Yearly Archives: 2016

Flamethrower – Week 4

We are progressing nicely on Desolate Echo, so nicely in fact that the art team are running out of assets to make. So this week was sort of a wrap up for me, dealing with the art that was left and following the playtesting I was also made responsible to retrofit all of our avatar animations on a redesigned version. I will focus this post on the most challenging asset for me to make and that was the flamethrower subweapon.
The challenge […]

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Program: Graphics

Flamethrower – Week 4

We are progressing nicely on Desolate Echo, so nicely in fact that the art team are running out of assets to make. So this week was sort of a wrap up for me, dealing with the art that was left and following the playtesting I was also made responsible to retrofit all of our avatar animations on a redesigned version. I will focus this post on the most challenging asset for me to make and that was the flamethrower subweapon.
The challenge […]

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Program: Graphics

Desolate Echo – Week 4

This week I’ve been working with Victor Kristiansson on a re-design of the sprite of our player avatar.
(note that only the hull will be addressed in this post, as the turret is a separate entity)
Original sprite
New sprite
The original sprite received some feedback saying that it looked “too box-like”  or “like a screw”, and needed to look more “like a hovercraft”. So how would we achieve that?
First off, the hovercraft is designed mainly for mining metals and minerals deep underground, where monsters and […]

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Program: Graphics

Desolate Echo – Week 4

This week I’ve been working with Victor Kristiansson on a re-design of the sprite of our player avatar.
(note that only the hull will be addressed in this post, as the turret is a separate entity)
Original sprite
New sprite
The original sprite received some feedback saying that it looked “too box-like”  or “like a screw”, and needed to look more “like a hovercraft”. So how would we achieve that?
First off, the hovercraft is designed mainly for mining metals and minerals deep underground, where monsters and […]

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Program: Graphics

Desolate Echo – Game Development Week 4

Förra veckan var inlämning av Gamedesign document som alla jobbade hårt på för att göra klart det som inte var färdigt än. En ändring vi gjorde med projektet var att byta namn från Colossal Core till Desolate Echo. Vi ansåg att Colossal Core inte längre stämde överens med vad vi gjort spelet till. Tidigare hade spelet fokuserat bara på kolossala bossar som man ska slåss mot i kärnan av en planet, vi ändrade båda dessa delar av spelet och samtidigt […]

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Program: Programming

Desolate Echo – Game Development Week 4

Förra veckan var inlämning av Gamedesign document som alla jobbade hårt på för att göra klart det som inte var färdigt än. En ändring vi gjorde med projektet var att byta namn från Colossal Core till Desolate Echo. Vi ansåg att Colossal Core inte längre stämde överens med vad vi gjort spelet till. Tidigare hade spelet fokuserat bara på kolossala bossar som man ska slåss mot i kärnan av en planet, vi ändrade båda dessa delar av spelet och samtidigt […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling Blogg 1

Hej jag heter Anders och jag städar.
Jag är grafiker i grupp 8 som utvecklar spelet Planet Suburbia.
I ett projekt där man först kommer in i en ny grupp där det finns två anda grafiker med olika arbetssätt, stilar och erfarenheter än en själv så vill man bara hitta sig sin plats och komma igång med att vara en produktiv medlem.
Och med de skiftande stilarna så gör man det även väldigt svårt att hitta ett utseende till projektet som alla kan […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Blogg 1

Hej jag heter Anders och jag städar.
Jag är grafiker i grupp 8 som utvecklar spelet Planet Suburbia.
I ett projekt där man först kommer in i en ny grupp där det finns två anda grafiker med olika arbetssätt, stilar och erfarenheter än en själv så vill man bara hitta sig sin plats och komma igång med att vara en produktiv medlem.
Och med de skiftande stilarna så gör man det även väldigt svårt att hitta ett utseende till projektet som alla kan […]

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Program: Graphics

Working on Hud – Trowl Robert Gustavsson

So before i start talking about what i am working on i should probably explain what our game is. Our game is Trowl, a game about an owl that has chosen the unfortunate place of a train to put her nest ontop on. so when the train started the owl and her children the owlets flew all across the train and got spread around everywhere.
So your job as the owl mother is to go across the train and rescue the […]

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Program: Programming

Working on Hud – Trowl Robert Gustavsson

So before i start talking about what i am working on i should probably explain what our game is. Our game is Trowl, a game about an owl that has chosen the unfortunate place of a train to put her nest ontop on. so when the train started the owl and her children the owlets flew all across the train and got spread around everywhere.
So your job as the owl mother is to go across the train and rescue the […]

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Program: Programming

Ronald Bronson Gump Jr. (AKA President Evil)

God dagens kära läsare nummer två! Det är dags för veckans inlägg och således följer här en uppdatering av arbetet kring vårt spelprojekt; Planet Suburbia. Förhoppningsvis har du lite mer tur än den förre läsaren som blev så illa tvungen att dra sig igenom en gedigen vägg av text…. 😛
Jag trivs med karaktärsskapandet och fortsatte i samma spår med att designa vårt spels verklige ”antagonist”; Presidenten Ronald Bronson Gump: Junior. Presidenten kommer inte att synas förrän i slutet av spelet […]

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Program: Graphics

Ronald Bronson Gump Jr. (AKA President Evil)

God dagens kära läsare nummer två! Det är dags för veckans inlägg och således följer här en uppdatering av arbetet kring vårt spelprojekt; Planet Suburbia. Förhoppningsvis har du lite mer tur än den förre läsaren som blev så illa tvungen att dra sig igenom en gedigen vägg av text…. 😛
Jag trivs med karaktärsskapandet och fortsatte i samma spår med att designa vårt spels verklige ”antagonist”; Presidenten Ronald Bronson Gump: Junior. Presidenten kommer inte att synas förrän i slutet av spelet […]

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Program: Graphics

3D Hands

Hands up for today’s little project! Our character only got 4 fingers so I had to improvise a little but it is pretty much the same. And I got to save some polys so I got that going for me

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Program: Graphics

3D Hands

Hands up for today’s little project! Our character only got 4 fingers so I had to improvise a little but it is pretty much the same. And I got to save some polys so I got that going for me

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)

The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)

The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

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Program: Graphics

Trowl – Owlets

Owlets are one of the core elements in the game we are creating called Trowl where the protagonist is an owl mother. As the game starts the player’s goal is to pick up and lead these owlets to the end of each level. The players primary concern when having picked up the owlets is to keep them safe and out of reach from enemy attacks. Each owlet that the player successfully protects through the level will give a slight bonus […]

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Program: Programming

Trowl – Owlets

Owlets are one of the core elements in the game we are creating called Trowl where the protagonist is an owl mother. As the game starts the player’s goal is to pick up and lead these owlets to the end of each level. The players primary concern when having picked up the owlets is to keep them safe and out of reach from enemy attacks. Each owlet that the player successfully protects through the level will give a slight bonus […]

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Program: Programming

A Beginning and Movement with Math

Our team have choosen to work on the concept “Colossus Core” made by another team where you explore caves on a foreign planet with dangerous enemies that you have to fight with your special made hovercraft.
As the week has past we have had alot of technical problems and a slow start but now as time getting close to the deadline for our Alpha everyone have started to pull their o own weight and we are now racing to finish our every […]

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Program: Game Design

A Beginning and Movement with Math

Our team have choosen to work on the concept “Colossus Core” made by another team where you explore caves on a foreign planet with dangerous enemies that you have to fight with your special made hovercraft.
As the week has past we have had alot of technical problems and a slow start but now as time getting close to the deadline for our Alpha everyone have started to pull their o own weight and we are now racing to finish our every […]

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Program: Game Design

Vecka tre: Struktur

Hej mitt namn är Emil Wahlund och jag tillhör grupp 12 och vi håller på att utveckla Colossus Core.
Under vecka tre har jag arbetat med vår projektstruktur. Vad är det som behövs? Vilka system behöver vi? Vad är relationen mellan de olika systemen? Det är bara några av de frågorna som jag ställde mig själv innan jag började. Själva grundstrukturen är inte så avancerad, saker som behövs för att spelet ska fungera t.ex. SpriteManager, DrawManager och ColitionManager. Utöver grunderna så […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka tre: Struktur

Hej mitt namn är Emil Wahlund och jag tillhör grupp 12 och vi håller på att utveckla Colossus Core.
Under vecka tre har jag arbetat med vår projektstruktur. Vad är det som behövs? Vilka system behöver vi? Vad är relationen mellan de olika systemen? Det är bara några av de frågorna som jag ställde mig själv innan jag började. Själva grundstrukturen är inte så avancerad, saker som behövs för att spelet ska fungera t.ex. SpriteManager, DrawManager och ColitionManager. Utöver grunderna så […]

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Program: Programming

First post – Space shooter project

I have spent this week with a generally unsuccessful attempt to do the majority of all SFX and ambient sound to our game. Majority of my time has been used to filter trough all Free sound effects available on the internet. The real struggle there is to find a viable sound with a decent quality amongst the unreasonable amounts of random homemade synthetic ”realistic” sound effects or silly fart noises. The most memorable sound effect I encountered was ”girl Pissing in a bowl”.
The […]

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Program: Graphics

First post – Space shooter project

I have spent this week with a generally unsuccessful attempt to do the majority of all SFX and ambient sound to our game. Majority of my time has been used to filter trough all Free sound effects available on the internet. The real struggle there is to find a viable sound with a decent quality amongst the unreasonable amounts of random homemade synthetic ”realistic” sound effects or silly fart noises. The most memorable sound effect I encountered was ”girl Pissing in a bowl”.
The […]

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Program: Graphics