Monthly Archives: May 2016

Big Game Project Week Seven
Time to get my work to actually work in the game engine. I have never used the animator of Unity earlier so I had to spend some time learning how it works. I also had to ask for code specific for what I am doing, parameters that I can use to control the animations within the animation controller.
I started with Hoppy to lay down the basic movement animations idle, walk, jump and double jump since all characters share these states. […]

Big Game Project Week Seven
Time to get my work to actually work in the game engine. I have never used the animator of Unity earlier so I had to spend some time learning how it works. I also had to ask for code specific for what I am doing, parameters that I can use to control the animations within the animation controller.
I started with Hoppy to lay down the basic movement animations idle, walk, jump and double jump since all characters share these states. […]

Big Game Project Week Six
So this week the team decided on the final name for the game: Adventures In Space And Slime. This is the logo made by your truly.
Began with a rough sketch, blocking out ideas.
Updated version that is a bit more fleshed out. We wanted slime in the logo.
After recieving feedback this is what I ended up with.
Welcome Adventures In Space And Slime!

Big Game Project Week Six
So this week the team decided on the final name for the game: Adventures In Space And Slime. This is the logo made by your truly.
Began with a rough sketch, blocking out ideas.
Updated version that is a bit more fleshed out. We wanted slime in the logo.
After recieving feedback this is what I ended up with.
Welcome Adventures In Space And Slime!

Big Game Project Week Five
After rigging the last two characters last week it is now time to animate them as well.
Since all of the characters has the same basic movement I will just do the animations for the first character (Hoppy) again.
But with Glidey I have to make a few modifications since he is flat instead of round.
Sticky Walkcycle
Sticky Idle
Sticky jumping and landing. His stick abilitys animation looks the same as when he lands.
Glidey jump.
Glidey walking.
Glideys glide. I had concearns last week but I […]

Big Game Project Week Five
After rigging the last two characters last week it is now time to animate them as well.
Since all of the characters has the same basic movement I will just do the animations for the first character (Hoppy) again.
But with Glidey I have to make a few modifications since he is flat instead of round.
Sticky Walkcycle
Sticky Idle
Sticky jumping and landing. His stick abilitys animation looks the same as when he lands.
Glidey jump.
Glidey walking.
Glideys glide. I had concearns last week but I […]

Build orders and Starvation
We have Switched around some thing in the UI and added a build order to make sure that players build what we want them to. At least to some extent, we want players to build buildings vital to their progression in an as linear fashion as possible to make sure that players experience what we want them to when we want them to.
Doing this in an open ended, RTS game has proven difficult as we both want to give players that […]

Build orders and Starvation
We have Switched around some thing in the UI and added a build order to make sure that players build what we want them to. At least to some extent, we want players to build buildings vital to their progression in an as linear fashion as possible to make sure that players experience what we want them to when we want them to.
Doing this in an open ended, RTS game has proven difficult as we both want to give players that […]
Week 7
Hi, this post is a little bit late.
During week six a lot of small fixes was made, for example:
Made the sawblade more visible in the sawmill
added rope to the elevator, so no more floaty elevator
Tiled the cookie that casts the shadows in the jungle
Set up different cameras and lighting for the jungle and island
Also I made the trailer, which took up a lot of my time.
Week 7
Hi, this post is a little bit late.
During week six a lot of small fixes was made, for example:
Made the sawblade more visible in the sawmill
added rope to the elevator, so no more floaty elevator
Tiled the cookie that casts the shadows in the jungle
Set up different cameras and lighting for the jungle and island
Also I made the trailer, which took up a lot of my time.

Beta beatdown!
I’m up to date for once! Today was our Beta presentation. Almost all of our content is in the game and teachers and alumni played the game. Their verdict, not perfect but they enjoyed the experience and they had discussions about events which is good and encourage replay-ability. Now there are some things to take care of before GGC, most of it is polishing the experience. This weekend it is time to show the public to have a piece of […]

Beta beatdown!
I’m up to date for once! Today was our Beta presentation. Almost all of our content is in the game and teachers and alumni played the game. Their verdict, not perfect but they enjoyed the experience and they had discussions about events which is good and encourage replay-ability. Now there are some things to take care of before GGC, most of it is polishing the experience. This weekend it is time to show the public to have a piece of […]

Content implementation overload!
This week (last week..(I’m really bad at this)) it was all about implementing the content and less about features. However, one feature was added, from now on the player can ask a friend out on the phone. The point of this is to “come out” to them. Other than that, all that was done was to add as many events as possible in order to have enough stuff for the Beta next week (this week(sorry)).
When working, one problem showed up. […]

Content implementation overload!
This week (last week..(I’m really bad at this)) it was all about implementing the content and less about features. However, one feature was added, from now on the player can ask a friend out on the phone. The point of this is to “come out” to them. Other than that, all that was done was to add as many events as possible in order to have enough stuff for the Beta next week (this week(sorry)).
When working, one problem showed up. […]
Här är trailern till Sam and Nicole! Stort tack till Evelina Foxberg som gjorde rösten till Sam.
Här är trailern till Sam and Nicole! Stort tack till Evelina Foxberg som gjorde rösten till Sam.

Breaking down art
One of the first steps I took when defining our art style was to try and break down art from different artist in order for me to come up with similarities and differences. I aim to include similarities and to fuse differences in a cohesive and non-fractured way. The goal as stated earlier is to properly represent the subject and this also includes having art that is immediately recognizable to people familiar with Finnish artists and animators. Different ways of […]

Breaking down art
One of the first steps I took when defining our art style was to try and break down art from different artist in order for me to come up with similarities and differences. I aim to include similarities and to fuse differences in a cohesive and non-fractured way. The goal as stated earlier is to properly represent the subject and this also includes having art that is immediately recognizable to people familiar with Finnish artists and animators. Different ways of […]

Flexible fish feelings!
Contrary to what my previous posts might’ve indicated, I don’t just go around thinking about design problems all the time when working on Slumber. I’m also the makeshift Unity guy, responsible for implementing stuff, animating, building levels and generally being the link between the artists and programmers.
So let’s talk about something NOT design related for a change, like fish animations! As the team’s makeshift Unity animator, it was my job to animate and implement the fish animations used in Slumber.
This was […]

Flexible fish feelings!
Contrary to what my previous posts might’ve indicated, I don’t just go around thinking about design problems all the time when working on Slumber. I’m also the makeshift Unity guy, responsible for implementing stuff, animating, building levels and generally being the link between the artists and programmers.
So let’s talk about something NOT design related for a change, like fish animations! As the team’s makeshift Unity animator, it was my job to animate and implement the fish animations used in Slumber.
This was […]

Big Game: Week 7
Nearing the end, it’s just small stuff left to be done. I’ve been playing around a bit with particle effects, started working on UI and menu in-game as well as finishing some more decorative assets. Here’s a few examples of what I’ve been up to this week;
Butterfly that will fly around in the background, as well as on the path where they will fly away if triggered.
A crosshair for the projectile, which is animated in-game.
Icon for life, which also is […]

Big Game: Week 7
Nearing the end, it’s just small stuff left to be done. I’ve been playing around a bit with particle effects, started working on UI and menu in-game as well as finishing some more decorative assets. Here’s a few examples of what I’ve been up to this week;
Butterfly that will fly around in the background, as well as on the path where they will fly away if triggered.
A crosshair for the projectile, which is animated in-game.
Icon for life, which also is […]

That Final Week of our Project
And it’s officially okay to panic!! It’s been a busy week seven for team Molamola… so busy in fact, much to all of our dedicated followers great disappointment, our weekly blogpost was woefully neglected. We’ll do our best to make up for your loss, honored fans and followers, by presenting an even better zombie crawling experience by the end of this week. Along with all the other groups in our class, we had our game beta-tested and evaluated last […]

That Final Week of our Project
And it’s officially okay to panic!! It’s been a busy week seven for team Molamola… so busy in fact, much to all of our dedicated followers great disappointment, our weekly blogpost was woefully neglected. We’ll do our best to make up for your loss, honored fans and followers, by presenting an even better zombie crawling experience by the end of this week. Along with all the other groups in our class, we had our game beta-tested and evaluated last […]