Monthly Archives: February 2017

Week 3
The artifact I have chosen to write about this week is my creation of a tileable background for our alpha prototype. My role in our group is producer/project manager, but since one of our graphic artists decided to quit the program last week we have had to reevaluate our roles and take on tasks that were not originally planned for us. I have no official knowledge in the graphic area but with some improvisation and a lot of youtube-tutorials I […]

Week 3
The artifact I have chosen to write about this week is my creation of a tileable background for our alpha prototype. My role in our group is producer/project manager, but since one of our graphic artists decided to quit the program last week we have had to reevaluate our roles and take on tasks that were not originally planned for us. I have no official knowledge in the graphic area but with some improvisation and a lot of youtube-tutorials I […]

An Easier Sprint Overview
Hello. I’m part of Team Kraken as the project manager and producer of our project. We’re working on a game that used the concept of “Echo Vale of Tinea” as a starting point. In this post I will talk about what changes were implemented to allow for a better overview of our working process.
At the start of our project we were given a template in Google Sheets to use as our SCRUM board. The purpose of that was to give […]

An Easier Sprint Overview
Hello. I’m part of Team Kraken as the project manager and producer of our project. We’re working on a game that used the concept of “Echo Vale of Tinea” as a starting point. In this post I will talk about what changes were implemented to allow for a better overview of our working process.
At the start of our project we were given a template in Google Sheets to use as our SCRUM board. The purpose of that was to give […]

Meet Stephen 1.0
This is Stephen. He is the main character of the game SelFish, which is a game about this little fish who gets picked on by the other fishes in the aquarium where they all reside. Eventually he’s had enough, snaps and tries to kill everyone.
As one of the graphic designers in the Team Unicorn, I designed and drew Stephen. What I wanted to convey in the design was the feeling of Stephen as the underdog, slowly traversing the boundaries of […]

Meet Stephen 1.0
This is Stephen. He is the main character of the game SelFish, which is a game about this little fish who gets picked on by the other fishes in the aquarium where they all reside. Eventually he’s had enough, snaps and tries to kill everyone.
As one of the graphic designers in the Team Unicorn, I designed and drew Stephen. What I wanted to convey in the design was the feeling of Stephen as the underdog, slowly traversing the boundaries of […]

Game Design 2: Designing a Cartoon like rock
By looking at several different pictures online about rocks, both cartoon rocks and actual rocks, I got a good understanding of how I wanted it all to look in the game. Although, rocks were nothing I had ever drawn before, making it a bit difficult for me to know where to start or even what to start with. Basically, I started drawing a big “blob”, in addition to later spreading it out and making it lean more towards a triangle […]

Game Design 2: Designing a Cartoon like rock
By looking at several different pictures online about rocks, both cartoon rocks and actual rocks, I got a good understanding of how I wanted it all to look in the game. Although, rocks were nothing I had ever drawn before, making it a bit difficult for me to know where to start or even what to start with. Basically, I started drawing a big “blob”, in addition to later spreading it out and making it lean more towards a triangle […]

Blog 1 – Week 6
Figuring Out the Health and Death
Last week for the sprint plan I was tasked with making the enemy and player have health and when their health reached zero, they would die. It was simple enough making the enemies and player get destroyed from the scene after collision with a bullet, but having a decreasing health with each bullet that hits you was a little bit harder. I had to do a lot of research and simple planning on my own […]

Blog 1 – Week 6
Figuring Out the Health and Death
Last week for the sprint plan I was tasked with making the enemy and player have health and when their health reached zero, they would die. It was simple enough making the enemies and player get destroyed from the scene after collision with a bullet, but having a decreasing health with each bullet that hits you was a little bit harder. I had to do a lot of research and simple planning on my own […]

Moth game: The sonar
I’m currently working on the reveal/sonar mechanic of Team Kraken’s latest moth game project. The idea is that you are a moth, and your primary means of sensing the environment is by feeling vibrations echoing off of objects around you. The vibrations come from flapping your wings, and if you flap hard enough in a certain direction (by pressing space) it will trigger the sonar. The sonar is a cone of vision stretching out in front of you. Right now […]

Moth game: The sonar
I’m currently working on the reveal/sonar mechanic of Team Kraken’s latest moth game project. The idea is that you are a moth, and your primary means of sensing the environment is by feeling vibrations echoing off of objects around you. The vibrations come from flapping your wings, and if you flap hard enough in a certain direction (by pressing space) it will trigger the sonar. The sonar is a cone of vision stretching out in front of you. Right now […]

Creating Concept Art.
So, first things first, starting with creating concept art that would be appropriate to the given era and setting of the game.
The game document we chose, as a group, was ‘Burn Witch, Burn’ and was set in the heart of Scotland around the 16th century when witches were still at large.
For the first week, among other tasks, I took the task of creating concept art for the setting of our game. This began by researching different aspects of life at this […]

Creating Concept Art.
So, first things first, starting with creating concept art that would be appropriate to the given era and setting of the game.
The game document we chose, as a group, was ‘Burn Witch, Burn’ and was set in the heart of Scotland around the 16th century when witches were still at large.
For the first week, among other tasks, I took the task of creating concept art for the setting of our game. This began by researching different aspects of life at this […]
Physical work meetings vs virtual work meetings – 5SD037
I thought it would be best to introduce myself since this is my first post.
My name is Edward Leiman and I study Project Management at Uppsala University on Campus Gotland. I am 19 years old meaning I started studying right after high school. This was an impulsive decision but now after being here for a while I can tell it was the right call.
I am part of Team Golem where I am the project manager/producer. We have been working on […]
Physical work meetings vs virtual work meetings – 5SD037
I thought it would be best to introduce myself since this is my first post.
My name is Edward Leiman and I study Project Management at Uppsala University on Campus Gotland. I am 19 years old meaning I started studying right after high school. This was an impulsive decision but now after being here for a while I can tell it was the right call.
I am part of Team Golem where I am the project manager/producer. We have been working on […]

First post – The Sound of Bubbles.
I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]

First post – The Sound of Bubbles.
I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]

Animation in progress
This week I have been working on animations for our game and my graphics course. We have gotten a lecture about using bone animation in Unity to animate our characters. Although my character was suitable enough for a bone animation, I had difficulty following the lecture and understanding the Unity bone system. After having trouble keeping up with the lecture I spend some time fiddling with it at home. I could not get it to work and thus decided to […]

Animation in progress
This week I have been working on animations for our game and my graphics course. We have gotten a lecture about using bone animation in Unity to animate our characters. Although my character was suitable enough for a bone animation, I had difficulty following the lecture and understanding the Unity bone system. After having trouble keeping up with the lecture I spend some time fiddling with it at home. I could not get it to work and thus decided to […]

Making a game with code
Over the last two weeks my group and i have been working on a shoot’em up game, or shmup for short. The theme of the game is hunted to hunter, in which you play a witch who goes from being hunted by the villagers to hunting them. My role for this game is one of the programmers and that means i build the skeleton on which the artists build the skin. And as any other builder one needs tools to […]

Making a game with code
Over the last two weeks my group and i have been working on a shoot’em up game, or shmup for short. The theme of the game is hunted to hunter, in which you play a witch who goes from being hunted by the villagers to hunting them. My role for this game is one of the programmers and that means i build the skeleton on which the artists build the skin. And as any other builder one needs tools to […]

Post #1 – Character Design
For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]

Post #1 – Character Design
For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]