Monthly Archives: February 2017

Upgrading Player Shooting
Two pictures showing different bullet patterns being employed by the player.
This week I’ve been doing a lot. Yet nothing really seems to stand out so I’ll talk about something that might be quite simple but could still be interesting. We have figured out a way to implement the parade now. It will be tied to upgrading the players shooting. So for every x number of enemies that get added to the parade, the players shooting pattern will change. We do […]

Upgrading Player Shooting
Two pictures showing different bullet patterns being employed by the player.
This week I’ve been doing a lot. Yet nothing really seems to stand out so I’ll talk about something that might be quite simple but could still be interesting. We have figured out a way to implement the parade now. It will be tied to upgrading the players shooting. So for every x number of enemies that get added to the parade, the players shooting pattern will change. We do […]

5SD064 Small changes mainly power ups
Hi i’m Kevin. I’m the second programmer and lead sound of the group Fenrir. Where making the game “Bullet Hack” and this week i have been making mostly small changes. We are trying to make a GUI right now so I have been making a health slider and also a slider showing the cooldown of the player bullets. I have also been working on the power ups since we wanted to have three of them and they are all implemented […]

5SD064 Small changes mainly power ups
Hi i’m Kevin. I’m the second programmer and lead sound of the group Fenrir. Where making the game “Bullet Hack” and this week i have been making mostly small changes. We are trying to make a GUI right now so I have been making a health slider and also a slider showing the cooldown of the player bullets. I have also been working on the power ups since we wanted to have three of them and they are all implemented […]

Week 3 -Adding feedback to the player
Week 3 has also come to an end and it feels like it just began!
First off I’d like to start with a quick introduction to what I was working with the past week for those that have not read that post. Last week was the alpha presentation which meant that we wanted to have as many assets implemented in the Unity project as possible. This resulted in me, the Art director of Team Kraken to primarily focus on implementing all […]

Week 3 -Adding feedback to the player
Week 3 has also come to an end and it feels like it just began!
First off I’d like to start with a quick introduction to what I was working with the past week for those that have not read that post. Last week was the alpha presentation which meant that we wanted to have as many assets implemented in the Unity project as possible. This resulted in me, the Art director of Team Kraken to primarily focus on implementing all […]

The Third Blogpost – Nazul
Hello and welcome to my third blogpost. Today I will be talking about something that we have been experimenting with quite a bit, the movement. The reason why we have not really been satisfied with the movement is because we want the animation to look good. The thing with the animations is that when you move to the right, the witch’s hair tosses to the left if that makes sense, I will post a picture of this later. The thing […]

The Third Blogpost – Nazul
Hello and welcome to my third blogpost. Today I will be talking about something that we have been experimenting with quite a bit, the movement. The reason why we have not really been satisfied with the movement is because we want the animation to look good. The thing with the animations is that when you move to the right, the witch’s hair tosses to the left if that makes sense, I will post a picture of this later. The thing […]

The making of our Weapon Manager and how important object oriented programming is
When I first wrote my weapon manager I did not think about the importance of programming in a object oriented mindset. This lead to a limited script that made it hard to implement new weapons with different stats and behavior. This was something I later needed to rewrite and in this blog post I will talk about how I perceived this encounter.
At the start, the weapon manager contained the stats for a general weapon for example fire-rate, spread and recoil. […]

The making of our Weapon Manager and how important object oriented programming is
When I first wrote my weapon manager I did not think about the importance of programming in a object oriented mindset. This lead to a limited script that made it hard to implement new weapons with different stats and behavior. This was something I later needed to rewrite and in this blog post I will talk about how I perceived this encounter.
At the start, the weapon manager contained the stats for a general weapon for example fire-rate, spread and recoil. […]

Meeting aka Stand ups
Today I am going to talk about the meeting in general. Recently, like many other teams, our group gathered up almost everyday. Actually meeting can be defined in various names and types. For instance, by the formation or people that participate a meeting can be called ‘stakeholders meeting’ or ‘daily stand ups’. What our group is doing is daily stand ups.
To explain more about daily stand ups, according to Wikipedia it is ‘a meeting in which attendees typically participate […]

Meeting aka Stand ups
Today I am going to talk about the meeting in general. Recently, like many other teams, our group gathered up almost everyday. Actually meeting can be defined in various names and types. For instance, by the formation or people that participate a meeting can be called ‘stakeholders meeting’ or ‘daily stand ups’. What our group is doing is daily stand ups.
To explain more about daily stand ups, according to Wikipedia it is ‘a meeting in which attendees typically participate […]

Blog Post #3 – The importance of team building
Hello and welcome to this weeks Blog post! After having presented the Alpha version of our game, which now got renamed to Burning Hunt, my team and I are now focusing on adding the remaining artefacts. Those have to be implemented until the 5th of March for the Beta presentation. Since there is not a lot of time remaining, it can happen quite easily for members, in pretty much any team, to get stressed out. This not only results in the project […]

Blog Post #3 – The importance of team building
Hello and welcome to this weeks Blog post! After having presented the Alpha version of our game, which now got renamed to Burning Hunt, my team and I are now focusing on adding the remaining artefacts. Those have to be implemented until the 5th of March for the Beta presentation. Since there is not a lot of time remaining, it can happen quite easily for members, in pretty much any team, to get stressed out. This not only results in the project […]

Alpha Presentation
Last week, on Thursday the 16th, my group and I completed one of our main milestones: the alpha presentation. The goal was to present everything we came up with until that point in our game and receive feedback and tips both from the teachers and the other students.
At the same time, we were required to answer a few questions, such as:
The concept we decided to go for and why we chose it
How we interpret the concept
Things that we were either […]

Alpha Presentation
Last week, on Thursday the 16th, my group and I completed one of our main milestones: the alpha presentation. The goal was to present everything we came up with until that point in our game and receive feedback and tips both from the teachers and the other students.
At the same time, we were required to answer a few questions, such as:
The concept we decided to go for and why we chose it
How we interpret the concept
Things that we were either […]
Finalizing the weapons
Continuing off of last week’s post, I’m going to talk about the various changes and additions I’ve made to the weapon system and how I’ve just about finalized it.
This week my artists sketched up the final weapon that was implemented into the game and also added animations for all the guns. Adding them to the weapons themselves was fairly easy. I coded in the base weapon that whenever the player fires a shot, it would trigger an animation event on […]
Finalizing the weapons
Continuing off of last week’s post, I’m going to talk about the various changes and additions I’ve made to the weapon system and how I’ve just about finalized it.
This week my artists sketched up the final weapon that was implemented into the game and also added animations for all the guns. Adding them to the weapons themselves was fairly easy. I coded in the base weapon that whenever the player fires a shot, it would trigger an animation event on […]

Preparing to Play
On Monday the 27th if February, 2017, we are provided a second chance for other game design students to try our game and give feedback. The last play-testing session was not prepared accordingly and this time I wish to improve. We did however gather a lot of valuable and constructive feedback which the group tried to remedy. I wish to gather data from the play-testing on how we succeeded in that and on possible new flaws.
The first thing that was […]

Preparing to Play
On Monday the 27th if February, 2017, we are provided a second chance for other game design students to try our game and give feedback. The last play-testing session was not prepared accordingly and this time I wish to improve. We did however gather a lot of valuable and constructive feedback which the group tried to remedy. I wish to gather data from the play-testing on how we succeeded in that and on possible new flaws.
The first thing that was […]

More enemies
As we move into production the focus turns to producing a bunch of fish. This week I implemented the behavior for these baddies:
Cute couple. (The head on the top is the male).
A sleep deprived moray eel. Finalized art.
We wanted the anglerfish to feel creepy. When she notices the player (or another fish) she will stalk them by keeping herself within a set distance.
The concept for the stalking behavior.
She doesn’t actively try to attack the player, just stays in close proximity. […]

More enemies
As we move into production the focus turns to producing a bunch of fish. This week I implemented the behavior for these baddies:
Cute couple. (The head on the top is the male).
A sleep deprived moray eel. Finalized art.
We wanted the anglerfish to feel creepy. When she notices the player (or another fish) she will stalk them by keeping herself within a set distance.
The concept for the stalking behavior.
She doesn’t actively try to attack the player, just stays in close proximity. […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]