Monthly Archives: February 2017

Designing and Animating the Enemy
When we created the farmer enemy, our team first had a quite extensive discussion about its design in the concept document and what about it we liked or disliked for our game. In the concept, the farmer had both a melee and a ranged attack. He had a pitchfork to attack the player with in close range and molotovs to throw at longer range as projectiles. personally I had nothing against the molotov projectiles. I thought it fitted the aesthetic […]

Designing and Animating the Enemy
When we created the farmer enemy, our team first had a quite extensive discussion about its design in the concept document and what about it we liked or disliked for our game. In the concept, the farmer had both a melee and a ranged attack. He had a pitchfork to attack the player with in close range and molotovs to throw at longer range as projectiles. personally I had nothing against the molotov projectiles. I thought it fitted the aesthetic […]

Living Lightning
This week I have created a lightning projectile.
In the beginning of the game, two projectiles are available. A basic projectile that simply kills enemies, and an absorbing projectile that will absorb the elemental power of an elemental enemy when it kills it. When the elemental enemy dies, a powerup is spawned which automatically flies over to the player and positions itself on the cloud (the player is flying on a small cloud).
If the player dies while carrying a powerup, she will […]

Living Lightning
This week I have created a lightning projectile.
In the beginning of the game, two projectiles are available. A basic projectile that simply kills enemies, and an absorbing projectile that will absorb the elemental power of an elemental enemy when it kills it. When the elemental enemy dies, a powerup is spawned which automatically flies over to the player and positions itself on the cloud (the player is flying on a small cloud).
If the player dies while carrying a powerup, she will […]

Week 2 – From Pirate’s chest to bubble gun
Oyez, Oyez people from game design and everyone else ! Today I’m going to talk about both the conception of a chest and its animation and (as an extra) the conception of a bubble gun, the gun that our Main Protagonist will use as a basic weapons shooting bubbles.
I was assigned to draw a chest that would contain some of the power-ups the character would loot. So, for the design of that chest, I actually immediately thought of pirates and […]

Week 2 – From Pirate’s chest to bubble gun
Oyez, Oyez people from game design and everyone else ! Today I’m going to talk about both the conception of a chest and its animation and (as an extra) the conception of a bubble gun, the gun that our Main Protagonist will use as a basic weapons shooting bubbles.
I was assigned to draw a chest that would contain some of the power-ups the character would loot. So, for the design of that chest, I actually immediately thought of pirates and […]

My Second Game Design Blog Post – Simple damage feedback and a bit about my damage system.
Hello, today I will be writing about my simple damage feedback that I did. The point of a damage feedback is to visualize that an object that can take damage, took it. You can do that in plenty of ways for example you can create a knockback effect that pushes away the Player from the source of damage after touching it, you can create a text above the Player that the damage was dealt or as I did here, colour […]

My Second Game Design Blog Post – Simple damage feedback and a bit about my damage system.
Hello, today I will be writing about my simple damage feedback that I did. The point of a damage feedback is to visualize that an object that can take damage, took it. You can do that in plenty of ways for example you can create a knockback effect that pushes away the Player from the source of damage after touching it, you can create a text above the Player that the damage was dealt or as I did here, colour […]

Preparing to Present the α
On the 16th of February, 2017, we presented the Alpha version of our game. I have been in charge of our groups presentations so far and this was no exception. The “pre-alpha” presentation we had a few days earlier was a mess due to technical difficulties so I saw this presentation as a chance to redeem myself. Luckily, our game designer Joel knew the topic well enough to show it in my stead.
It had been an exceedingly busy week. Therefore, I […]

Preparing to Present the α
On the 16th of February, 2017, we presented the Alpha version of our game. I have been in charge of our groups presentations so far and this was no exception. The “pre-alpha” presentation we had a few days earlier was a mess due to technical difficulties so I saw this presentation as a chance to redeem myself. Luckily, our game designer Joel knew the topic well enough to show it in my stead.
It had been an exceedingly busy week. Therefore, I […]

Week 2 – Extended Player
For the second sprint for our game I was tasked to extend our player characters functions. I needed to extend our collision with the screen boundaries, enemies and enemy projectiles, which would also defeat the player character. I was also tasked with making the first instance of our melee attack. For this I needed to create or utilize:
Colliders for the player character, enemies and projectiles. These were already implemented after the first sprint.
A lose state. Make the player character disappear […]

Week 2 – Extended Player
For the second sprint for our game I was tasked to extend our player characters functions. I needed to extend our collision with the screen boundaries, enemies and enemy projectiles, which would also defeat the player character. I was also tasked with making the first instance of our melee attack. For this I needed to create or utilize:
Colliders for the player character, enemies and projectiles. These were already implemented after the first sprint.
A lose state. Make the player character disappear […]

A week with SCRUM
Welcome to my second blogpost, this post will mainly focus on the management side of things. I’m going to explain how we are working with scrum, everything from how we plan each sprint and what is happening on a daily basis.
Monday – Sprint planning
The team usually gathers on Mondays to discuss what we want to achieve during the sprint. We look in the product backlog (which I wrote about in my previous post), in the backlog we have defined the sprint goals for […]

A week with SCRUM
Welcome to my second blogpost, this post will mainly focus on the management side of things. I’m going to explain how we are working with scrum, everything from how we plan each sprint and what is happening on a daily basis.
Monday – Sprint planning
The team usually gathers on Mondays to discuss what we want to achieve during the sprint. We look in the product backlog (which I wrote about in my previous post), in the backlog we have defined the sprint goals for […]

Week 2 – Backgrounds
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to make background concepts for our Selfish game. Since it is a game about a fish in an aquarium I first drew some quick suggestions on how the aquarium could look. Above you can see some of my concepts I made in Photoshop and PaintTool SAI. The pictures on the left are the same picture except the one above has a green filter over it. I thought it would look more like you […]

Week 2 – Backgrounds
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to make background concepts for our Selfish game. Since it is a game about a fish in an aquarium I first drew some quick suggestions on how the aquarium could look. Above you can see some of my concepts I made in Photoshop and PaintTool SAI. The pictures on the left are the same picture except the one above has a green filter over it. I thought it would look more like you […]

Background in the making
For the two last weeks, I have been creating the background for a game called ”Crown of Creation” that I have been developing together with my group.
The background that I was to make is supposed to be set where the player operates in the game, which is the inside of a crystal tree. What I needed to convey for the inside background art was a stone-material on the edges that would resemble the bark, and crystal material on the inside, kind of […]

Background in the making
For the two last weeks, I have been creating the background for a game called ”Crown of Creation” that I have been developing together with my group.
The background that I was to make is supposed to be set where the player operates in the game, which is the inside of a crystal tree. What I needed to convey for the inside background art was a stone-material on the edges that would resemble the bark, and crystal material on the inside, kind of […]

One boss becomes two
Stella Crawford from Team Nazgul here!
In this blog entry I’m going to continue on the topic of redesigning the bosses for Burn Witch, Burn. Last week I talked about the Witch Hunter and mentioned the final boss who ended up splitting into two halves and becoming a queen in our interpretation.
I made these designs last week but I haven’t done much else than cleaning up animation frames this week, which isn’t very interesting to write or read about so I […]

One boss becomes two
Stella Crawford from Team Nazgul here!
In this blog entry I’m going to continue on the topic of redesigning the bosses for Burn Witch, Burn. Last week I talked about the Witch Hunter and mentioned the final boss who ended up splitting into two halves and becoming a queen in our interpretation.
I made these designs last week but I haven’t done much else than cleaning up animation frames this week, which isn’t very interesting to write or read about so I […]

Fishy concept art
This week I will be writing about and show the concept art I made in a very early stage of the project. I had responsible for creating concept art for all the fish, both Stephen and the enemies.
What I mostly did was to quick sketch different ideas with traditional pen and paper, I did not do very detailed concept since it is just concept. Since we discussed what style the group wanted to go with, which was a cartoony style, I had to […]

Fishy concept art
This week I will be writing about and show the concept art I made in a very early stage of the project. I had responsible for creating concept art for all the fish, both Stephen and the enemies.
What I mostly did was to quick sketch different ideas with traditional pen and paper, I did not do very detailed concept since it is just concept. Since we discussed what style the group wanted to go with, which was a cartoony style, I had to […]
The Week Of Concepts
This week has been the week of concepts. So the most of the work that has been happening this week is the creation of some ideas for the remaining enemies in our game, this is so that it will be easier to create the sprites for the enemies that are left for the coming weeks. I made three different enemy concepts to be exact.
The process has been quite easy to actually draw them, but it’s the creation of the different […]
The Week Of Concepts
This week has been the week of concepts. So the most of the work that has been happening this week is the creation of some ideas for the remaining enemies in our game, this is so that it will be easier to create the sprites for the enemies that are left for the coming weeks. I made three different enemy concepts to be exact.
The process has been quite easy to actually draw them, but it’s the creation of the different […]