Monthly Archives: April 2016

Week 2 – BaseMesh and BaseAnimation

The second week in development have now passed.
The development in different areas for the game, whether it have been art or code have had quite a mixed progress.
On the art side, which is mine, we have begun to white-box a level to test various level layouts and see if the scale we are working in is adequate for the project, and if there are any mismatches. It would be quite funny looking if we had a chair for a giant […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 2 – BaseMesh and BaseAnimation

The second week in development have now passed.
The development in different areas for the game, whether it have been art or code have had quite a mixed progress.
On the art side, which is mine, we have begun to white-box a level to test various level layouts and see if the scale we are working in is adequate for the project, and if there are any mismatches. It would be quite funny looking if we had a chair for a giant […]

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Program: Graphics

Start of Big Game Project

Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since my last post, but it is time to start again!
So, the 10 week-long course Big Game Project has started and it is time to produce a game. The idea behind BGP is to write a concept for a full game and then create a vertical slice of that game.
So for the next eight weeks, including this past week, me and my team will be quite busy with F.R.A.U.S, a stealth […]

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Program: Programming

Start of Big Game Project

Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since my last post, but it is time to start again!
So, the 10 week-long course Big Game Project has started and it is time to produce a game. The idea behind BGP is to write a concept for a full game and then create a vertical slice of that game.
So for the next eight weeks, including this past week, me and my team will be quite busy with F.R.A.U.S, a stealth […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again people!
It has been a long time since I did any posts for my blog, but that is about to change for this course. Right now I am making a game for my final course for my second year. It is called Big Game Project. I am working with 5 great guys to develop our first, soon to be, released game on steam. We have 8 weeks to create a Vertical Slice of our game, to display at GGC […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
It has been a long time since I did any posts for my blog, but that is about to change for this course. Right now I am making a game for my final course for my second year. It is called Big Game Project. I am working with 5 great guys to develop our first, soon to be, released game on steam. We have 8 weeks to create a Vertical Slice of our game, to display at GGC […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
It has been a long time since I did any posts for my blog, but that is about to change for this course. Right now I am making a game for my final course for my second year. It is called Big Game Project. I am working with 5 great guys to develop our first, soon to be, released game on steam. We have 8 weeks to create a Vertical Slice of our game, to display at GGC […]

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Program: Graphics


Hi again people!
It has been a long time since I did any posts for my blog, but that is about to change for this course. Right now I am making a game for my final course for my second year. It is called Big Game Project. I am working with 5 great guys to develop our first, soon to be, released game on steam. We have 8 weeks to create a Vertical Slice of our game, to display at GGC […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1-2 BGP

Nu har allvaret dragit igång på riktigt och produktionen av spelet F.R.A.U.S har verkligen fått en bra start. Jag personligen är kodare och sitter enbart med att skriva script. Min huvudsakliga fokus har legat på att skapa en AI; Artificiell Intelligens. Spelet F.R.A.U.S går ut att du som spelare spelar som ett virus som infiltrerat korrupta företag som gör inhumana experiment på fångar, rädda fångarna utan att bli upptäckt. Spelet är ett stealth spel (bli inte upptäckt) där du styr […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1-2 BGP

Nu har allvaret dragit igång på riktigt och produktionen av spelet F.R.A.U.S har verkligen fått en bra start. Jag personligen är kodare och sitter enbart med att skriva script. Min huvudsakliga fokus har legat på att skapa en AI; Artificiell Intelligens. Spelet F.R.A.U.S går ut att du som spelare spelar som ett virus som infiltrerat korrupta företag som gör inhumana experiment på fångar, rädda fångarna utan att bli upptäckt. Spelet är ett stealth spel (bli inte upptäckt) där du styr […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project – blog1


Nu har BGP börjat och jag kommer gå igenom lite uppgifter jag har i gruppen, gruppmedlemmar, utdrag från designdokumentet och vad jag gjort i projektet fram till idag.

Vi börjar med att säga vad kursen och projektet går ut på. Vi är en grupp på sex personer som under en period på ca åtta veckor kommer att utveckla ett spel och sedan visa upp det på Gotland game conference.

Vi är:
Adam Salonen – Producer
Andreas Lundmark (jag) – Technical Artist
Folke Störving Nielsen […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game Project – blog1


Nu har BGP börjat och jag kommer gå igenom lite uppgifter jag har i gruppen, gruppmedlemmar, utdrag från designdokumentet och vad jag gjort i projektet fram till idag.

Vi börjar med att säga vad kursen och projektet går ut på. Vi är en grupp på sex personer som under en period på ca åtta veckor kommer att utveckla ett spel och sedan visa upp det på Gotland game conference.

Vi är:
Adam Salonen – Producer
Andreas Lundmark (jag) – Technical Artist
Folke Störving Nielsen […]

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Program: Programming

Symbiosis DevDiary #1

The final course of the second year is finally here, Big Game Project, or BGP for short. I am working on the game Symbiosis, which I joined the week before production started. The concept had been worked on by the founding members of the team since around Christmas.
About Symbiosis
Symbiosis is a 2.5D single player co-op sidescroller. The player controls the spirits Lumi (spirit of fire and air) and Terra (spirit of water and earth) with one hand-controller. They are on […]

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Program: Graphics

Symbiosis DevDiary #1

The final course of the second year is finally here, Big Game Project, or BGP for short. I am working on the game Symbiosis, which I joined the week before production started. The concept had been worked on by the founding members of the team since around Christmas.
About Symbiosis
Symbiosis is a 2.5D single player co-op sidescroller. The player controls the spirits Lumi (spirit of fire and air) and Terra (spirit of water and earth) with one hand-controller. They are on […]

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Program: Graphics

New, year, new project

Just broke my record on longest period of inactivity on this blog – over one year!
So, we just started the Big Game Project course, concluding our second year at the programme with a, well, big game project. We are again tasked with writing blog posts as the project progresses, so I will make short, weekly updates from now on.
I work with a team currently without name working on the game Symbiosis – a puzzle platformer where the player controls two […]

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Program: Graphics

New, year, new project

Just broke my record on longest period of inactivity on this blog – over one year!
So, we just started the Big Game Project course, concluding our second year at the programme with a, well, big game project. We are again tasked with writing blog posts as the project progresses, so I will make short, weekly updates from now on.
I work with a team currently without name working on the game Symbiosis – a puzzle platformer where the player controls two […]

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Program: Graphics

Symbiosis week 1

This is the first week in production on our game Symbiosis. In our first week i had the task of creating the movement for one of our two characters Lumi.

This is my first time working in Unity and i had a bit of a learning curve on the first day. But it didn’t take me long to understand how script worked with gameobjects in unity. And how you could make scripts interact with other scripts. The jump activated when it found an input […]

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Program: Programming

Symbiosis week 1

This is the first week in production on our game Symbiosis. In our first week i had the task of creating the movement for one of our two characters Lumi.

This is my first time working in Unity and i had a bit of a learning curve on the first day. But it didn’t take me long to understand how script worked with gameobjects in unity. And how you could make scripts interact with other scripts. The jump activated when it found an input […]

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Program: Programming

Rays for Days at the pool

New Project and new things to learn. Over all i will be keeping these bloggs short.
What i have been doing this week is to make movement script for a character in Unity(5.3.4f1). This Peculiar character will walk along walls and alls have the ability to pick up blocks and flip to a platform above it if it exist there. To make this happen i used ray casting in unity and in a total of five rays for this character. Two […]

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Program: Programming

Rays for Days at the pool

New Project and new things to learn. Over all i will be keeping these bloggs short.
What i have been doing this week is to make movement script for a character in Unity(5.3.4f1). This Peculiar character will walk along walls and alls have the ability to pick up blocks and flip to a platform above it if it exist there. To make this happen i used ray casting in unity and in a total of five rays for this character. Two […]

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Program: Programming

BGP week 2: Dialogue writing

Hello all! This week we have begun production of Sam and Nicole and so far I have to say things are going pretty good! Emma has been making backgrounds, Lisa has been making character art, Rasmus is doing code prototypes in Ren’Py for random encounters and a map screen, and me and Sigrid have been writing.
Here is some art Lisa and Emma have made. It looks great so far!

Personally, I have been focusing on writing dialogue. I have written both […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP week 2: Dialogue writing

Hello all! This week we have begun production of Sam and Nicole and so far I have to say things are going pretty good! Emma has been making backgrounds, Lisa has been making character art, Rasmus is doing code prototypes in Ren’Py for random encounters and a map screen, and me and Sigrid have been writing.
Here is some art Lisa and Emma have made. It looks great so far!

Personally, I have been focusing on writing dialogue. I have written both […]

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Program: Graphics

Sam & Nicole part 2

Week two of the course have been are first actual work week.
One of the things I did this week I’ve made digital prototypes of the four background images we have decided to be our first prio to have a functional game.
First I built up a base for the environment in Google sketch up and then imported a 2D image of it and painted on top of it. I did this to help decide on the colors and the shading. I […]

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Program: Graphics

Sam & Nicole part 2

Week two of the course have been are first actual work week.
One of the things I did this week I’ve made digital prototypes of the four background images we have decided to be our first prio to have a functional game.
First I built up a base for the environment in Google sketch up and then imported a 2D image of it and painted on top of it. I did this to help decide on the colors and the shading. I […]

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Program: Graphics