Yearly Archives: 2016
Big Game Project – Managing ambient sounds
Our game world consist of two areas different in mood. One is an island floating above the clouds and the other a dangerous jungle on the planet below. The island has a windy ambience and the jungle has recordings of a real jungle. Day and night is also important for gameplay, so I wanted different ambiences for those. It was difficult to find two wind recordings that were distinctively different enough, so I chose to always have the same for […]
Big Game Project – Managing ambient sounds
Our game world consist of two areas different in mood. One is an island floating above the clouds and the other a dangerous jungle on the planet below. The island has a windy ambience and the jungle has recordings of a real jungle. Day and night is also important for gameplay, so I wanted different ambiences for those. It was difficult to find two wind recordings that were distinctively different enough, so I chose to always have the same for […]

Big Game: Week 5
Since I finished all the character labeled assets last week, I started pitching in with the environmental art. Started out with doing some different kinds of textures for the houses, which turned out like this;
They are all created in several different layers so you can easily change the color to whatever you want, for example;
The messy stones will act as the ”standard” wall, while the other two will act as decoration on the walls. Like […]

Big Game: Week 5
Since I finished all the character labeled assets last week, I started pitching in with the environmental art. Started out with doing some different kinds of textures for the houses, which turned out like this;
They are all created in several different layers so you can easily change the color to whatever you want, for example;
The messy stones will act as the ”standard” wall, while the other two will act as decoration on the walls. Like […]

Another Short One
So this week we added support for Terra to move Up wall when pressing upp on the joystick while being stuck to it.
This will hopefully help players that think the old controls were confusing or hard to use. And also make the game more intuitive to play. Some animation changes were also made to Terra to make it flow more between animations.
Thank you for reading.

Another Short One
So this week we added support for Terra to move Up wall when pressing upp on the joystick while being stuck to it.
This will hopefully help players that think the old controls were confusing or hard to use. And also make the game more intuitive to play. Some animation changes were also made to Terra to make it flow more between animations.
Thank you for reading.

Sam & Nicole part 5
Last week I didn’t do much of background art. I mostly helped out writing events in xml to help finish up before alpha. So there isn’t much to tell. The first prio backgrounds is done. But I actually re-painted the living room.
Since we had the time we took this opportunity since the living room didn’t match up with the other backgrounds. And thats all for this week!

Sam & Nicole part 5
Last week I didn’t do much of background art. I mostly helped out writing events in xml to help finish up before alpha. So there isn’t much to tell. The first prio backgrounds is done. But I actually re-painted the living room.
Since we had the time we took this opportunity since the living room didn’t match up with the other backgrounds. And thats all for this week!
#5 Big Game Project |
This week has been all over the place. I’ve been working on alot of small things such as new HP bars for all entities. Only displaying the HP bars when necessary i.e settlers hp bar down in the jungle should not be displayed when the camera is above. I also added a simple lever so that the player can order the elevator to go up and down. There is one lever placed down in the jungle and one on top […]
#5 Big Game Project |
This week has been all over the place. I’ve been working on alot of small things such as new HP bars for all entities. Only displaying the HP bars when necessary i.e settlers hp bar down in the jungle should not be displayed when the camera is above. I also added a simple lever so that the player can order the elevator to go up and down. There is one lever placed down in the jungle and one on top […]
Day& Night Cycle
It’s been almost three weeks since i wrote something on this blog. Time flies by fast. So we’ve gone through some iterations of the concept of the game during this time. Design wise we shifted focus from the jungle to the island about two weeks ago. In the current version of the game the player gathers supplies form the jungle at day, and at night she needs to defend the island form insects that come to steal the settlers’ food. […]
Day& Night Cycle
It’s been almost three weeks since i wrote something on this blog. Time flies by fast. So we’ve gone through some iterations of the concept of the game during this time. Design wise we shifted focus from the jungle to the island about two weeks ago. In the current version of the game the player gathers supplies form the jungle at day, and at night she needs to defend the island form insects that come to steal the settlers’ food. […]

Första månaden avklarad
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Det har nu gått 4 veckor på Viscando och produktionen är i full gång. Mitt arbetsflöde var la lite knas från början då jag är ny på arbetsmarknaden men den håller på att räta upp sig igen. Har precis gjort färdigt planeringen för de resterande 2 månaderna. Saker och ting ser bra ut, manusskrivande är i full gång och kommer att fortsätta (tills det är […]

Första månaden avklarad
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Det har nu gått 4 veckor på Viscando och produktionen är i full gång. Mitt arbetsflöde var la lite knas från början då jag är ny på arbetsmarknaden men den håller på att räta upp sig igen. Har precis gjort färdigt planeringen för de resterande 2 månaderna. Saker och ting ser bra ut, manusskrivande är i full gång och kommer att fortsätta (tills det är […]

Game Rooms
This week I worked on creating environments on different levels of the game world. These are accessible through “doors”. The reasoning behind this decision was to solve problems with our split screen in the most time efficient way. If players were to walk up an elevated area, the camera would cause problems due to zooming and splitting. The camera adapts its placement based on the positions of both characters. This would create unwanted angels that would show parts of the […]

Game Rooms
This week I worked on creating environments on different levels of the game world. These are accessible through “doors”. The reasoning behind this decision was to solve problems with our split screen in the most time efficient way. If players were to walk up an elevated area, the camera would cause problems due to zooming and splitting. The camera adapts its placement based on the positions of both characters. This would create unwanted angels that would show parts of the […]

Modeling from references
So the very basic models I showed last time were just basic shapes that were reminiscent of mushrooms, but were not made after any real references. Those were more meant for platforming, while these ones were gonna be more of the decorative type, or have functions of some kind. This is also a lot less technical this time, and is more to show a bit more of what the world will consist of.
It is surprising how many strange mushrooms there are, […]

Modeling from references
So the very basic models I showed last time were just basic shapes that were reminiscent of mushrooms, but were not made after any real references. Those were more meant for platforming, while these ones were gonna be more of the decorative type, or have functions of some kind. This is also a lot less technical this time, and is more to show a bit more of what the world will consist of.
It is surprising how many strange mushrooms there are, […]

Making Play with Playmaker
During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]

Making Play with Playmaker
During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]
University Projects: Synapse Week 4.2
We had our meeting and decided to stick with what we had. So now we just need to get that working and then perfect that.
I’m relieved and feel pretty good after the weekend. We took the time off, no one was thinking about the game and everyone was doing pretty good.
Friday I had a meeting with Håkan, who told us to not worry about it and that we were pretty good on time. Also we were told we were going […]
University Projects: Synapse Week 4.2
We had our meeting and decided to stick with what we had. So now we just need to get that working and then perfect that.
I’m relieved and feel pretty good after the weekend. We took the time off, no one was thinking about the game and everyone was doing pretty good.
Friday I had a meeting with Håkan, who told us to not worry about it and that we were pretty good on time. Also we were told we were going […]

BGP: Fourth Post
This week was more focused on adjustments and trying to tune up what we already had before going into adding on more ways to interact with the town.
I created a couple of poster variations for the billboards spread around town:
As well a couple of very simple diffuse and alpha textures for the windows and doors to prevent them from having emissive all over the mesh.
Then it was mostly smaller but time-consuming adjustments like changing the lights to a warmer hue […]

BGP: Fourth Post
This week was more focused on adjustments and trying to tune up what we already had before going into adding on more ways to interact with the town.
I created a couple of poster variations for the billboards spread around town:
As well a couple of very simple diffuse and alpha textures for the windows and doors to prevent them from having emissive all over the mesh.
Then it was mostly smaller but time-consuming adjustments like changing the lights to a warmer hue […]