Monthly Archives: May 2016
Kei game trailer
Here is the trailer as promised!
There are some things needing fixing but we plan to fix it before the actual presentation of it at GGC. Enjoy!
Kei game trailer
Here is the trailer as promised!
There are some things needing fixing but we plan to fix it before the actual presentation of it at GGC. Enjoy!

#7 Big Game Project | Diversity & Notification system
Hello again!
This week we have been working feedback and bugfixes, this will probably be the same case next week.
When I wasn’t removing bugs or corrections i was among other things working with implementing diversity. Our settlers can now randomize between women and male meshes, randomize skin color and r
andomize color of their clothes. The system i created also matches a portrait with the gender and skincolor. This portrait is display in the popup panels showed in previous blog posts. Here is […]

#7 Big Game Project | Diversity & Notification system
Hello again!
This week we have been working feedback and bugfixes, this will probably be the same case next week.
When I wasn’t removing bugs or corrections i was among other things working with implementing diversity. Our settlers can now randomize between women and male meshes, randomize skin color and r
andomize color of their clothes. The system i created also matches a portrait with the gender and skincolor. This portrait is display in the popup panels showed in previous blog posts. Here is […]
BGP week 6 – Animation updates
This week doesn’t have a lot of very visually interesting updates. Mostly I just spent it working on the animations – small fixes as usual, like an animation not playing as it should, or adjustments to the timing. I also made a fair few new ones, such as animations for a couple of different landings, and just generally updating the current ones to be more fluid and engaging.
Since at this point we have pretty much all the animations we need, […]
BGP week 6 – Animation updates
This week doesn’t have a lot of very visually interesting updates. Mostly I just spent it working on the animations – small fixes as usual, like an animation not playing as it should, or adjustments to the timing. I also made a fair few new ones, such as animations for a couple of different landings, and just generally updating the current ones to be more fluid and engaging.
Since at this point we have pretty much all the animations we need, […]

7. Uniqe Scenes
Förra veckan jobbade jag på att rita unika scener till spelet. Dessa scener kommer komma upp under de större eventen under spelet för att ge lite mer variation och känsla. Jag har ritat sju olika scener – två varianter av slut på spelet, Nicole sittandes ensam i fiket, när Sam kommer ut till till sina tre närmsta vänner och när Sam och Nicole kysser varandra för första gången.

7. Uniqe Scenes
Förra veckan jobbade jag på att rita unika scener till spelet. Dessa scener kommer komma upp under de större eventen under spelet för att ge lite mer variation och känsla. Jag har ritat sju olika scener – två varianter av slut på spelet, Nicole sittandes ensam i fiket, när Sam kommer ut till till sina tre närmsta vänner och när Sam och Nicole kysser varandra för första gången.
Symbiosis DevDiary #6
The first week of polish has come to an end and even if it always feels like there is so much left to do, I believe we are in step with our goals. I have continued working with shaders and done some experiments in shader forge, even if it feels like most of it won’t make it into the game. Some of them just did not work out as planned, mainly because my lack of experience with the software.
Below is a […]
Symbiosis DevDiary #6
The first week of polish has come to an end and even if it always feels like there is so much left to do, I believe we are in step with our goals. I have continued working with shaders and done some experiments in shader forge, even if it feels like most of it won’t make it into the game. Some of them just did not work out as planned, mainly because my lack of experience with the software.
Below is a […]

Target Doll
So the process of creating practice targets for our avatar continues. I am currently creating a target doll that will be used as a part of an in game tutorial in Tale.
The doll is supposed to resemble the enemies in the game. The enemies are little knights that roams around the world of tale. They are very short but a bit buff. The target doll is adapted to their length and width.
The textures i am using are fiber textures, wood […]

Target Doll
So the process of creating practice targets for our avatar continues. I am currently creating a target doll that will be used as a part of an in game tutorial in Tale.
The doll is supposed to resemble the enemies in the game. The enemies are little knights that roams around the world of tale. They are very short but a bit buff. The target doll is adapted to their length and width.
The textures i am using are fiber textures, wood […]
Big Game Project, Week 6.
I’ve been struggling with finding adequate sounds for a walk cycle. It seems most of the available ones that are free to use are recorded outside, with lots of background noise, understandably.
It’s been a problem for me so much that (despite my necessary emergency trip home to stockholm) I will have to record some own sounds in the week and throw them into the game as quickly as possible.
The last sound that I can think of that we need is […]
Big Game Project, Week 6.
I’ve been struggling with finding adequate sounds for a walk cycle. It seems most of the available ones that are free to use are recorded outside, with lots of background noise, understandably.
It’s been a problem for me so much that (despite my necessary emergency trip home to stockholm) I will have to record some own sounds in the week and throw them into the game as quickly as possible.
The last sound that I can think of that we need is […]

Synapse: Tying Things Up
As promised, here’s some of the 2D key-frame animation content I produced for my group’s old game, both finished and unfinished files. The work I did there ranged from concepting the game itself, writing documents, discussing the game’s design, implementing changes, and creating art assets. As promised, here’s some of the 2D key-frame animation content I produced for my group’s old game, both finished and unfinished files. The work I did there ranged from concepting the game itself, writing documents, discussing the game’s design, implementing changes, and creating art assets.
Not much more to say for now, since all this has gone into the Archives of the Deceased Projects by now. So here’s a bunch of gifs, and the game’s logotype.
Synapse: Tying Things Up
Not much more to say for now, since all this has gone into the Archives of the Deceased Projects by now. So here’s a bunch of gifs, and the game’s logotype.
Big Game Project Week 6
Hey guys! Another quick update. This week I have been working on getting some clips for the trailer that we have to do for our game. Unfortunately the timing is as always bad and the time would have been better spent on fixing stuff on the game rather than fixing with this but it has to be done by someone so.
Anyways this is what I have done. Two short clips that will be in the beginning of our trailer showing […]
Big Game Project Week 6
Hey guys! Another quick update. This week I have been working on getting some clips for the trailer that we have to do for our game. Unfortunately the timing is as always bad and the time would have been better spent on fixing stuff on the game rather than fixing with this but it has to be done by someone so.
Anyways this is what I have done. Two short clips that will be in the beginning of our trailer showing […]
Big Game Project: Week 6
We, Do It Youself Games, have been working on our game, Kei, for six weeks now. We are approaching the point where no more content should be added to the game (“feature complete”) and where the developmental work should be focused on polishing and bug-fixing.
Yet up to this sixth week (May 9 – May 13) there still was one big feature that was an absolute must – that is Kei’s ranged attack (the Chakra). Adding this type of attack is the […]
Big Game Project: Week 6
We, Do It Youself Games, have been working on our game, Kei, for six weeks now. We are approaching the point where no more content should be added to the game (“feature complete”) and where the developmental work should be focused on polishing and bug-fixing.
Yet up to this sixth week (May 9 – May 13) there still was one big feature that was an absolute must – that is Kei’s ranged attack (the Chakra). Adding this type of attack is the […]

Final week
So here we are my friends. Final week already? Wow, the planning did not work out the way I planned. I´ve been pondering this last week about how things have been going so far. I am the product owner / producer of this project and the “boss” so to say. I had it all planned out and thought that I could avoid a lot of problems through my planning. I made sure that we only worked Mon- Fri, eight in […]

Final week
So here we are my friends. Final week already? Wow, the planning did not work out the way I planned. I´ve been pondering this last week about how things have been going so far. I am the product owner / producer of this project and the “boss” so to say. I had it all planned out and thought that I could avoid a lot of problems through my planning. I made sure that we only worked Mon- Fri, eight in […]

BGP: Sixth post
So I discovered the statistics page. Shout-out to the person who found their way here from the states, hope you were as amused as I am now anxious knowing that this thing is indexed in search engines. Do not judge me too harshly.
This week poking around with different things like little effects, animations on the HUD to better communicate loss and gain of life and other such things happened. I threw together an interface for the weapons shop from the terminal-window assets. […]

BGP: Sixth post
So I discovered the statistics page. Shout-out to the person who found their way here from the states, hope you were as amused as I am now anxious knowing that this thing is indexed in search engines. Do not judge me too harshly.
This week poking around with different things like little effects, animations on the HUD to better communicate loss and gain of life and other such things happened. I threw together an interface for the weapons shop from the terminal-window assets. […]