Monthly Archives: February 2017

Main Menu, Pause and structure #5SD037
The third production week is almost over and it’s been really stressful! We had our pre-alpha demonstration in monday (6/2-16) and it went…not as good as we wanted too. We had a few assets but they were put together hastily and lacking art. So it was almost only boxes and stuff made in paint. Not very pleasant for the eye.
So after the demonstration my team gathered and we set out to make the Alpha with a clear goal.
We have restructured […]

Main Menu, Pause and structure #5SD037
The third production week is almost over and it’s been really stressful! We had our pre-alpha demonstration in monday (6/2-16) and it went…not as good as we wanted too. We had a few assets but they were put together hastily and lacking art. So it was almost only boxes and stuff made in paint. Not very pleasant for the eye.
So after the demonstration my team gathered and we set out to make the Alpha with a clear goal.
We have restructured […]

Parallax scrolling background
My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]

Parallax scrolling background
My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]
First Post
Welcome to my blog.
For this first post I will write about group dynamics and project work.
Working on a project for me has been a big eye opener compared to other work I have done before and it has forced me to learn.
Before I came to this school I didn’t really think that there were models for how projects should be executed or models for how to organize them. In fact I thought that most projects relied mostly on that people […]
First Post
Welcome to my blog.
For this first post I will write about group dynamics and project work.
Working on a project for me has been a big eye opener compared to other work I have done before and it has forced me to learn.
Before I came to this school I didn’t really think that there were models for how projects should be executed or models for how to organize them. In fact I thought that most projects relied mostly on that people […]

A blog: Part 1 – The blog of blog
This week following the feedback we received from Marcus, i remade the terrain sprites to have diagonal lines instead of vertical lines. That was based on his recommendation that diagonal lines are harder to notice for the human eye. While i did this i also completed more terrain parts that we use to make the foreground layer, which i have drawn in the style of the Japanese wood block paintings. I drew it that way because it was described that […]

A blog: Part 1 – The blog of blog
This week following the feedback we received from Marcus, i remade the terrain sprites to have diagonal lines instead of vertical lines. That was based on his recommendation that diagonal lines are harder to notice for the human eye. While i did this i also completed more terrain parts that we use to make the foreground layer, which i have drawn in the style of the Japanese wood block paintings. I drew it that way because it was described that […]

Blog 1: Echo
This is my first blog that I am posting about our game development. I am a designer and artist in the group named Cyclops and we are developing a 2D shooter game called Echo. Echo is a game about a moth who is searching for its children in the dark. The player plays as the moth mother as it transverses around in a dangerous dark environment with other harmful insects. We use light, for navigation, in the form of berries […]

Blog 1: Echo
This is my first blog that I am posting about our game development. I am a designer and artist in the group named Cyclops and we are developing a 2D shooter game called Echo. Echo is a game about a moth who is searching for its children in the dark. The player plays as the moth mother as it transverses around in a dangerous dark environment with other harmful insects. We use light, for navigation, in the form of berries […]
The healthbar
This is my first entry for the blog assignment we got. I chose the healthbar for the first week, since I’ve recently implemented its functionality.
The healthbar is a central mechanic in very many games. It’s purpose is to represent the players health, in other words how many hits he can take before the game is over. Healthbars have taken many different forms in many different games. The Call of Duty series for instance uses the screen itself to indicate how […]
The healthbar
This is my first entry for the blog assignment we got. I chose the healthbar for the first week, since I’ve recently implemented its functionality.
The healthbar is a central mechanic in very many games. It’s purpose is to represent the players health, in other words how many hits he can take before the game is over. Healthbars have taken many different forms in many different games. The Call of Duty series for instance uses the screen itself to indicate how […]
ZBrush Braid Tutorial
Since I was asked on Twitch how I made the braids on the character I am working on, I promised I would record a little demo, and here it is!
I originally found the technique in a tutorial by Art for games, but I have been unable to find an original source for the picture. Anyways I thought, being a ZBrush noob, that it was really hard to follow and I needed to google a lot of the features used. It […]
ZBrush Braid Tutorial
Since I was asked on Twitch how I made the braids on the character I am working on, I promised I would record a little demo, and here it is!
I originally found the technique in a tutorial by Art for games, but I have been unable to find an original source for the picture. Anyways I thought, being a ZBrush noob, that it was really hard to follow and I needed to google a lot of the features used. It […]
#1 What the hell do you do when you start losing team members?
Dear readers, my name is Kim Ohlsson and I’m going to write about the project that my team Onmoraki and I are working on. We are supposed to create a space shooter game in based on one of the concepts created in the earlier course. We are supposed to plan our game the first two (2) weeks, go in to production for seven (7) weeks and finish with a PM the last week. As the producer of the project I […]
#1 What the hell do you do when you start losing team members?
Dear readers, my name is Kim Ohlsson and I’m going to write about the project that my team Onmoraki and I are working on. We are supposed to create a space shooter game in based on one of the concepts created in the earlier course. We are supposed to plan our game the first two (2) weeks, go in to production for seven (7) weeks and finish with a PM the last week. As the producer of the project I […]

Managing a Game Project, week 1
The first week i started out to explain to the group what SCRUM is in more detail. I also explained how we were going to use it togheter with the game concept document we choosed. With this i also got help from Joel.P who has been though some SCRUM in design class with Adam Mayes.
I explained for the group what SCRUM is. I started with the basics like were SCRUM came from and how it got invented. This didnt really matter […]

Managing a Game Project, week 1
The first week i started out to explain to the group what SCRUM is in more detail. I also explained how we were going to use it togheter with the game concept document we choosed. With this i also got help from Joel.P who has been though some SCRUM in design class with Adam Mayes.
I explained for the group what SCRUM is. I started with the basics like were SCRUM came from and how it got invented. This didnt really matter […]

Mightier than the sword……fish
In the game “Selfish” we have two overall enemy types for Stephen to battle. One being a ranged type of enemy and another being a melee type. One of the melee enemy fishies is a sword fish. This fish little beasty was created by Evelina Paulsson for our game. It was my task to create a swimming animation for it.
As this was a concept sketch, it required a little more refinement before I could animate it. I sharpened the lines […]

Mightier than the sword……fish
In the game “Selfish” we have two overall enemy types for Stephen to battle. One being a ranged type of enemy and another being a melee type. One of the melee enemy fishies is a sword fish. This fish little beasty was created by Evelina Paulsson for our game. It was my task to create a swimming animation for it.
As this was a concept sketch, it required a little more refinement before I could animate it. I sharpened the lines […]

Game Design 2 – Bounce Mechanic
My experience while working on a bounce mechanic for our game made with Unity.

Game Design 2 – Bounce Mechanic
My experience while working on a bounce mechanic for our game made with Unity.

Figuring out Bullet Patterns
During the past week I was assigned with making a couple of “bullet patterns”. By bullet pattern I mean the way the bullet acts when fired by an entity within the game world. So Essentially it is the act of how the entity shoots and how the bullet moves when shot. The purpose for this was to have as little code as possible, and making it easy for our designer to give each enemy a unique shooting pattern.
I quickly came […]

Figuring out Bullet Patterns
During the past week I was assigned with making a couple of “bullet patterns”. By bullet pattern I mean the way the bullet acts when fired by an entity within the game world. So Essentially it is the act of how the entity shoots and how the bullet moves when shot. The purpose for this was to have as little code as possible, and making it easy for our designer to give each enemy a unique shooting pattern.
I quickly came […]