Yearly Archives: 2016

…And this time, make it right.

This week has gone too fast! After the beta it feels like the time has just flown away and we have a lot to do with final lurking around the corner. I have mostly been trying to make the game run a lot smoother and to fix performance issues this week so there’s a lot of smaller things done but nothing too major except for two things. The one I will discussing this week is reworking the enemy handling we […]

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Program: Programming

…And this time, make it right.

This week has gone too fast! After the beta it feels like the time has just flown away and we have a lot to do with final lurking around the corner. I have mostly been trying to make the game run a lot smoother and to fix performance issues this week so there’s a lot of smaller things done but nothing too major except for two things. The one I will discussing this week is reworking the enemy handling we […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post #5 – Title screen

Last week I worked on the different states of Mermaid River and the one artifact that I will write about this week is the Title screen.
The title screen is the first thing you encounter as the game is started. This is where the player gets to choose between starting the game, looking at the high score screen or exiting the game. These options however; is not for me to implement. The work that I have done concerns the picture that […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post #5 – Title screen

Last week I worked on the different states of Mermaid River and the one artifact that I will write about this week is the Title screen.
The title screen is the first thing you encounter as the game is started. This is where the player gets to choose between starting the game, looking at the high score screen or exiting the game. These options however; is not for me to implement. The work that I have done concerns the picture that […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 of Game development reflections, Say Hello to my little Friend

We are now done with our Beta, and have begun with our first week of Final. It’s now only two weeks left of Game Development. We had a Beta presentation in the beginning of this week, and let’s just say in the nicest of possible way that… it really didn’t go well. Unfortunately a lot of our stuff wasn’t finished and a lot of our sound and graphical assets wasn’t implemented. This is mostly due to this project being too […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 of Game development reflections, Say Hello to my little Friend

We are now done with our Beta, and have begun with our first week of Final. It’s now only two weeks left of Game Development. We had a Beta presentation in the beginning of this week, and let’s just say in the nicest of possible way that… it really didn’t go well. Unfortunately a lot of our stuff wasn’t finished and a lot of our sound and graphical assets wasn’t implemented. This is mostly due to this project being too […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka Sju: Pause

Denna vecka har jag för det mesta jobbat på små saker, vilket gör att detta inlägg kommer att handla om det mest intressanta som jag har gjort denna vecka, vilket är att kunna pausa spelet. Anledningen till att jag har gjort paus funktionen är för att vårat spel är väldigt intensivt och snabbt, vilket gör att spelare kanske vill ta en paus efter ett tag. Det kan också vara att spelaren behöver lämna datorn i ett par minuter på grund av […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka Sju: Pause

Denna vecka har jag för det mesta jobbat på små saker, vilket gör att detta inlägg kommer att handla om det mest intressanta som jag har gjort denna vecka, vilket är att kunna pausa spelet. Anledningen till att jag har gjort paus funktionen är för att vårat spel är väldigt intensivt och snabbt, vilket gör att spelare kanske vill ta en paus efter ett tag. Det kan också vara att spelaren behöver lämna datorn i ett par minuter på grund av […]

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Program: Programming

#5 Update spaceshooter

With only one week left to gold there is only polishing left to do. It’s mostly small stuff like adding background visuals, fixing all the menus and cleaning up animations.
This week’s polish will be of the giraffes attack animation. Funny thing is the first one hasn’t yet been implemented in to the game, so it’s not really replacing anything at this point nevertheless it had to be changed at some point.
So the giraffe shots balls of lightning from its horns […]

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Program: Graphics

#5 Update spaceshooter

With only one week left to gold there is only polishing left to do. It’s mostly small stuff like adding background visuals, fixing all the menus and cleaning up animations.
This week’s polish will be of the giraffes attack animation. Funny thing is the first one hasn’t yet been implemented in to the game, so it’s not really replacing anything at this point nevertheless it had to be changed at some point.
So the giraffe shots balls of lightning from its horns […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Week 5: Power Shot

Another week has flown past and it is now Thursday, that means a new blog post. The day of the final is closing in so fast! This week I have been working on the power shot arrow.
The power shot arrow is the sprite that our regular arrow (see the ”blog week 3: The arrow for more information about it) changes into when you pick up the power up aptly named ”power shot”. What the power shot does is fairly simple, […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Week 5: Power Shot

Another week has flown past and it is now Thursday, that means a new blog post. The day of the final is closing in so fast! This week I have been working on the power shot arrow.
The power shot arrow is the sprite that our regular arrow (see the ”blog week 3: The arrow for more information about it) changes into when you pick up the power up aptly named ”power shot”. What the power shot does is fairly simple, […]

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Program: Graphics

A happy little missile, next up: Mighty explosions!

Hey ya’ll, shocking as it may be, I will not be writing about bugs in this weeks post. I know, it saddens me as well.
I am a little unsure about what to write in this weeks post as I have mostly worked on effect sprites and done the whole handy man routine. In other words I have been all over the place and done a bit of this and that here and there.
As you may guess or perhaps […]

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Program: Graphics

A happy little missile, next up: Mighty explosions!

Hey ya’ll, shocking as it may be, I will not be writing about bugs in this weeks post. I know, it saddens me as well.
I am a little unsure about what to write in this weeks post as I have mostly worked on effect sprites and done the whole handy man routine. In other words I have been all over the place and done a bit of this and that here and there.
As you may guess or perhaps […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka sju: Optimering

Hej alla kära läsare, Emil här
Det har gått ett par dagar sedan vi visade vår Beta och under den tiden har jag fokuserat på att optimera vår kod. Anledningen till varför jag valde att fokusera på denna uppgift var för att vi har haft ett stort problem med lagg och det är inte den enklaste koden i världen att läsa heller. Genom fixa detta problem kommer vi att kunna jobba mer effektivt och vi kommer kunna lägga till fler saker […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka sju: Optimering

Hej alla kära läsare, Emil här
Det har gått ett par dagar sedan vi visade vår Beta och under den tiden har jag fokuserat på att optimera vår kod. Anledningen till varför jag valde att fokusera på denna uppgift var för att vi har haft ett stort problem med lagg och det är inte den enklaste koden i världen att läsa heller. Genom fixa detta problem kommer vi att kunna jobba mer effektivt och vi kommer kunna lägga till fler saker […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling vecka 07

Denna vecka har bestått av betaredovisning och nästa vecka är det dags för FINAL, som innebär att allting ska vara helt klart och det finns inte mer möjligheter till att ändra eller lägga till något i spelen som vi håller på med. Dessutom nu till beta så fick vi inte lägga till nya saker utan allting skulle finnas med. Det är därför som jag nu håller på att finputsa vissa saker i spelet så att det ser så bra ut […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling vecka 07

Denna vecka har bestått av betaredovisning och nästa vecka är det dags för FINAL, som innebär att allting ska vara helt klart och det finns inte mer möjligheter till att ändra eller lägga till något i spelen som vi håller på med. Dessutom nu till beta så fick vi inte lägga till nya saker utan allting skulle finnas med. Det är därför som jag nu håller på att finputsa vissa saker i spelet så att det ser så bra ut […]

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Program: Graphics

Blogg 5

Hallå ännu en gång bloggen.
Den här veckan har jag arbetat på vår level select som vi tidigare bara haft en placeholder för.
Spelet utspelar sig i USA och därför tänkte vi att kartan och nivåerna skulle se ut som USA. Därför ser våra level select ut som USA. Vi har 4 delar som alla har 4 states. Egentligen har en av banorna tekniskt sett bara 3 states. Varje nivå har ett idle state där den är upplåst men du […]

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Program: Graphics

Blogg 5

Hallå ännu en gång bloggen.
Den här veckan har jag arbetat på vår level select som vi tidigare bara haft en placeholder för.
Spelet utspelar sig i USA och därför tänkte vi att kartan och nivåerna skulle se ut som USA. Därför ser våra level select ut som USA. Vi har 4 delar som alla har 4 states. Egentligen har en av banorna tekniskt sett bara 3 states. Varje nivå har ett idle state där den är upplåst men du […]

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Program: Graphics

The Tutorial

For this week one of the features that I’ve been working on is the tutorial in our game. We wanted the tutorial to be one the first things that pop up on the screen when you start the game. A tutorial by definition is an instruction of how to use something, like a manual. Many tutorials in games have a visual tutorial without promptly writing “right click to fire”. If the visual representation is sufficient, there is no need for […]

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Program: Programming

The Tutorial

For this week one of the features that I’ve been working on is the tutorial in our game. We wanted the tutorial to be one the first things that pop up on the screen when you start the game. A tutorial by definition is an instruction of how to use something, like a manual. Many tutorials in games have a visual tutorial without promptly writing “right click to fire”. If the visual representation is sufficient, there is no need for […]

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Program: Programming

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #5

Good evening!
So, after a successful beta earlier during the week we are now closing in on the final release date on friday the 18th! (Not as catchy as Friday the 13th)
So now that we have gotten as far as we have, we pretty much have everything that is needed for a fully playable game. So for the last part we are mostly polishing and updating whatever we already have in that could be expanded upon or given an extra designer’s […]

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Program: Graphics

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #5

Good evening!
So, after a successful beta earlier during the week we are now closing in on the final release date on friday the 18th! (Not as catchy as Friday the 13th)
So now that we have gotten as far as we have, we pretty much have everything that is needed for a fully playable game. So for the last part we are mostly polishing and updating whatever we already have in that could be expanded upon or given an extra designer’s […]

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Program: Graphics