Monthly Archives: May 2016

Big Game Project: Week 5

The fifth week (May 2 – May 6) development of our game “Kei” is halfway through. This week I worked on the second enemy type, dubbed Beta. According to the Project Plan, this enemy type should have both a ranged and a melee attack.
I implemented a ranged attack for the Beta type robot, a deadly slow-moving laser beam. This could be the highlight of the week’s developmental work (though I also worked on other minor fixes). You can preview this laser attack […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project: Week 5

The fifth week (May 2 – May 6) development of our game “Kei” is halfway through. This week I worked on the second enemy type, dubbed Beta. According to the Project Plan, this enemy type should have both a ranged and a melee attack.
I implemented a ranged attack for the Beta type robot, a deadly slow-moving laser beam. This could be the highlight of the week’s developmental work (though I also worked on other minor fixes). You can preview this laser attack […]

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Program: Programming

Slow progression

The last couple of weeks have been slow when it comes to development. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but mainly because there’s been a lot of personal stuff going on. Meetings and stuff like that.
Also it’s been a couple of weeks where MVVM has shown itself from its “worst” side. The reason why I say “worst” side is that a lot of the things I want to accomplish is not as easy as the boilerplate approach. But since […]

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Program: Programming

Slow progression

The last couple of weeks have been slow when it comes to development. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but mainly because there’s been a lot of personal stuff going on. Meetings and stuff like that.
Also it’s been a couple of weeks where MVVM has shown itself from its “worst” side. The reason why I say “worst” side is that a lot of the things I want to accomplish is not as easy as the boilerplate approach. But since […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7 Visuals!

Only one more week until the conference! Things are getting close to being done, bug fixing, polishing, and fixing the last things with the UI and creating better readability for the game overall is what is on the table at the moment.
We found numerous times that the game was quite difficult to grasp as items and objects the player could interact with blended in with the rest of the game world too much and thus became indistinguishable. What I and […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 7 Visuals!

Only one more week until the conference! Things are getting close to being done, bug fixing, polishing, and fixing the last things with the UI and creating better readability for the game overall is what is on the table at the moment.
We found numerous times that the game was quite difficult to grasp as items and objects the player could interact with blended in with the rest of the game world too much and thus became indistinguishable. What I and […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 6

Our game is starting to look play ready now!  For me that means that the last characters need to get implemented. The ones that are left to do are the wedding guests, that väinämöinen summons with a spell (no idea why it had to be wedding guests particularly ) to help them rowing the ship. The forge workers that I worked on the two last weeks and a woman spinning clouds in the air. After that everything is done and […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 6

Our game is starting to look play ready now!  For me that means that the last characters need to get implemented. The ones that are left to do are the wedding guests, that väinämöinen summons with a spell (no idea why it had to be wedding guests particularly ) to help them rowing the ship. The forge workers that I worked on the two last weeks and a woman spinning clouds in the air. After that everything is done and […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 6

Den här veckan har det mest varit fokus på att lägga in det sista och eventuella buggfixar innan vi ska ställa ut spelet på GGC – Gotland Game Conference. Jag har jobbat på hur långt kameran har möjlighet att röra sig utanför banans gränser och hur vi visar chanser spelaren har kvar i spelet.
Jag har även gjort ett script för att bestämma svårighetsgrad och regler för hur spelaren vinner och förlorar spelet. I stort sett är det bara en enum […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 6

Den här veckan har det mest varit fokus på att lägga in det sista och eventuella buggfixar innan vi ska ställa ut spelet på GGC – Gotland Game Conference. Jag har jobbat på hur långt kameran har möjlighet att röra sig utanför banans gränser och hur vi visar chanser spelaren har kvar i spelet.
Jag har även gjort ett script för att bestämma svårighetsgrad och regler för hur spelaren vinner och förlorar spelet. I stort sett är det bara en enum […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7 BGP

Måndag 9/5 – Scientist. Så, idag har jag för det mesta bara arbetat med att göra AI till vår Scientist, som blir vår andra fiende till spelet. Tidigare hade vi bara vakter som går runt på nivån och jagar fångarna och skickar tillbaka dom till deras cell men nu har vi även då Scientist. Skillnaden är att Scientist själv inte utgör något direkt hot mot fångarna, utan istället ska springa till vakterna och leda dom till platsen där dom såg fången gå. Scientist hittar […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7 BGP

Måndag 9/5 – Scientist. Så, idag har jag för det mesta bara arbetat med att göra AI till vår Scientist, som blir vår andra fiende till spelet. Tidigare hade vi bara vakter som går runt på nivån och jagar fångarna och skickar tillbaka dom till deras cell men nu har vi även då Scientist. Skillnaden är att Scientist själv inte utgör något direkt hot mot fångarna, utan istället ska springa till vakterna och leda dom till platsen där dom såg fången gå. Scientist hittar […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7 of Big Game Project

This week was quite unproductive. I gone from production Monday to Thursday. Our producer and both our programmers were crippled by spring allergies, so it was mostly our artist plodding along on their own. However, we all gathered on friday, and I working on the world. I also worked saturday and sunday, with most of the saturday being wasted on baking the lighting, but there was errors, so I will try to fix it somehow. Today I started working on […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 7 of Big Game Project

This week was quite unproductive. I gone from production Monday to Thursday. Our producer and both our programmers were crippled by spring allergies, so it was mostly our artist plodding along on their own. However, we all gathered on friday, and I working on the world. I also worked saturday and sunday, with most of the saturday being wasted on baking the lighting, but there was errors, so I will try to fix it somehow. Today I started working on […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 of Big Game Project

This week was a continuation of the last. We kept implementing changes from the playtests, and one of the things we added was the ability to summon other charcters to yourself. That really changed the dynamic, making the fame easier which increased the appeal for the new players.
And then there was the maze. I sugessted to the team that we just cut it, because while it was intressting, it wtas to hard to fix to be worth it. However, the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 of Big Game Project

This week was a continuation of the last. We kept implementing changes from the playtests, and one of the things we added was the ability to summon other charcters to yourself. That really changed the dynamic, making the fame easier which increased the appeal for the new players.
And then there was the maze. I sugessted to the team that we just cut it, because while it was intressting, it wtas to hard to fix to be worth it. However, the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 of Big Game Project

As I said at the start of the project, I am not a great log keeper. So now this will be batch two of blog posts. Lets keep going where we left of shall we?
So this week, we started implementing changes from the first playtest, and that was pretty much what we did most of the week. However by Thursday we had a second playtest with our mentors and former students, where we were more inspired. I spent that night […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 of Big Game Project

As I said at the start of the project, I am not a great log keeper. So now this will be batch two of blog posts. Lets keep going where we left of shall we?
So this week, we started implementing changes from the first playtest, and that was pretty much what we did most of the week. However by Thursday we had a second playtest with our mentors and former students, where we were more inspired. I spent that night […]

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Program: Graphics

University Projects, Synapse week 5 and Spark Week 1

So, long week, did not have the time to actually write a blog post until now.
So what has happened here during this week. To start it off, we started week 5 trying to get something more and playable out of the game, we weren’t able to, I worked with the presentation and helping out on programming, but for no good, we were stuck with a dead product that almost no one in the team believed in.
So on tuesday on week […]

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Program: Graphics

University Projects, Synapse week 5 and Spark Week 1

So, long week, did not have the time to actually write a blog post until now.
So what has happened here during this week. To start it off, we started week 5 trying to get something more and playable out of the game, we weren’t able to, I worked with the presentation and helping out on programming, but for no good, we were stuck with a dead product that almost no one in the team believed in.
So on tuesday on week […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Week 7: We’re getting there

Our game is starting to feel like a game! You can go around and talk to people, run into events while alone or when with Nicole, and you can ask your friends if they want to hang out! It’s amazing!
This week I’ve written two new events for our newest location, Kungsträdgården. Both of these events are with Nicole, as we felt the game lacked enough interaction with her as it was. I also wrote an event when Nicole comes with you […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Week 7: We’re getting there

Our game is starting to feel like a game! You can go around and talk to people, run into events while alone or when with Nicole, and you can ask your friends if they want to hang out! It’s amazing!
This week I’ve written two new events for our newest location, Kungsträdgården. Both of these events are with Nicole, as we felt the game lacked enough interaction with her as it was. I also wrote an event when Nicole comes with you […]

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Program: Graphics

Uppdatering Extrablogg.

Till extrabloggen ar jag valt att berätta om vår komet i spelet ”Flight of the giraffa”. Till detta projekt skapade jag en komet som skulle röra sig över skärmen från höger till vänster och den skulle kunna kollidera med enbart spelaren för att göra skada samt att den skulle vid kollisionen, explodera och en power-up skulle skapas bakom explosionen.
Till en början så skapade jag ett tile-system i programmet ”Paint”, i det programmet skriver man in hur många kolunmer och hur […]

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Program: Programming

Uppdatering Extrablogg.

Till extrabloggen ar jag valt att berätta om vår komet i spelet ”Flight of the giraffa”. Till detta projekt skapade jag en komet som skulle röra sig över skärmen från höger till vänster och den skulle kunna kollidera med enbart spelaren för att göra skada samt att den skulle vid kollisionen, explodera och en power-up skulle skapas bakom explosionen.
Till en början så skapade jag ett tile-system i programmet ”Paint”, i det programmet skriver man in hur många kolunmer och hur […]

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Program: Programming