Yearly Archives: 2016


Tjena allihopa, Christoffer här igen…
V.8, sista veckan av arbete inför spelsläppet på fredag, stressen har legat på. Denhär veckan har jag jobbat med att lägga till en highscorelista för de som kommer spela spelet. Detta visade sig vara det svåraste jag har gjort hittills, det var svårt för att jag aldrig har gjort någonting sådant och jag förstod inte riktigt hur det fungerade med ”streams”. Nästa bekymmer som uppstod var att, eftersom vi inte gjort några states i spelet så går […]

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Program: Programming


Tjena allihopa, Christoffer här igen…
V.8, sista veckan av arbete inför spelsläppet på fredag, stressen har legat på. Denhär veckan har jag jobbat med att lägga till en highscorelista för de som kommer spela spelet. Detta visade sig vara det svåraste jag har gjort hittills, det var svårt för att jag aldrig har gjort någonting sådant och jag förstod inte riktigt hur det fungerade med ”streams”. Nästa bekymmer som uppstod var att, eftersom vi inte gjort några states i spelet så går […]

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Program: Programming

Healthbar och Damage animation

Hejsan! Sista blogginlägget idag, skönt att bli av med det här om jag ska vara helt ärlig. Så de artefakterna jag tänkte skriva om idag är hur jag gjorde skadeanimationen och ”Healthbar animationen”. Så vad exakt har jag gjort? När man tar skada så vill man gärna veta att man tar skada, man vill alltså ha feedback på det, så att man inte går helt ostört och helt plötsligt är man död och inte vet varför. Därför har skapade vi […]

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Program: Programming

Healthbar och Damage animation

Hejsan! Sista blogginlägget idag, skönt att bli av med det här om jag ska vara helt ärlig. Så de artefakterna jag tänkte skriva om idag är hur jag gjorde skadeanimationen och ”Healthbar animationen”. Så vad exakt har jag gjort? När man tar skada så vill man gärna veta att man tar skada, man vill alltså ha feedback på det, så att man inte går helt ostört och helt plötsligt är man död och inte vet varför. Därför har skapade vi […]

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Program: Programming


Oj oj oj! Nu går det undan! Sista veckan är kommen och vi har en del kvar att göra inför morgondagens inlämning. Vi programmerare har nu hållit i vår programmerings redovisning i vår kurs spelprogrammering 2. Här är en lista av vad vi ska göra tills imorgon: En ny valuta för att spelaren ska kunna bygga turrets, fixa alla koordinater för vår nya aspect ratio. Jag teamade upp med Mathias i gruppen för att tillsammans fixa koordinaterna.
Jag kan börja mad […]

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Program: Programming


Oj oj oj! Nu går det undan! Sista veckan är kommen och vi har en del kvar att göra inför morgondagens inlämning. Vi programmerare har nu hållit i vår programmerings redovisning i vår kurs spelprogrammering 2. Här är en lista av vad vi ska göra tills imorgon: En ny valuta för att spelaren ska kunna bygga turrets, fixa alla koordinater för vår nya aspect ratio. Jag teamade upp med Mathias i gruppen för att tillsammans fixa koordinaterna.
Jag kan börja mad […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week 6: The Cutscenes

It’s getting real close now, finally time for the big finale tomorrow! Time to start crunching for real. This sprint we have mainly been cleaning up and fixing what’s left for the game as this is the last week. For me personally that means fixing the ending cutscene, or well cutscenes as we have two different variations.
In our game the player isn’t the one who dies when the timer runs out, it’s the younger brother who you’re trying to save. […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 6: The Cutscenes

It’s getting real close now, finally time for the big finale tomorrow! Time to start crunching for real. This sprint we have mainly been cleaning up and fixing what’s left for the game as this is the last week. For me personally that means fixing the ending cutscene, or well cutscenes as we have two different variations.
In our game the player isn’t the one who dies when the timer runs out, it’s the younger brother who you’re trying to save. […]

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Program: Graphics

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Game Design

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 6 of Game Development, Pruning the twigs

Well, well. Here we are, the last week of game development and the day before the big presentation. The team have been working hard (still working, and probably will until there is only one minute left to the deadline), and we have now something pretty playable. At least much better then the last milestone, the Beta. There is a lot left to do though, and a lot that we can’t ever in a million years finish. But for us graphical […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 of Game Development, Pruning the twigs

Well, well. Here we are, the last week of game development and the day before the big presentation. The team have been working hard (still working, and probably will until there is only one minute left to the deadline), and we have now something pretty playable. At least much better then the last milestone, the Beta. There is a lot left to do though, and a lot that we can’t ever in a million years finish. But for us graphical […]

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Program: Graphics

Power Up HUD

Så, sista veckan för spelet är här och dom sista bitarna av spelet börjar falla på plats. Det har inte varit så mycket sömn den här veckan då vi har behövt arbeta väldigt mycket eftersom att det har varit många saker som ska läggas till i spelet. Och det är även många delar som har finslipats.
Den här veckan har jag och Anton jobbat tillsammans med en väldigt intressant sak, det vi gjort är en HUD för power upsen. Och men […]

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Program: Programming

Power Up HUD

Så, sista veckan för spelet är här och dom sista bitarna av spelet börjar falla på plats. Det har inte varit så mycket sömn den här veckan då vi har behövt arbeta väldigt mycket eftersom att det har varit många saker som ska läggas till i spelet. Och det är även många delar som har finslipats.
Den här veckan har jag och Anton jobbat tillsammans med en väldigt intressant sak, det vi gjort är en HUD för power upsen. Och men […]

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Program: Programming

Finishing up Potato Pirates, HUD-icons

This last week has been quite different from the previous weeks we have been working on this project. Seeing as we were quite finished with our game, and our backlog was pretty much empty, what was left to do was a lot of tweaking of things we already had.
What I’m going to write about today is the implementation of the animated HUD-elements for the power-ups, not because it was different to do but because of the, at least from my […]

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Program: Programming

Finishing up Potato Pirates, HUD-icons

This last week has been quite different from the previous weeks we have been working on this project. Seeing as we were quite finished with our game, and our backlog was pretty much empty, what was left to do was a lot of tweaking of things we already had.
What I’m going to write about today is the implementation of the animated HUD-elements for the power-ups, not because it was different to do but because of the, at least from my […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week six: challenging the player

Hello and welcome!
For this final week I’ve almost exclusively been working on getting our design document ready for hand in. Some things needed to be defined more clearly, for example a level layout and what kind of scenarios the player would experience, to teach them how the game works and later on to challenge them. These will most likely not show up in the final version of our game, but they are part of the original vision we had and will […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week six: challenging the player

Hello and welcome!
For this final week I’ve almost exclusively been working on getting our design document ready for hand in. Some things needed to be defined more clearly, for example a level layout and what kind of scenarios the player would experience, to teach them how the game works and later on to challenge them. These will most likely not show up in the final version of our game, but they are part of the original vision we had and will […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8-Last Stretch

Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8-Last Stretch

Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

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Program: Graphics

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Programming

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post #6 – More Music

Hi! this is the last post about the game Mermaid river. It has been an exciting journey with allot of laughs, headaches and late night crunches.
Some posts back I did write about the making of the main theme song for Mermaid River and today I will write about the making of the title screen music. At the Beta presentation we got allot of feedback concerning the dark ambience of the game, the audience wanted to see more of it so […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post #6 – More Music

Hi! this is the last post about the game Mermaid river. It has been an exciting journey with allot of laughs, headaches and late night crunches.
Some posts back I did write about the making of the main theme song for Mermaid River and today I will write about the making of the title screen music. At the Beta presentation we got allot of feedback concerning the dark ambience of the game, the audience wanted to see more of it so […]

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Program: Graphics