Yearly Archives: 2016

Denna Vecka: Liv, Pickups Och Highscore

Denna vecka har jag fortsatt att jobba med pickups och highscore men har också jobbat med liv systemet. Då både pickups och highscore behöver utvecklas lite mer.
Jag har med pickups jobbat med att lägga in dem från min prototyp till vårt stora projekt och märkte genast några fel som att den ritades ut på position 0, 0 även fast att jag försökte ändra till till exempel 200, 200. Sen efter några dagar så visade det sig att jag använde mig […]

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Program: Programming

Denna Vecka: Liv, Pickups Och Highscore

Denna vecka har jag fortsatt att jobba med pickups och highscore men har också jobbat med liv systemet. Då både pickups och highscore behöver utvecklas lite mer.
Jag har med pickups jobbat med att lägga in dem från min prototyp till vårt stora projekt och märkte genast några fel som att den ritades ut på position 0, 0 även fast att jag försökte ändra till till exempel 200, 200. Sen efter några dagar så visade det sig att jag använde mig […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week Two: Shots were fired.

So this week, in preparation for our alpha presentation, I wanted to make a few sound effects. As you may or may not know, audio feedback is a big part of making a game feel right. It turns out the sounds might not be in the game for the presentation. However, I wanted to get started early on with some sounds to avoid it being a last minute addition. This week, I will focus on the rifle sound I created.
I started by looking through […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Week Two: Shots were fired.

So this week, in preparation for our alpha presentation, I wanted to make a few sound effects. As you may or may not know, audio feedback is a big part of making a game feel right. It turns out the sounds might not be in the game for the presentation. However, I wanted to get started early on with some sounds to avoid it being a last minute addition. This week, I will focus on the rifle sound I created.
I started by looking through […]

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Program: Graphics

[5SD033]Potato Pirates, Week Two – How to code an AI

So this past week I spent most of the time having a cold while also trying to wrap my head around a trigonometric problem of mine. As the AI  needed to turn to fly towards the player, I took it upon myself to write the code that would let it do just that. I let the player plane be my guinea pig while trying this.
The function used to find the angle between the player and mouse pointer
I had gotten it […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033]Potato Pirates, Week Two – How to code an AI

So this past week I spent most of the time having a cold while also trying to wrap my head around a trigonometric problem of mine. As the AI  needed to turn to fly towards the player, I took it upon myself to write the code that would let it do just that. I let the player plane be my guinea pig while trying this.
The function used to find the angle between the player and mouse pointer
I had gotten it […]

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Program: Programming

2# Update spaceshooter

As the the alpha approaches the graphical assignments for it get’s spread thinner and thinner. so for this week i started work on assets that we might get to use later on in the project, we do like to plan ahead.
  These Posters will work as two different types of high score screens. The one on the left is for a player victory and the one on the right is for player loss.The players score willed be placed where the […]

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Program: Graphics

2# Update spaceshooter

As the the alpha approaches the graphical assignments for it get’s spread thinner and thinner. so for this week i started work on assets that we might get to use later on in the project, we do like to plan ahead.
  These Posters will work as two different types of high score screens. The one on the left is for a player victory and the one on the right is for player loss.The players score willed be placed where the […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a seamless background

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2
Yet another week has flown by, and even more assets have been implemented in to the game. This week I had to create a background for our game. We wanted the game to have a scrolling background so that the player will feel the movement when flying through space.
When creating the background for the game, there were a few things I had to keep in mind. Firstly, the game takes place in space. So […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a seamless background

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2
Yet another week has flown by, and even more assets have been implemented in to the game. This week I had to create a background for our game. We wanted the game to have a scrolling background so that the player will feel the movement when flying through space.
When creating the background for the game, there were a few things I had to keep in mind. Firstly, the game takes place in space. So […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a seamless background

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2
Yet another week has flown by, and even more assets have been implemented in to the game. This week I had to create a background for our game. We wanted the game to have a scrolling background so that the player will feel the movement when flying through space.
When creating the background for the game, there were a few things I had to keep in mind. Firstly, the game takes place in space. So […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a seamless background

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 2
Yet another week has flown by, and even more assets have been implemented in to the game. This week I had to create a background for our game. We wanted the game to have a scrolling background so that the player will feel the movement when flying through space.
When creating the background for the game, there were a few things I had to keep in mind. Firstly, the game takes place in space. So […]

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Program: Graphics

Health Meter

This week I’m going to talk about the health meter. I fixed it so it works correctly and is completely functional this Monday night, but I had begun working on it a bit the week before but didn’t finish it. I also added a wave effect on it on Thursday. The health meter behaves like a bowl of water. For example, when the health meter is full it’s completely round and green, but when you have only half of your health […]

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Program: Programming

Health Meter

This week I’m going to talk about the health meter. I fixed it so it works correctly and is completely functional this Monday night, but I had begun working on it a bit the week before but didn’t finish it. I also added a wave effect on it on Thursday. The health meter behaves like a bowl of water. For example, when the health meter is full it’s completely round and green, but when you have only half of your health […]

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Program: Programming

5SD033 Missile Tracking and Rotation

This week’s post will detail how I, with the help of Adrian Hedqvist, created a new projectile that tracks enemies and changes rotation based on target position.  To get an idea of how positions work in our game, read for details on player position.
Problem Tracking
One of the game’s powerups is a heat-seeking missile, intended to track the nearest enemy and strike them without any need for aiming from the player, beyond positioning. Current projectile objects are created […]

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Program: Programming

5SD033 Missile Tracking and Rotation

This week’s post will detail how I, with the help of Adrian Hedqvist, created a new projectile that tracks enemies and changes rotation based on target position.  To get an idea of how positions work in our game, read for details on player position.
Problem Tracking
One of the game’s powerups is a heat-seeking missile, intended to track the nearest enemy and strike them without any need for aiming from the player, beyond positioning. Current projectile objects are created […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] First power-up: Love Boomerang

One week has passed since I wrote my last blog post, and now it’s time again as promised. It has been a busy week with much work which had to been done. We didn’t get as much work done as planned, but enough to still be on track. The reason behind this is because we had to change our deadlines for some pf the tasks in the backlog. Luckily you learn from your mistakes, from project to project.
So the main task I have been working on this week is […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] First power-up: Love Boomerang

One week has passed since I wrote my last blog post, and now it’s time again as promised. It has been a busy week with much work which had to been done. We didn’t get as much work done as planned, but enough to still be on track. The reason behind this is because we had to change our deadlines for some pf the tasks in the backlog. Luckily you learn from your mistakes, from project to project.
So the main task I have been working on this week is […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 2: Attack Animation

Recently I’ve been working on the boss’s attack animation, this proved to have quite a few challenges.
But first it might be better to give a brief explanation why the appearance of the boss has changed slightly compared to the one on last week’s post. It was pointed out that the styles clashed when comparing the sprites next to each other, this needed to be fixed so some time was lost when doing that as I had to remake the sprite […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Week 2: Attack Animation

Recently I’ve been working on the boss’s attack animation, this proved to have quite a few challenges.
But first it might be better to give a brief explanation why the appearance of the boss has changed slightly compared to the one on last week’s post. It was pointed out that the styles clashed when comparing the sprites next to each other, this needed to be fixed so some time was lost when doing that as I had to remake the sprite […]

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Program: Graphics

18 feb, Alien Ships

Den här veckan tänker jag babbla lite om de olika Alien Ships vi har i vårt spel, Planet Suburbia. Jag blev smått utpekad av gruppen att rita dem då jag har ett intresse för bilar och fordon i allmänhet.
Så jag började med att fastna totalt i just det här med bilar, speciellt modellen Corvette Stingray från 1969, då jag tyckte att det vore ”lite coolt” att göra om den till ett rymdskepp (längst upp till vänster på bilden). Testade även […]

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Program: Programming

18 feb, Alien Ships

Den här veckan tänker jag babbla lite om de olika Alien Ships vi har i vårt spel, Planet Suburbia. Jag blev smått utpekad av gruppen att rita dem då jag har ett intresse för bilar och fordon i allmänhet.
Så jag började med att fastna totalt i just det här med bilar, speciellt modellen Corvette Stingray från 1969, då jag tyckte att det vore ”lite coolt” att göra om den till ett rymdskepp (längst upp till vänster på bilden). Testade även […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling vecka 4

Så föregående vecka bestod av att animera vår karaktär och när han springer, vilket jag hade hunnit påbörja till en viss del. Men eftersom det var första gången jag animerar någonsin (förutom alla post-it lappar man kladdat på) så var det inte lätt. Animeringen skulle alltså bestå av vår huvudkaraktär Captain Skip Legday. Där tanken är att när han simmar närmre havsbotten så ska han ändra animation till en spring animation. Hela tanken med detta är att det ska ytterligare […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling vecka 4

Så föregående vecka bestod av att animera vår karaktär och när han springer, vilket jag hade hunnit påbörja till en viss del. Men eftersom det var första gången jag animerar någonsin (förutom alla post-it lappar man kladdat på) så var det inte lätt. Animeringen skulle alltså bestå av vår huvudkaraktär Captain Skip Legday. Där tanken är att när han simmar närmre havsbotten så ska han ändra animation till en spring animation. Hela tanken med detta är att det ska ytterligare […]

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Program: Graphics