Daily Archives: February 9, 2017

5SD037 – Transparancy
During the last two weeks our game production project has managed to proceed through the pre-production phase and entered the production phase. The pre-production phase has mostly been occupied by heavy design decisions along with the new experience of using scrum and its tools. My role as a producer for this project has brought me to be responsible for the backlog, goals, sprints and sprint reviews for this project. During the pre-production phase, I have been conducting meetings as well […]

5SD037 – Transparancy
During the last two weeks our game production project has managed to proceed through the pre-production phase and entered the production phase. The pre-production phase has mostly been occupied by heavy design decisions along with the new experience of using scrum and its tools. My role as a producer for this project has brought me to be responsible for the backlog, goals, sprints and sprint reviews for this project. During the pre-production phase, I have been conducting meetings as well […]

The Design Process of selfish
As a pure design student, my main tasks in this project are to: document design decisions, take a leading part in testing the game and communicate the design to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
My intended tasks have differed greatly from what I’ve actually done. I consider this both good and bad. By having me as the designer adapting to different situations we have managed to make great progress with our game. However, this comes with a cost […]

The Design Process of selfish
As a pure design student, my main tasks in this project are to: document design decisions, take a leading part in testing the game and communicate the design to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
My intended tasks have differed greatly from what I’ve actually done. I consider this both good and bad. By having me as the designer adapting to different situations we have managed to make great progress with our game. However, this comes with a cost […]

Node Based movement of Enemies
I have been working on a system for node based movement for enemies. This makes it so that an enemies path is decided by putting out Game Objects in the scene called nodes. When an enemy has two or more nodes it will then move between the nodes in sequence at a set speed.
The script first makes sure that enough nodes are in the array for movement to work, otherwise it logs an error. If there are 2 or more nodes […]

Node Based movement of Enemies
I have been working on a system for node based movement for enemies. This makes it so that an enemies path is decided by putting out Game Objects in the scene called nodes. When an enemy has two or more nodes it will then move between the nodes in sequence at a set speed.
The script first makes sure that enough nodes are in the array for movement to work, otherwise it logs an error. If there are 2 or more nodes […]

Game Production Diary 1
Our project is a shoot ‘em up game. The theme of game revolves around a world of stone “trees” that have a structure of a geode; stone on the outside and a crystal hollow core. All of the creatures of the world live inside of these “trees”. And the energy of the world is in the crystals. In this game the avatar Betulla, a mix of a spider and a humanoid, climbs the inside of the tree trunk in search […]

Game Production Diary 1
Our project is a shoot ‘em up game. The theme of game revolves around a world of stone “trees” that have a structure of a geode; stone on the outside and a crystal hollow core. All of the creatures of the world live inside of these “trees”. And the energy of the world is in the crystals. In this game the avatar Betulla, a mix of a spider and a humanoid, climbs the inside of the tree trunk in search […]

The First post, about the second enemy.
This first post will focus a lot on our games second enemy type. The reason for this is simple: It was my focus of work this week.
Using an internal finite state machine, it’s able to maintain a very simple behaviour pattern: Move, Shoot, Repeat.
The Pseudo code that the enemy uses is as follow:
When spawned go into the “Move” state, choose an area on the playfield and move to it. Once you’ve reached the destination, go into the “Attack” state. When […]

The First post, about the second enemy.
This first post will focus a lot on our games second enemy type. The reason for this is simple: It was my focus of work this week.
Using an internal finite state machine, it’s able to maintain a very simple behaviour pattern: Move, Shoot, Repeat.
The Pseudo code that the enemy uses is as follow:
When spawned go into the “Move” state, choose an area on the playfield and move to it. Once you’ve reached the destination, go into the “Attack” state. When […]
Power Up #1
Hi my name is Kevin Johansson and i am one of the programmers for the group Fenrir. Our group is making the game Bullet hack and this week i have been making the first power up. In our game you play as a object shooting other object in certain segments like a traditional shoot em up. So our first power up is increased fire rate for the player. The power ups are picked up in another segment of the game […]
Power Up #1
Hi my name is Kevin Johansson and i am one of the programmers for the group Fenrir. Our group is making the game Bullet hack and this week i have been making the first power up. In our game you play as a object shooting other object in certain segments like a traditional shoot em up. So our first power up is increased fire rate for the player. The power ups are picked up in another segment of the game […]

Sprite animation
My main task for this week has been to create and animate a sprite, in this case the main character for the game my team Amarok is creating. I have started out by making several different drafts and rough animations during the previous weeks, but this week I set out to properly finish the sprite, and undoubtedly this has been the most time consuming artifact I’ve been working on this week. I made two animations for the sprite: an idle/movement animation as well […]

Sprite animation
My main task for this week has been to create and animate a sprite, in this case the main character for the game my team Amarok is creating. I have started out by making several different drafts and rough animations during the previous weeks, but this week I set out to properly finish the sprite, and undoubtedly this has been the most time consuming artifact I’ve been working on this week. I made two animations for the sprite: an idle/movement animation as well […]

Filling in the SCRUM backlog.
The first week of the course we were assigned with the task to fill out a scrum template. A scrum template is a list of assets/artifacts which should be worked on in order to complete the project. Since I’m the project manager/producer of my group I took the responsibility of being in charge of making sure the product backlog was easy to understand as well as selecting a priority system. As this was our very first time applying scrum theory […]

Filling in the SCRUM backlog.
The first week of the course we were assigned with the task to fill out a scrum template. A scrum template is a list of assets/artifacts which should be worked on in order to complete the project. Since I’m the project manager/producer of my group I took the responsibility of being in charge of making sure the product backlog was easy to understand as well as selecting a priority system. As this was our very first time applying scrum theory […]

Lighting System
One of the most core elements of our game is the lighting, as such, this post is about how we managed to implement it, and the part I’ve done in getting it working. This is how the lighting system currently works, although we plan to refine it a bit more later on.
The concept “Echo” requires a dark map where the player navigates around and finds stuff. To implement this in any way, a lighting system is necessary. We decided to […]

Lighting System
One of the most core elements of our game is the lighting, as such, this post is about how we managed to implement it, and the part I’ve done in getting it working. This is how the lighting system currently works, although we plan to refine it a bit more later on.
The concept “Echo” requires a dark map where the player navigates around and finds stuff. To implement this in any way, a lighting system is necessary. We decided to […]

About Scrum
Hi my name is Lee and I am the project manager for the group Fenrir. For this post I am going to write about the method the group used to organize the project. “The Scrum”.
Scrum is an agile method for small teams. In the scrum, you would first decide the product backlog. It is breaking the project into big chunks. After that you break down the chunks again into smaller chunks which are sprints. Scrum is supposed to […]

About Scrum
Hi my name is Lee and I am the project manager for the group Fenrir. For this post I am going to write about the method the group used to organize the project. “The Scrum”.
Scrum is an agile method for small teams. In the scrum, you would first decide the product backlog. It is breaking the project into big chunks. After that you break down the chunks again into smaller chunks which are sprints. Scrum is supposed to […]

The Artefact of a Designer
As a designer, my job is to create meaningful design and mechanics that works with work towards the general vision of the game. This week what I created was a system, which is a group of mechanics that all together creates something the player can do in the game. The system that I created was a AI system of sorts, we decided to create AI that would be programmed with a set pattern of movement since creating intelligent AI is […]

The Artefact of a Designer
As a designer, my job is to create meaningful design and mechanics that works with work towards the general vision of the game. This week what I created was a system, which is a group of mechanics that all together creates something the player can do in the game. The system that I created was a AI system of sorts, we decided to create AI that would be programmed with a set pattern of movement since creating intelligent AI is […]

Movement and rotation
The game that my group picked to work on is Burn, Witch, Burn! In this specific game you are riding on a floating broomstick and as such the movement of the player character is supposed to feel floaty and have some kind of air friction and acceleration. I also wanted the direction the character is facing correspond to the direction of the velocity vector.
At first we tried to code the movement completely without using the built-in physics of rigidbodies […]

Movement and rotation
The game that my group picked to work on is Burn, Witch, Burn! In this specific game you are riding on a floating broomstick and as such the movement of the player character is supposed to feel floaty and have some kind of air friction and acceleration. I also wanted the direction the character is facing correspond to the direction of the velocity vector.
At first we tried to code the movement completely without using the built-in physics of rigidbodies […]