Yearly Archives: 2016

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #1

Hello there!
I am Maximilian Bergström of Space Shooter game project Group 4. I am currently the group’s main animator. Our group is made up of three programmers and tree graphics designers.
As for the set up that we have going right now we have chosen to divide the graphics into the categories animation, lineart and coloring. We have decided to do things this way to make sure that everyone always have something to work on and to make sure that the […]

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Program: Graphics

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #1

Hello there!
I am Maximilian Bergström of Space Shooter game project Group 4. I am currently the group’s main animator. Our group is made up of three programmers and tree graphics designers.
As for the set up that we have going right now we have chosen to divide the graphics into the categories animation, lineart and coloring. We have decided to do things this way to make sure that everyone always have something to work on and to make sure that the […]

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Program: Graphics

Commander Victoria Brevitt

Det här med bloggande var tydligen helt min grej, ett inlägg på fyra månader! I will do better, oh great one…
Jag tillhör grupp 17; (long live the Anteater-Dragons!) Vi har, pecis som ett par andra grupper, valt att arbeta med konceptet för Planet Suburbia. Under vår första vecka tog jag djärvt på mig uppgiften att designa befälhavaren till vår tolkning av spelet: Commander Victoria Brevitt dyker upp som en av tre ospelbara karaktärer i spelet, hon står för en stor […]

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Program: Graphics

Commander Victoria Brevitt

Det här med bloggande var tydligen helt min grej, ett inlägg på fyra månader! I will do better, oh great one…
Jag tillhör grupp 17; (long live the Anteater-Dragons!) Vi har, pecis som ett par andra grupper, valt att arbeta med konceptet för Planet Suburbia. Under vår första vecka tog jag djärvt på mig uppgiften att designa befälhavaren till vår tolkning av spelet: Commander Victoria Brevitt dyker upp som en av tre ospelbara karaktärer i spelet, hon står för en stor […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Asteroid animations

My name is Malin Runsten Fredriksson and I’m currently working on a 2D space shooter project called ”Space Giraffa”. To summarize the game; it’s about a giraffe called ”Giraffa” who is kidnapped by aliens along with its family to outer space and is heavily experimented on. Luckily she manages to escape and flies towards the enormous army of aliens to find her missing family members. The game is an auto-sidescroller with enemies and obstacles coming in from the right side […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Asteroid animations

My name is Malin Runsten Fredriksson and I’m currently working on a 2D space shooter project called ”Space Giraffa”. To summarize the game; it’s about a giraffe called ”Giraffa” who is kidnapped by aliens along with its family to outer space and is heavily experimented on. Luckily she manages to escape and flies towards the enormous army of aliens to find her missing family members. The game is an auto-sidescroller with enemies and obstacles coming in from the right side […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Vecka 3

Föregående vecka påbörjade jag att skissa på sprites till huvudkaraktären, en där han springer och en där han simmar. Jag påbörjade även att färglägga/sätta ut ett färgschema för att få en helhet på karaktären. Jag blev dock ombedd av vår Lead Artist att vänta med att färgläggningen då han skulle rita upp en style guide och vilken färg pallett spelets bakgrund skulle ha. Genom den kan man sedan se vilka färger som är mest lämpliga att välja för huvudkaraktären, som […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Vecka 3

Föregående vecka påbörjade jag att skissa på sprites till huvudkaraktären, en där han springer och en där han simmar. Jag påbörjade även att färglägga/sätta ut ett färgschema för att få en helhet på karaktären. Jag blev dock ombedd av vår Lead Artist att vänta med att färgläggningen då han skulle rita upp en style guide och vilken färg pallett spelets bakgrund skulle ha. Genom den kan man sedan se vilka färger som är mest lämpliga att välja för huvudkaraktären, som […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 2 & 3 of creating the game

This week’s main focus has been on the full completion of the game design document as well as creating/writing the foundation for the narrative and story. As usual the week started of quite slow but the pace has gradually increased since monday with the amount of work requiring to get done quickly blooming.
First objective  that needed to get done was the regulations/rules part for the game design document. Deciding how the player wins the game, how they lose the game, if there’s any score-system, how the player […]

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Program: Programming

Week 2 & 3 of creating the game

This week’s main focus has been on the full completion of the game design document as well as creating/writing the foundation for the narrative and story. As usual the week started of quite slow but the pace has gradually increased since monday with the amount of work requiring to get done quickly blooming.
First objective  that needed to get done was the regulations/rules part for the game design document. Deciding how the player wins the game, how they lose the game, if there’s any score-system, how the player […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] Plane AI, States and Behaviour

Above; flowchart describing briefly how the AI moves between states according to conditions.
This week has been dedicated to the planning and structuring of a simple AI and the various behaviours necessary to facilitate a basic enemy plane.
The underlying structure is a finite state machine, a set of coded behaviours that are switched when specified conditions are met.
The desired behaviour of the plane is based on the stealth elements of the game, requiring it to patrol certain routes until it finds […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] Plane AI, States and Behaviour

Above; flowchart describing briefly how the AI moves between states according to conditions.
This week has been dedicated to the planning and structuring of a simple AI and the various behaviours necessary to facilitate a basic enemy plane.
The underlying structure is a finite state machine, a set of coded behaviours that are switched when specified conditions are met.
The desired behaviour of the plane is based on the stealth elements of the game, requiring it to patrol certain routes until it finds […]

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Program: Programming

First Entry

This is the first entry on this blog and is meant to be a test as to make sure it works with Babel.

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Program: Graphics

First Entry

This is the first entry on this blog and is meant to be a test as to make sure it works with Babel.

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Program: Graphics

A new course, Introduction to Game Development! First week? Wut

2D graphics and applications I is now finished and so I start a new course. Introduction to Game Development, oh so exciting!! This is a continuation on my first course Game Analysis and Game Design, that I had last semester. I have been now moved to a new group, and this time instead of creating a game concept we have to create an actual game based on another groups idea.
So now we are three weeks into the course, not the […]

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Program: Graphics

A new course, Introduction to Game Development! First week? Wut

2D graphics and applications I is now finished and so I start a new course. Introduction to Game Development, oh so exciting!! This is a continuation on my first course Game Analysis and Game Design, that I had last semester. I have been now moved to a new group, and this time instead of creating a game concept we have to create an actual game based on another groups idea.
So now we are three weeks into the course, not the […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Development Week 3

Förra veckan jobbade jag mycket med kodning i bakgrunden till spelet. Jag jobbade med ScreenManager, HoverCraftTurret, InputManager, LightManager, PlayerShip, de olika menyerna som main menu, pause menu och spelfönstret och jag gjorde en soundmanager.
ScreenManager gick bra att skriva, jag kollade upp en tutorial på github som gick igenom bra hur man gjorde. Det tog ungefär en timme att bli klar med. Sedan gjorde jag även de olika fönsterna som man ser när man startar spelet och när man spelar. Det […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development Week 3

Förra veckan jobbade jag mycket med kodning i bakgrunden till spelet. Jag jobbade med ScreenManager, HoverCraftTurret, InputManager, LightManager, PlayerShip, de olika menyerna som main menu, pause menu och spelfönstret och jag gjorde en soundmanager.
ScreenManager gick bra att skriva, jag kollade upp en tutorial på github som gick igenom bra hur man gjorde. Det tog ungefär en timme att bli klar med. Sedan gjorde jag även de olika fönsterna som man ser när man startar spelet och när man spelar. Det […]

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Program: Programming

Animating for our Space Shooter

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
We are now a couple of weeks into our space shooter projects. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team, and our task is now to simply create the game in all of its intended beauty.
In Flight of the Giraffa you play as Ginny, a heroic giraffe who’s been abducted by aliens together with her brother. After being subjected to all kinds of alien experiments, she gains the ability […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating for our Space Shooter

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
We are now a couple of weeks into our space shooter projects. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team, and our task is now to simply create the game in all of its intended beauty.
In Flight of the Giraffa you play as Ginny, a heroic giraffe who’s been abducted by aliens together with her brother. After being subjected to all kinds of alien experiments, she gains the ability […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating for our Space Shooter

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
We are now a couple of weeks into our space shooter projects. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team, and our task is now to simply create the game in all of its intended beauty.
In Flight of the Giraffa you play as Ginny, a heroic giraffe who’s been abducted by aliens together with her brother. After being subjected to all kinds of alien experiments, she gains the ability […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating for our Space Shooter

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
We are now a couple of weeks into our space shooter projects. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team, and our task is now to simply create the game in all of its intended beauty.
In Flight of the Giraffa you play as Ginny, a heroic giraffe who’s been abducted by aliens together with her brother. After being subjected to all kinds of alien experiments, she gains the ability […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 1 Torsdag 11/02

-Blog 1, Enemies Dying-
David Isaksson Grp.9 Kurs 5SD033
Animations for ”flight of the giraffa”, a side scrolling space shooter that we are working on.
This week I have been working on animating death animations for the enemies in our game. This week I have been working on animating the death animations for enemy 1, enemy 2, enemy 3 and a death animation for our mini boss at the end of our mid game level.
At the moment we are about a week away from where […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 1 Torsdag 11/02

-Blog 1, Enemies Dying-
David Isaksson Grp.9 Kurs 5SD033
Animations for ”flight of the giraffa”, a side scrolling space shooter that we are working on.
This week I have been working on animating death animations for the enemies in our game. This week I have been working on animating the death animations for enemy 1, enemy 2, enemy 3 and a death animation for our mini boss at the end of our mid game level.
At the moment we are about a week away from where […]

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Program: Graphics