Yearly Archives: 2016

Big Game: Week 8
During the last week of the Big Game course, mostly small fixes was on the list. Stuff like;
text for the tutorial in-game,
as well as text for the menus.
Props for the final scene also had to modeled and textured, like the altar which can be seen in the print screen above. It was modeled in 3DS Max, as usual, and the textures were created in Substance Painter.
An example of the small props that I also created for this week was the lantern, […]

Big Game: Week 8
During the last week of the Big Game course, mostly small fixes was on the list. Stuff like;
text for the tutorial in-game,
as well as text for the menus.
Props for the final scene also had to modeled and textured, like the altar which can be seen in the print screen above. It was modeled in 3DS Max, as usual, and the textures were created in Substance Painter.
An example of the small props that I also created for this week was the lantern, […]
My Big Game Project Report
It is a bit messy but it should explain a few things about the development of Tale, enjoy.
My Big Game Project Report
It is a bit messy but it should explain a few things about the development of Tale, enjoy.
Week 6-8
Hello everyone!
This post will cover three weeks, and these in these three weeks we have finished the game for Gotland Game Conference (GGC), held a pitch for the jury and showcased our game at GGC. I also started on the final postmortem.
I will not go in great detail on the last week of production, but it was mostly adding a finishing touch on the level design, UI elements and the tutorial.
As we didn’t have that much time the tutorial was […]
Week 6-8
Hello everyone!
This post will cover three weeks, and these in these three weeks we have finished the game for Gotland Game Conference (GGC), held a pitch for the jury and showcased our game at GGC. I also started on the final postmortem.
I will not go in great detail on the last week of production, but it was mostly adding a finishing touch on the level design, UI elements and the tutorial.
As we didn’t have that much time the tutorial was […]

Summertime 3D-fun: Part 1 – The Model
For a while now I have been working on Tim Bergholtz’s tutorial for an AKM 47 in 3DsMax ( to learn more about hardsurface modeling techniques and the modeling-part itself is slowly being wrapped-up (going into 7,5 hours of UV-unwrapping-material wiee!).
So, because my memory is short and goldfish-shaped, what follows are some in-process pictures and notes taken on some of the more complex and new (for me) aspects of creating this model for future projects. The approach was to divide […]

Summertime 3D-fun: Part 1 – The Model
For a while now I have been working on Tim Bergholtz’s tutorial for an AKM 47 in 3DsMax ( to learn more about hardsurface modeling techniques and the modeling-part itself is slowly being wrapped-up (going into 7,5 hours of UV-unwrapping-material wiee!).
So, because my memory is short and goldfish-shaped, what follows are some in-process pictures and notes taken on some of the more complex and new (for me) aspects of creating this model for future projects. The approach was to divide […]

Two wins at the Swedish Game Awards 2016
Congratulations to the Cryptogram and Sam and Nicole teams on their success at the Swedish Game Awards! Way to go, folks!
GAME students in Skövde the morning after the Swedish Game Awards
Sam and Nicole was awarded Best Diversity Effort and given a cash prize of 7 000 SEK as well as two conference passes to Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Cryptogram was awarded Best Execution in Design, Best Technical Execution and Best Execution in Narrative and […]

Two wins at the Swedish Game Awards 2016
Congratulations to the Cryptogram and Sam and Nicole teams on their success at the Swedish Game Awards! Way to go, folks!
GAME students in Skövde the morning after the Swedish Game Awards
Sam and Nicole was awarded Best Diversity Effort and given a cash prize of 7 000 SEK as well as two conference passes to Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Cryptogram was awarded Best Execution in Design, Best Technical Execution and Best Execution in Narrative and […]

Detta är ett blogginlägg
Det här är ditt nya blogginlägg. Vi har lagt till denna text och bild som exempel på vad du kan göra. Nu är det bara för dig att skriva din egna text, lägga in bilder, video… ja, vad som helst. Du kan ändra allt och även ta bort det du inte vill ha.
För att redigera denna text, peka här och klicka på knappen ”Redigera text”. Bilden kan du ändra eller ta bort i ”Ändra bild”. För att dra in nya […]

Detta är ett blogginlägg
Det här är ditt nya blogginlägg. Vi har lagt till denna text och bild som exempel på vad du kan göra. Nu är det bara för dig att skriva din egna text, lägga in bilder, video… ja, vad som helst. Du kan ändra allt och även ta bort det du inte vill ha.
För att redigera denna text, peka här och klicka på knappen ”Redigera text”. Bilden kan du ändra eller ta bort i ”Ändra bild”. För att dra in nya […]

Can a game make you sleep better? 2.0
Hello and welcome back to my daily blog-spamming!
It occurred to me that I haven’t talked a lot about the actual game we made during the project, except for the short introduction that I gave in this post. In short, Slumber is a game that is supposed to help the player sleep. It’s intended to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, in bed, before going to sleep.
In my last post I promised to explain what a nudibranch […]

Can a game make you sleep better? 2.0
Hello and welcome back to my daily blog-spamming!
It occurred to me that I haven’t talked a lot about the actual game we made during the project, except for the short introduction that I gave in this post. In short, Slumber is a game that is supposed to help the player sleep. It’s intended to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, in bed, before going to sleep.
In my last post I promised to explain what a nudibranch […]

Watercolour fish
Happy friday everyone!
In my last post I talked some about how to make the Slumber fish in 3D, including modelling, rigging, and animation. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about the same fish, but focusing on the textures instead! As an example I will go through the process of creating the juvenile Koran Angelfish below (credit to for the picture). We chose to depict the juvenile version because it has a much more clear and readable pattern […]

Watercolour fish
Happy friday everyone!
In my last post I talked some about how to make the Slumber fish in 3D, including modelling, rigging, and animation. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about the same fish, but focusing on the textures instead! As an example I will go through the process of creating the juvenile Koran Angelfish below (credit to for the picture). We chose to depict the juvenile version because it has a much more clear and readable pattern […]

Gotland Game Conference 2016 coverage
SVT Östnytt: Här kryper han som en zombie
Vilya, of Pixel Ferrets / Secrets of Grindea fame, wrote about her jury duty in this 2 part series:
Vilyaroo’s Gotland Game Conference 2016, Part 1
Vilyaroo’s Gotland Game Conference 2016, Part 2
Posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

Gotland Game Conference 2016 coverage
SVT Östnytt: Här kryper han som en zombie
Vilya, of Pixel Ferrets / Secrets of Grindea fame, wrote about her jury duty in this 2 part series:
Vilyaroo’s Gotland Game Conference 2016, Part 1
Vilyaroo’s Gotland Game Conference 2016, Part 2
Posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

Quick fish in 3DS Max and Unity
Hello again!
Two weeks has now passed since Gotland Game Conference, and I’ve spent [insert relatively large measurement of time here] eating delicious noodle soups and writing the obligatory report that comes with the course. Now I have some blogging to do, so I thought I might explain how the Slumber fish came to be! Excited?? Great! Here goes.
Slumber is a 3D game, so naturally the fish must be in 3D. That means we will need a mesh, textures, and animations. Since we wanted the […]

Quick fish in 3DS Max and Unity
Hello again!
Two weeks has now passed since Gotland Game Conference, and I’ve spent [insert relatively large measurement of time here] eating delicious noodle soups and writing the obligatory report that comes with the course. Now I have some blogging to do, so I thought I might explain how the Slumber fish came to be! Excited?? Great! Here goes.
Slumber is a 3D game, so naturally the fish must be in 3D. That means we will need a mesh, textures, and animations. Since we wanted the […]
Big Game Project – Last Blog Post
The project is now over. There are plans to keep working on the game, but nothing is decided. I have learned a lot from making this game and I am proud of what we managed to accomplish in eight weeks. I worked a lot with audio which is something the education hasn’t covered at all and I think it turned out great considering the limited time I put into it. I also learned a lot more about Unity which seems […]
Big Game Project – Last Blog Post
The project is now over. There are plans to keep working on the game, but nothing is decided. I have learned a lot from making this game and I am proud of what we managed to accomplish in eight weeks. I worked a lot with audio which is something the education hasn’t covered at all and I think it turned out great considering the limited time I put into it. I also learned a lot more about Unity which seems […]
Wedding guests
As planned from the moment of animating Väinämöinen the sprites of the wedding guests were assigned to a previously existing skeleton. However, they were assigned to the skeleton used to animate Ilmarinen, not Väinämöinen, since Ilmarinen’s skeleton was more sophisticated than Väinämöinen’s. Väinämöinen, for example, lacked a neck, since it would not be visible behind his beard. Rather, the male wedding guests were assigned to Ilmarinen’s skeleton. For the female ones I created a new skeleton exclusively for their models, […]
Wedding guests
As planned from the moment of animating Väinämöinen the sprites of the wedding guests were assigned to a previously existing skeleton. However, they were assigned to the skeleton used to animate Ilmarinen, not Väinämöinen, since Ilmarinen’s skeleton was more sophisticated than Väinämöinen’s. Väinämöinen, for example, lacked a neck, since it would not be visible behind his beard. Rather, the male wedding guests were assigned to Ilmarinen’s skeleton. For the female ones I created a new skeleton exclusively for their models, […]