mixer. I wrote a bit about AudioSources in a previous post.
Several child mixers can be routed through a parent mixer. For example, I have created separate mixers for Music and Sound Effects in our game.
The MusicMixer is the parent of several child mixers with different music tracks playing through them. This way […]

My Fourth Game Design Blog Post –Handling The Scenes.
Today, I’m going to write about less programming bur more about meddling with the Unity itself. What I mean by that is that I will write how to manage scenes and buttons that load up scenes in Unity with the help of code.
Basically, managing scenes is simple but you can get somewhat lost if you don’t know what you are doing. When we create a scene and we save it as something we usually start doing something in it. A […]

My Fourth Game Design Blog Post –Handling The Scenes.
Today, I’m going to write about less programming bur more about meddling with the Unity itself. What I mean by that is that I will write how to manage scenes and buttons that load up scenes in Unity with the help of code.
Basically, managing scenes is simple but you can get somewhat lost if you don’t know what you are doing. When we create a scene and we save it as something we usually start doing something in it. A […]

Preparing for the Beta
Hello reader and welcome to my fourth blog post!
This week everything is about the beta. Since everything that you want in the game has to be in the game by monday, the programmers and artists are hard at work trying to get everything done for monday and I am trying my best to help them in any way I can, but since I cannot program or draw at all, my help in that sense is very limited. I myself am […]

Preparing for the Beta
Hello reader and welcome to my fourth blog post!
This week everything is about the beta. Since everything that you want in the game has to be in the game by monday, the programmers and artists are hard at work trying to get everything done for monday and I am trying my best to help them in any way I can, but since I cannot program or draw at all, my help in that sense is very limited. I myself am […]

Now you’re thinking with portals!
This week I’ve been working on various things, and most of it has been animations (with some GUI tweaks/additions). While animation by itself is interesting topic, it’s probably less interesting to read about how I applied the 12 principles of animation for our characters. An animated portal on the other hand is a bit different, due to the variety and expectations of motion they present. For out game we want a portal for the character to exit through after the […]

Now you’re thinking with portals!
This week I’ve been working on various things, and most of it has been animations (with some GUI tweaks/additions). While animation by itself is interesting topic, it’s probably less interesting to read about how I applied the 12 principles of animation for our characters. An animated portal on the other hand is a bit different, due to the variety and expectations of motion they present. For out game we want a portal for the character to exit through after the […]