Daily Archives: April 15, 2016

Sam & Nicole Part 3
Production continued where it left off in the previous week. I’ve painted four of the backgrounds and cleaned them on the computer. Here is the café~
The colors aren’t final yet. I’ll continue to tweak them when we can compare them to in game characters and dialog box which isn’t done yet.
As I explained in the previous post parts of the background is painted separately to make it possible to slide them onto the “stage”(background) when it is being loaded. […]

Sam & Nicole Part 3
Production continued where it left off in the previous week. I’ve painted four of the backgrounds and cleaned them on the computer. Here is the café~
The colors aren’t final yet. I’ll continue to tweak them when we can compare them to in game characters and dialog box which isn’t done yet.
As I explained in the previous post parts of the background is painted separately to make it possible to slide them onto the “stage”(background) when it is being loaded. […]

Big Game: Week 3
During the third week of production, I started working with creating the final meshes for the enemies and traps, as well as creating the UVWs for all objects and work with the textures.
Started out with the ranged enemy, which turned out like this:
And here he is in Unity, with the emissive channel:
(Sorry for the bad lightning)
The enemies are supposed so be made out of clay, so I focused on orange and blue. Blue because of the contrasting color to Neiva, the main character, […]

Big Game: Week 3
During the third week of production, I started working with creating the final meshes for the enemies and traps, as well as creating the UVWs for all objects and work with the textures.
Started out with the ranged enemy, which turned out like this:
And here he is in Unity, with the emissive channel:
(Sorry for the bad lightning)
The enemies are supposed so be made out of clay, so I focused on orange and blue. Blue because of the contrasting color to Neiva, the main character, […]

Neiva programming blog 1
Project Neiva is a new game project with a group of seven students. The game is a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer where the player run, jumps and uses projectiles to teleport through tricky obstacles. The project is part of the course Big Game Project that lasts in 8 weeks until exhibition in the yearly Gotland Game Conference.
This blog is about game programming. In upcoming blog posts I’ll write about tasks, progression, decisions makings, problems and good things that happens in the […]

Neiva programming blog 1
Project Neiva is a new game project with a group of seven students. The game is a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer where the player run, jumps and uses projectiles to teleport through tricky obstacles. The project is part of the course Big Game Project that lasts in 8 weeks until exhibition in the yearly Gotland Game Conference.
This blog is about game programming. In upcoming blog posts I’ll write about tasks, progression, decisions makings, problems and good things that happens in the […]