Daily Archives: February 9, 2017

Designing, Boss numbero uno: The Moray

The locked screen in the selfish game was a big problem for our group. It leads us to focus on the wave pattern of the enemy since they brought the only challenges in the game. We then came up with the idea of a boss that works pretty much like snake. with a slight pre-warning the boss swim across the screen in a specific pattern and the remain there for a period, blocking the player from accessing certain parts of […]

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Designing, Boss numbero uno: The Moray

The locked screen in the selfish game was a big problem for our group. It leads us to focus on the wave pattern of the enemy since they brought the only challenges in the game. We then came up with the idea of a boss that works pretty much like snake. with a slight pre-warning the boss swim across the screen in a specific pattern and the remain there for a period, blocking the player from accessing certain parts of […]

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In the beginning, you know nothing.

In the beginning, you know nothing.
For our current game project, this is equally true for both the player and for the designers.
Our, as yet untitled, game lets the player take control of a moth, flying through a forest at night. Obstacles need to be navigated and enemies avoided in order to reach the goal: A light at the end of the level. However, the player can only see what is in a small part of the screen directly around them, […]

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Program: Game Design

In the beginning, you know nothing.

In the beginning, you know nothing.
For our current game project, this is equally true for both the player and for the designers.
Our, as yet untitled, game lets the player take control of a moth, flying through a forest at night. Obstacles need to be navigated and enemies avoided in order to reach the goal: A light at the end of the level. However, the player can only see what is in a small part of the screen directly around them, […]

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Program: Game Design

“5sd06” successes and setbacks #1

My first blog post.

I haven’t made any blog posts for the last three weeks of the course since I haven’t been aware of the fact that all group members had to do it. (For Reasons, don’t judge) I’ll try to summarize what I did during that time on this post as well as what I done this week(Week 3).
The first week was messy, mostly because of the fact that I wasn’t just the only programmer of our group, but I […]

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Program: Programming

“5sd06” successes and setbacks #1

My first blog post.

I haven’t made any blog posts for the last three weeks of the course since I haven’t been aware of the fact that all group members had to do it. (For Reasons, don’t judge) I’ll try to summarize what I did during that time on this post as well as what I done this week(Week 3).
The first week was messy, mostly because of the fact that I wasn’t just the only programmer of our group, but I […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1 – The Moth

This week I started working on the main character for the game. Going into this task I had a pretty clear vision of how I wanted the character to look, in this case a moth.
Even though I did not really have any knowledge regarding moths I started doing some rough sketches of the body and wings to start off with. A slight problem that I ran into was that my creation started looking somewhat like a butterfly rather than a […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – The Moth

This week I started working on the main character for the game. Going into this task I had a pretty clear vision of how I wanted the character to look, in this case a moth.
Even though I did not really have any knowledge regarding moths I started doing some rough sketches of the body and wings to start off with. A slight problem that I ran into was that my creation started looking somewhat like a butterfly rather than a […]

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Program: Graphics

First Post

This is my very first post. On this blog, I’ll be showing my progress as a graphic designer and the different projects I’m working on.

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Program: Graphics

First Post

This is my very first post. On this blog, I’ll be showing my progress as a graphic designer and the different projects I’m working on.

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Program: Graphics

Frenzy Theme Music

My group and I are making a game about a fish in our game design course. After being mistreated by the other fish the main character starts to take revenge on the other inhabitants of the fish tank.
When the player kills enough of the other fish the main character will go into frenzy. In ”Frenzy Mode” the player shoots faster and to give additional feedback to the player we as a group wanted the music to give it some extra attitude.
After […]

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Program: Graphics

Frenzy Theme Music

My group and I are making a game about a fish in our game design course. After being mistreated by the other fish the main character starts to take revenge on the other inhabitants of the fish tank.
When the player kills enough of the other fish the main character will go into frenzy. In ”Frenzy Mode” the player shoots faster and to give additional feedback to the player we as a group wanted the music to give it some extra attitude.
After […]

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Program: Graphics

A Perspective on Perspective

As this is my first ever blog post I feel like a short honest summary of myself is in order, to give some perspective.
I am Harry, 21 years, born and raised on the outskirts of Uppland-Sweden. Introvert, perfectionist, gamer and soon to be artist. There, that’s about as concise as it gets. And now to the main event.
As a student in game design and graphics I get to draw a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT. Ever since I […]

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Program: Graphics

A Perspective on Perspective

As this is my first ever blog post I feel like a short honest summary of myself is in order, to give some perspective.
I am Harry, 21 years, born and raised on the outskirts of Uppland-Sweden. Introvert, perfectionist, gamer and soon to be artist. There, that’s about as concise as it gets. And now to the main event.
As a student in game design and graphics I get to draw a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT. Ever since I […]

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Program: Graphics

First blog post, Let’s get started

This week I worked with Particles in Unity. I was trying to make a little cloud poof for the enemies to disappear behind once shot. It was difficult to keep the little cloud from spreading out, and to make the cloud stay close. There was also the problem of making the cloud image show up. After several hours of looking it up, screaming, yelling and slamming my mouse against the mousepad, I finally got it to work. Then I replicated […]

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First blog post, Let’s get started

This week I worked with Particles in Unity. I was trying to make a little cloud poof for the enemies to disappear behind once shot. It was difficult to keep the little cloud from spreading out, and to make the cloud stay close. There was also the problem of making the cloud image show up. After several hours of looking it up, screaming, yelling and slamming my mouse against the mousepad, I finally got it to work. Then I replicated […]

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Välkommen till min nya blogg!

Mitt första inlägg.

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Program: Graphics

Välkommen till min nya blogg!

Mitt första inlägg.

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Program: Graphics

Concept interpretation, lighting and finding the fun

One of the main unique selling points in the original concept document is that the player character is blind and has to shoot a sonar wave projectile in order to navigate the environment. The group thought the game pitch sounded very interesting and fun to make, but personally I was very skeptical. Being presented a pitch black environment and the having to shoot projectiles in order to see anything sounded like something that while it could be neat at first, the novelty of […]

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Program: Game Design

Concept interpretation, lighting and finding the fun

One of the main unique selling points in the original concept document is that the player character is blind and has to shoot a sonar wave projectile in order to navigate the environment. The group thought the game pitch sounded very interesting and fun to make, but personally I was very skeptical. Being presented a pitch black environment and the having to shoot projectiles in order to see anything sounded like something that while it could be neat at first, the novelty of […]

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Program: Game Design

First blog post

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.

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Program: Game Design

First blog post

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.

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Program: Game Design


Is this thing on?
zsjnx åfozrhdd hvfjhg
Hehe, that’s a sound joke for you…
If you are reading this, you are probably my fellow student.
Which means you probably don’t want to be here.
Well, too bad, because our teacher is forcing you!
Good news, though. Even though I’m a programmer, I’m not gonna force you to stare at 1337 lines of code and listen to lame logic explanations.
Instead, I have some music for you.
I’m the Lead Sound for my dev group, and I got to spend last […]

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Program: Programming


Is this thing on?
zsjnx åfozrhdd hvfjhg
Hehe, that’s a sound joke for you…
If you are reading this, you are probably my fellow student.
Which means you probably don’t want to be here.
Well, too bad, because our teacher is forcing you!
Good news, though. Even though I’m a programmer, I’m not gonna force you to stare at 1337 lines of code and listen to lame logic explanations.
Instead, I have some music for you.
I’m the Lead Sound for my dev group, and I got to spend last […]

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Program: Programming