Yearly Archives: 2016

BGP week 2

In the second week of Big Game Project I continued to finish one of our main characters Väinämöinen. At first I was planning to finish the second main character and the wolf monster as well but I had to remake väinämöinen so many times that it was no time left for the other two.
When making väinämöinen I started with looking on different facial expressions to try to get a believable character that would fit the description of being old […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 2

In the second week of Big Game Project I continued to finish one of our main characters Väinämöinen. At first I was planning to finish the second main character and the wolf monster as well but I had to remake väinämöinen so many times that it was no time left for the other two.
When making väinämöinen I started with looking on different facial expressions to try to get a believable character that would fit the description of being old […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Examination Course of the Second Year

So springtime is here once more and it it yet again time for our examination course for this year. Big Game Project or BGP as it is called is as mentioned in the title the last course for our second year and this is where we put all our knowledge of these two years to the test. The purpose of this course is to create a concept for a bigger game (shocker right) for which we could expand upon and […]

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Program: Programming

BGP – Examination Course of the Second Year

So springtime is here once more and it it yet again time for our examination course for this year. Big Game Project or BGP as it is called is as mentioned in the title the last course for our second year and this is where we put all our knowledge of these two years to the test. The purpose of this course is to create a concept for a bigger game (shocker right) for which we could expand upon and […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project – First Post

I’m working on a game called Synapse. Synapse is an educational game for museums mainly and eventually it could be useful in classrooms. With fun animations, memory and simple precision puzzles it should learn anyone some basic information about the brain and how it works differently in different people depending on different diagnoses.
We’re a team of 7 working on this project, where we have one programmer and the rest are graphical artists. The structure of the team migh seem a […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project – First Post

I’m working on a game called Synapse. Synapse is an educational game for museums mainly and eventually it could be useful in classrooms. With fun animations, memory and simple precision puzzles it should learn anyone some basic information about the brain and how it works differently in different people depending on different diagnoses.
We’re a team of 7 working on this project, where we have one programmer and the rest are graphical artists. The structure of the team migh seem a […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Week 3

This week we have been focusing mainly on getting our coor loop to be playable (in a prototypy way). The core loop consists of going down to the surface, gathering some stuff like wood, stone and food, going back up and building and upgrading your villagers… I hope I got that right… Well anyway, this week I’ve been doing some various tasks.
Below you can see our settlers wearing some armor and backpacks. When you are about to go down to […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Week 3

This week we have been focusing mainly on getting our coor loop to be playable (in a prototypy way). The core loop consists of going down to the surface, gathering some stuff like wood, stone and food, going back up and building and upgrading your villagers… I hope I got that right… Well anyway, this week I’ve been doing some various tasks.
Below you can see our settlers wearing some armor and backpacks. When you are about to go down to […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka 2

Förra veckan fortsatte jag på samma spår och ritade vidare på nya karaktärer. Den här gången fokuserade jag på klasskompisarna som jag valt att ge den gemensamma accentfärgen blå. Samtidigt som det är otroligt roligt att rita så olika karaktärer så är det alltid svårt att veta hur och om man lyckas representera alla rätt. Vi vill få med många olika personer från olika delar av samhället. Hur kan jag utan deras livserfarenheter representera dom rätt?

Klasskompisarna Johanna, Emily, Martin, Amanda […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka 2

Förra veckan fortsatte jag på samma spår och ritade vidare på nya karaktärer. Den här gången fokuserade jag på klasskompisarna som jag valt att ge den gemensamma accentfärgen blå. Samtidigt som det är otroligt roligt att rita så olika karaktärer så är det alltid svårt att veta hur och om man lyckas representera alla rätt. Vi vill få med många olika personer från olika delar av samhället. Hur kan jag utan deras livserfarenheter representera dom rätt?

Klasskompisarna Johanna, Emily, Martin, Amanda […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3 BGP

Måndag 11/04 Påbörjad rörelse för spelaren – Började arbeta med monitors. Monitors är rörelsen till spelet F.R.A.U.S, då man som spelar som AI och kommunicerar med fångarna genom teknologi.

Bild 1: Grön fyrkant = aktiverad monitor. Röd fyrkant = avaktiverad monitor. 

Jag har gjort så man kan klicka på en monitor så byter den färg från röd till grön eller från grön till röd. Röd menar att den är avstängd och grön är att den är igång.
Gjorde en kollision som kollar efter fångar.
Tisdag 12/04 […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 BGP

Måndag 11/04 Påbörjad rörelse för spelaren – Började arbeta med monitors. Monitors är rörelsen till spelet F.R.A.U.S, då man som spelar som AI och kommunicerar med fångarna genom teknologi.

Bild 1: Grön fyrkant = aktiverad monitor. Röd fyrkant = avaktiverad monitor. 

Jag har gjort så man kan klicka på en monitor så byter den färg från röd till grön eller från grön till röd. Röd menar att den är avstängd och grön är att den är igång.
Gjorde en kollision som kollar efter fångar.
Tisdag 12/04 […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again people!
This has been kind of a slow week for me. A couple of other assignments came in between and had to be taken care of. I started out this week by continuing doing high resolution models for the environment.
Halfway through something hit me. The art style we had for our game, the visuals we had for our game, did not say anywhere that you were playing as an AI. We had no visual indicators that showed or explained […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
This has been kind of a slow week for me. A couple of other assignments came in between and had to be taken care of. I started out this week by continuing doing high resolution models for the environment.
Halfway through something hit me. The art style we had for our game, the visuals we had for our game, did not say anywhere that you were playing as an AI. We had no visual indicators that showed or explained […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
This has been kind of a slow week for me. A couple of other assignments came in between and had to be taken care of. I started out this week by continuing doing high resolution models for the environment.
Halfway through something hit me. The art style we had for our game, the visuals we had for our game, did not say anywhere that you were playing as an AI. We had no visual indicators that showed or explained […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
This has been kind of a slow week for me. A couple of other assignments came in between and had to be taken care of. I started out this week by continuing doing high resolution models for the environment.
Halfway through something hit me. The art style we had for our game, the visuals we had for our game, did not say anywhere that you were playing as an AI. We had no visual indicators that showed or explained […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 3: The first kiss

This week I’ve been writing dialogue again, which I’m totally fine with because I really like writing! I have written part of the intro for the demo, which is when the player is on a date with Nicole at a café and they have their first kiss.
This is how I structured the scene:

Bascially, at the beginning I give the player a couple of different choices of how to continue the conversation, which then fans out into a number of different […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 3: The first kiss

This week I’ve been writing dialogue again, which I’m totally fine with because I really like writing! I have written part of the intro for the demo, which is when the player is on a date with Nicole at a café and they have their first kiss.
This is how I structured the scene:

Bascially, at the beginning I give the player a couple of different choices of how to continue the conversation, which then fans out into a number of different […]

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Program: Graphics

Nudibranch design overview, dev diary#1

I have been involved in the development of a game designed to make players sleep better for the past three weeks. I figured I’d start blogging about it, because it is a really interesting and weird project! This is my individual perspective of it as game designer, but we also have an official blog with a general overview of each week’s progress which you can check out here.
The working title is Nudibranch.
In a nutshell, Nudibranch is a smartphone game where you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

Nudibranch design overview, dev diary#1

I have been involved in the development of a game designed to make players sleep better for the past three weeks. I figured I’d start blogging about it, because it is a really interesting and weird project! This is my individual perspective of it as game designer, but we also have an official blog with a general overview of each week’s progress which you can check out here.
The working title is Nudibranch.
In a nutshell, Nudibranch is a smartphone game where you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

#3 Big Game Project | Construction & Loadout

I’ve continued on the project since last time and this is what I have done:

I have made it so our settlers can place and construct different buildings. For now there is only one house available but there is functionallity for multiple houses.
In order to build a house the player will need to have a certain amount of resources and when the building is placed the player can order a worker to construct it. This is how i looks:

Gear/loadout selection
When our […]

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Program: Programming

#3 Big Game Project | Construction & Loadout

I’ve continued on the project since last time and this is what I have done:

I have made it so our settlers can place and construct different buildings. For now there is only one house available but there is functionallity for multiple houses.
In order to build a house the player will need to have a certain amount of resources and when the building is placed the player can order a worker to construct it. This is how i looks:

Gear/loadout selection
When our […]

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Program: Programming

Quick update!

It’s been about a year since my last blog post! There is a simple reason behind this; I felt more like working on games than writing. I’m going to go ahead and get this going again for the current project however!
Before I talk about that though, allow me to give a quick rundown over the past year.
Me and four friends made a game about frogs wrestling up a mountain! We got a  reception that trumped all our expectations, it won some […]

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Program: Graphics

Quick update!

It’s been about a year since my last blog post! There is a simple reason behind this; I felt more like working on games than writing. I’m going to go ahead and get this going again for the current project however!
Before I talk about that though, allow me to give a quick rundown over the past year.
Me and four friends made a game about frogs wrestling up a mountain! We got a  reception that trumped all our expectations, it won some […]

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Program: Graphics