Monthly Archives: February 2017

Mean Worm Enemy

This week I’ve worked on implementing a new enemy type to our game. The original idea was that it would look like a worm, but it ended up looking like a mean snake of some sort with very sharp teeth.
It was already planned early on that we would have more types of enemies in order to bring more variation to the gameplay while exploring. And this one, in particular, was to add a bit of a surprise element to our game.
The design […]

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Program: Programming

Mean Worm Enemy

This week I’ve worked on implementing a new enemy type to our game. The original idea was that it would look like a worm, but it ended up looking like a mean snake of some sort with very sharp teeth.
It was already planned early on that we would have more types of enemies in order to bring more variation to the gameplay while exploring. And this one, in particular, was to add a bit of a surprise element to our game.
The design […]

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Program: Programming

Third Post, Fish Game

Hi again. I am the designer in team shadhavar. Today I will be talking about the level design we went with in our game.
Based on the concept document we had chosen the game needed to be restricted to one screen. I personally felt that having a level simply be based on what enemies would spawn was too little level design, therefore I opted for some kind of obstacles to be present. The obstacles purpose would be so that the player […]

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Program: Game Design

Third Post, Fish Game

Hi again. I am the designer in team shadhavar. Today I will be talking about the level design we went with in our game.
Based on the concept document we had chosen the game needed to be restricted to one screen. I personally felt that having a level simply be based on what enemies would spawn was too little level design, therefore I opted for some kind of obstacles to be present. The obstacles purpose would be so that the player […]

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Program: Game Design


This artifact was done during the previous week of production, but I want to write a bit about it. The task I did was implementinting a HUD in our game. What I have implemented so far is a health indicator, in a traditional style with hearts representing health, and an indicator for the teleport charge/cooldown and whether the power-up is active. Below we can see the two HUD elements in action.

As we can see the hearts get dimmed when the […]

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Program: Programming


This artifact was done during the previous week of production, but I want to write a bit about it. The task I did was implementinting a HUD in our game. What I have implemented so far is a health indicator, in a traditional style with hearts representing health, and an indicator for the teleport charge/cooldown and whether the power-up is active. Below we can see the two HUD elements in action.

As we can see the hearts get dimmed when the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 3: A place called home

The feature for this week’s blog is “home”. In the last blog post I had mentioned about working on the player character’s avatar and its movement animation for the game Echo. We modified the original design document to add some more assets to the game so that we can better achieve the aesthetic goals out team had set for the game. One such asset we decided to add was a home for the moth family. We decided that that’s where […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3: A place called home

The feature for this week’s blog is “home”. In the last blog post I had mentioned about working on the player character’s avatar and its movement animation for the game Echo. We modified the original design document to add some more assets to the game so that we can better achieve the aesthetic goals out team had set for the game. One such asset we decided to add was a home for the moth family. We decided that that’s where […]

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Program: Graphics

Rhythm, Beat, Attack.

” Give yourself to the rhythm” – Lucio, Overwatch.
Yes, this week will be all about rhythm, beat, and… attacking?
Why indeed, this week we’ll focus, again, on the enemy object, its attack and the importance of math in videogame making. It’s important to note that unlike previous weeks this week was quite packed with scheduled courses. Specially math from 9-16 (9AM – 4PM) which took quite a bit of worktime as well as mental capacity. And thus, the process was slowed […]

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Program: Programming

Rhythm, Beat, Attack.

” Give yourself to the rhythm” – Lucio, Overwatch.
Yes, this week will be all about rhythm, beat, and… attacking?
Why indeed, this week we’ll focus, again, on the enemy object, its attack and the importance of math in videogame making. It’s important to note that unlike previous weeks this week was quite packed with scheduled courses. Specially math from 9-16 (9AM – 4PM) which took quite a bit of worktime as well as mental capacity. And thus, the process was slowed […]

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Program: Programming

Animating attacking enemies

This week I have started animating the enemies that I designed and wrote about last week. My current goal is to finish rough animations for all the movements of the three enemies by the end of the week, and up till now my focus has been the attacking actions for them. For this post I will be focusing on the ghost teacher enemy, as I think it showcases the ideas that I have been working with the best.
 I wanted the enemy animations […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating attacking enemies

This week I have started animating the enemies that I designed and wrote about last week. My current goal is to finish rough animations for all the movements of the three enemies by the end of the week, and up till now my focus has been the attacking actions for them. For this post I will be focusing on the ghost teacher enemy, as I think it showcases the ideas that I have been working with the best.
 I wanted the enemy animations […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design 2: Bubble Sprite

Two weeks ago, I worked on creating a bubble sprite to be able to create a particle trail in Unity. Which makes it so that our protagonist Stephen leaves a trail of bubbles after him as he moves around inside of the screen, to give more of a life feel to the tank. Like with most things on working with this project, I had no previous experience in making a bubble sprite, or even drawing a bubble. Which led me […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design 2: Bubble Sprite

Two weeks ago, I worked on creating a bubble sprite to be able to create a particle trail in Unity. Which makes it so that our protagonist Stephen leaves a trail of bubbles after him as he moves around inside of the screen, to give more of a life feel to the tank. Like with most things on working with this project, I had no previous experience in making a bubble sprite, or even drawing a bubble. Which led me […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating the archer

My by far biggest artefact for this week has been to create and animate the archer sprite for our game. The archer is a static enemy that shoots ranged projectiles at the player, so I was spared from animating a walk cycle. On the other hand, I have clearly underestimated how to animate from a top-down perspective. Making animations loop nicely, on top of that, also proved to be difficult even though it is an issue I have faced before.
For […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating the archer

My by far biggest artefact for this week has been to create and animate the archer sprite for our game. The archer is a static enemy that shoots ranged projectiles at the player, so I was spared from animating a walk cycle. On the other hand, I have clearly underestimated how to animate from a top-down perspective. Making animations loop nicely, on top of that, also proved to be difficult even though it is an issue I have faced before.
For […]

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Program: Graphics

Options menu and the troubles following it.

In my last blogpost I talked, briefly, about how i was making the main menu. Since then i’ve put my focus on doing an options menu with proper settings like, resolutions and volume control.In the beginning i checked out tutorials for how to make option menus and how to implement different options for the entire game and not just one scene.

I started in a simple manner with implementing the fullscreen wich was suprisingly simple. […]

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Program: Programming

Options menu and the troubles following it.

In my last blogpost I talked, briefly, about how i was making the main menu. Since then i’ve put my focus on doing an options menu with proper settings like, resolutions and volume control.In the beginning i checked out tutorials for how to make option menus and how to implement different options for the entire game and not just one scene.

I started in a simple manner with implementing the fullscreen wich was suprisingly simple. […]

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Program: Programming

Preparing for game testing and making a Survey

So the beta deadline is coming up and we have a playtest session before that. To get the most out of the playtest you must have a thought behind what you want the testers to test. To get the most value we have prepared a survey that the play tester can do after he /she played our game. Making surveys is a balancing act between not being too long so the tester doesn’t care at the end and just want […]

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Preparing for game testing and making a Survey

So the beta deadline is coming up and we have a playtest session before that. To get the most out of the playtest you must have a thought behind what you want the testers to test. To get the most value we have prepared a survey that the play tester can do after he /she played our game. Making surveys is a balancing act between not being too long so the tester doesn’t care at the end and just want […]

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A blog: Part 3 – Revenge of the Blog

So what have i been up to this week? Well, this monday team Dragon had a bit of a reality check meeting regarding how many characters we could realistically be done with for the beta. During this discussion a few points were made that shaped my work for this week, among which was a decision to unify the human enemy’s more instead of having a samurai and a line infantry soldier. Initially there was a bit of a communication error […]

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Program: Graphics

A blog: Part 3 – Revenge of the Blog

So what have i been up to this week? Well, this monday team Dragon had a bit of a reality check meeting regarding how many characters we could realistically be done with for the beta. During this discussion a few points were made that shaped my work for this week, among which was a decision to unify the human enemy’s more instead of having a samurai and a line infantry soldier. Initially there was a bit of a communication error […]

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Program: Graphics

Back to the backlog

After finishing the Alpha and receiving a pass on all the requirements for our game, we have now headed back into game production development to make sure we pass the Beta requirements. The beta is our next production milestone which means that the game should have all playable features completed.
As we have recently started to work again we noticed quickly that our Sprint plans have started slowly but surely started to deviate from the product backlog. The backlog has not […]

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Back to the backlog

After finishing the Alpha and receiving a pass on all the requirements for our game, we have now headed back into game production development to make sure we pass the Beta requirements. The beta is our next production milestone which means that the game should have all playable features completed.
As we have recently started to work again we noticed quickly that our Sprint plans have started slowly but surely started to deviate from the product backlog. The backlog has not […]

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