Monthly Archives: February 2017

Character concept for a “hot” witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a “hot” witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a hot witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a hot witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Dev-Blog 1: Product backlog
Product backlog
During this past week, I had been working extensively with the product backlog for our project. The backlog is where all of the tasks or assets that need to be completed during the project are stored. You can add to the backlog as the project progresses, so it is never truly finished, but it is important that it is well structured for the project to run smoothly.
We use a google spreadsheet for our backlog, that very much resembles […]

Dev-Blog 1: Product backlog
Product backlog
During this past week, I had been working extensively with the product backlog for our project. The backlog is where all of the tasks or assets that need to be completed during the project are stored. You can add to the backlog as the project progresses, so it is never truly finished, but it is important that it is well structured for the project to run smoothly.
We use a google spreadsheet for our backlog, that very much resembles […]

Implementing Realm Switching
The Human Realm, although there are no humans here yet.
The core mechanic of Spirits of The Shogun is that the player can switch between realms to defeat one type of otherwise invincible enemies at a time.
There are two different realms and each realm have two distinct types of enemies. The Human Realm have human enemies and The Spirit Realm have demon enemies.
The player is present in only one of the realms but has the ability to switch to the other. The […]

Implementing Realm Switching
The Human Realm, although there are no humans here yet.
The core mechanic of Spirits of The Shogun is that the player can switch between realms to defeat one type of otherwise invincible enemies at a time.
There are two different realms and each realm have two distinct types of enemies. The Human Realm have human enemies and The Spirit Realm have demon enemies.
The player is present in only one of the realms but has the ability to switch to the other. The […]

Player avatar interactivity
When I first began to implement the player avatar, it became apparent that it felt very lifeless. This wasn’t due to a lack of animations, but mainly because it sensed a lack of reaction whenever the player gave input, especially from the player’s free aim movement.
At this point I only had basic player X-Axis flipping in order to indicate that you are aiming at a different direction on the horizontal level. Originally I had this tied to whichever direction you […]

Player avatar interactivity
When I first began to implement the player avatar, it became apparent that it felt very lifeless. This wasn’t due to a lack of animations, but mainly because it sensed a lack of reaction whenever the player gave input, especially from the player’s free aim movement.
At this point I only had basic player X-Axis flipping in order to indicate that you are aiming at a different direction on the horizontal level. Originally I had this tied to whichever direction you […]

Slingy and projectiles
The most important task this week was the sprite for an enemy called Slingy, it’s a character that is supposed to come up from the bottom of the screen and shoot at the player with a slingshot.
All of the assets were made in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.
The enemy characters in this game are supposed to have their weapons be a part of themselves to convey a feeling of that they are the weapon, that the person is not the important […]

Slingy and projectiles
The most important task this week was the sprite for an enemy called Slingy, it’s a character that is supposed to come up from the bottom of the screen and shoot at the player with a slingshot.
All of the assets were made in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.
The enemy characters in this game are supposed to have their weapons be a part of themselves to convey a feeling of that they are the weapon, that the person is not the important […]

Blog 09-02-2017 Daniel Ahlberg Game Design 2
This week, one of my tasks was to make some basic GUI for the game. I have done some GUI before so i felt confident that i could do it for the game.
what i made was a basic start screen scene which included two empty game objects, one which was for the start screen canvas and one which was for tutorial canvas.
The start screen canvas, have two functions and buttons, either press space to continue or press escape […]

Blog 09-02-2017 Daniel Ahlberg Game Design 2
This week, one of my tasks was to make some basic GUI for the game. I have done some GUI before so i felt confident that i could do it for the game.
what i made was a basic start screen scene which included two empty game objects, one which was for the start screen canvas and one which was for tutorial canvas.
The start screen canvas, have two functions and buttons, either press space to continue or press escape […]

Shellfish – Group S – Map Boundaries (Coding)
Our team Shadhavar is making a game called Shellfish which is a 2D shoot’em up game, that takes place in a fishtank. One of the responsibilities i was tasked with, as part of the 2 man programming unit of our team, was to make a script of the levels map boundaries in Unity. Making the boundaries includes not letting the player nor the enemies to leave the level which is in 1 screen (meaning that the camera remains stationary and […]

Shellfish – Group S – Map Boundaries (Coding)
Our team Shadhavar is making a game called Shellfish which is a 2D shoot’em up game, that takes place in a fishtank. One of the responsibilities i was tasked with, as part of the 2 man programming unit of our team, was to make a script of the levels map boundaries in Unity. Making the boundaries includes not letting the player nor the enemies to leave the level which is in 1 screen (meaning that the camera remains stationary and […]

An artifact I’ve worked on this week is a simple powerup that will act as a “key” in the game. The powerup itself is simple, once you pick it up the type of projectile you launch changes. The color of the projectile is the same as the powerup the player picked up.
A purple powerup *placeholder
These projectiles then serve the purpose for the player to unlock new areas of the game that were previously blocked by obstacles. These obstacles have some sort […]

An artifact I’ve worked on this week is a simple powerup that will act as a “key” in the game. The powerup itself is simple, once you pick it up the type of projectile you launch changes. The color of the projectile is the same as the powerup the player picked up.
A purple powerup *placeholder
These projectiles then serve the purpose for the player to unlock new areas of the game that were previously blocked by obstacles. These obstacles have some sort […]

The Frustrating Spider Animation
This week I’ve been trying to develop a animation cycle for a spider. This spider is an enemy within the game and will act hostile towards the player character whenever it sees the opportunity. The spider will be located mostly in spider webs they’ve weaved and different around such as branches. However, to make this all possible, I’ve been working on a walking animation cycle.
This was a difficult task. I had no idea how a spider walked, not to mention […]

The Frustrating Spider Animation
This week I’ve been trying to develop a animation cycle for a spider. This spider is an enemy within the game and will act hostile towards the player character whenever it sees the opportunity. The spider will be located mostly in spider webs they’ve weaved and different around such as branches. However, to make this all possible, I’ve been working on a walking animation cycle.
This was a difficult task. I had no idea how a spider walked, not to mention […]

Reward contridictions
Combo System
For our shoot em up we have a combo mechanic. Right now if you kill an enemy they shoot out a “combo Object”. You as a player may try to shoot it and if you hit you get combo increase in combo Level. The combo Level makes you do more damage. If you miss the combo objected you combo level will resets. The thought process is that you going to kill an enemy to get stronger and kill enemies […]

Reward contridictions
Combo System
For our shoot em up we have a combo mechanic. Right now if you kill an enemy they shoot out a “combo Object”. You as a player may try to shoot it and if you hit you get combo increase in combo Level. The combo Level makes you do more damage. If you miss the combo objected you combo level will resets. The thought process is that you going to kill an enemy to get stronger and kill enemies […]