Monthly Archives: March 2016

Bossen och min mentala hälsa

Förra veckan var inte så jätte bra för mig. Min hjärna håll på att sega ner ganska kraftigt och till slut fick den helt stopp och jag kunde inte arbeta alls på torsdagen och fredagen utan gick hem och sov. Min hjärna är fortfarande ganska seg just nu men jag har iallafall lyckats med lite framsteg med Boss objektet. Jag har gjort en massa små justeringar på hur boss klassen är uppbyggd som mestadels gör det lättare för mig att […]

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Program: Programming

Bossen och min mentala hälsa

Förra veckan var inte så jätte bra för mig. Min hjärna håll på att sega ner ganska kraftigt och till slut fick den helt stopp och jag kunde inte arbeta alls på torsdagen och fredagen utan gick hem och sov. Min hjärna är fortfarande ganska seg just nu men jag har iallafall lyckats med lite framsteg med Boss objektet. Jag har gjort en massa små justeringar på hur boss klassen är uppbyggd som mestadels gör det lättare för mig att […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 5: Player

The Player class has been my task for a couple of days leading up to me writing this post. It has been a task where I have been lost for a while but have learned allot from. What I have implemented have been both an audio feedback and an implementation of the player’s animation when hen is moving the player and, in the future, when a shot is fired by said person playing the game.
What we agreed on with our […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Week 5: Player

The Player class has been my task for a couple of days leading up to me writing this post. It has been a task where I have been lost for a while but have learned allot from. What I have implemented have been both an audio feedback and an implementation of the player’s animation when hen is moving the player and, in the future, when a shot is fired by said person playing the game.
What we agreed on with our […]

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Program: Programming


Tjena allihopa!
Denna vecka har det byggts ett HighScore ”state”. Jag har försökt få spelaren att kunna lagra sin poäng från spelet så att spelet alltig kommer ihåg den bästa av de bästa. Jag började här med att göra ett nytt state där poängen på mästarna ska visas. I detta state har jag ritat ut en bakgrund där allting ska synas på, sedan gjorde jag en Text, gav den en font och storlek till alla olika ”vinnare”(1an, 2an…osv).
Kollar du på bilden nedan […]

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Program: Programming


Tjena allihopa!
Denna vecka har det byggts ett HighScore ”state”. Jag har försökt få spelaren att kunna lagra sin poäng från spelet så att spelet alltig kommer ihåg den bästa av de bästa. Jag började här med att göra ett nytt state där poängen på mästarna ska visas. I detta state har jag ritat ut en bakgrund där allting ska synas på, sedan gjorde jag en Text, gav den en font och storlek till alla olika ”vinnare”(1an, 2an…osv).
Kollar du på bilden nedan […]

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Program: Programming


Hejsan nästa läsare,
Det har allt varit en hektisk vecka med många överraskningar!  Till att börja med satte vi gasen i botten med respektives veckoplaneringar, efter att måndagens Beta-presentation givit oss den feedback vi behöver. Vårt Mermaid River fick bra kritik och det var just den boosten vi behövde för att fortsätta ge liv till vårt stora äventyr under ytan.
Min väg var redan utlagd. Jag har jobbat på en hel reva av artefakter, men det jag helst vill ta upp den […]

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Program: Graphics


Hejsan nästa läsare,
Det har allt varit en hektisk vecka med många överraskningar!  Till att börja med satte vi gasen i botten med respektives veckoplaneringar, efter att måndagens Beta-presentation givit oss den feedback vi behöver. Vårt Mermaid River fick bra kritik och det var just den boosten vi behövde för att fortsätta ge liv till vårt stora äventyr under ytan.
Min väg var redan utlagd. Jag har jobbat på en hel reva av artefakter, men det jag helst vill ta upp den […]

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Program: Graphics


This week I’m trying to make the switch to English, since I’ve been been informed it gives the blog a more professional look. I’ve worked on a lot of different things this week, for example I started with improving the menu system early in the week, and then realizing we have not planned for a High Score system. So, ultimately the mission landed on my desk and therefore the rest of the week has been about that.
At first I started […]

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Program: Programming


This week I’m trying to make the switch to English, since I’ve been been informed it gives the blog a more professional look. I’ve worked on a lot of different things this week, for example I started with improving the menu system early in the week, and then realizing we have not planned for a High Score system. So, ultimately the mission landed on my desk and therefore the rest of the week has been about that.
At first I started […]

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Program: Programming


Good evening everyone. I have mainly reworked our game design document this week on my own to let the rest of the group, mainly the programmers, focus on what they are doing. But we are in the finale stages of the process so due to the programmers not having enough time we had to take a different approach in some important design areas. The game world was to be destroyed by particle effect, meaning destroyed by alien ships impact. Spliting […]

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Program: Graphics


Good evening everyone. I have mainly reworked our game design document this week on my own to let the rest of the group, mainly the programmers, focus on what they are doing. But we are in the finale stages of the process so due to the programmers not having enough time we had to take a different approach in some important design areas. The game world was to be destroyed by particle effect, meaning destroyed by alien ships impact. Spliting […]

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Program: Graphics

Named pipe _u~

I’m going to talk about something I have not yet completed, but I mentioned it in my previous blog. What I have been trying to accomplish is to have one Windows Form application to communicate with Unity . The idea is to use the windows form application to control Unity.
Reason for wanting to do that is several, but mostly it’s to see how it can be done. Now the original plan was to use network. I have successfully tested network […]

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Program: Programming

Named pipe _u~

I’m going to talk about something I have not yet completed, but I mentioned it in my previous blog. What I have been trying to accomplish is to have one Windows Form application to communicate with Unity . The idea is to use the windows form application to control Unity.
Reason for wanting to do that is several, but mostly it’s to see how it can be done. Now the original plan was to use network. I have successfully tested network […]

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Program: Programming


today i am going to talk about what i have done since the last time i made an blog post.
So this week i worked on our pause menu. Yes, it is already implemented and it works.But here is the problem with it. Every time the player opens the pause menu all of our enemy’s which the player was playing against just disappear. And what happens next is more surreal the next wave of enemy’s spawns when you go back to […]

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Program: Programming


today i am going to talk about what i have done since the last time i made an blog post.
So this week i worked on our pause menu. Yes, it is already implemented and it works.But here is the problem with it. Every time the player opens the pause menu all of our enemy’s which the player was playing against just disappear. And what happens next is more surreal the next wave of enemy’s spawns when you go back to […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – Visuals of the new Level Design

Oscar Selstam, Team 12: Colossus Core
This week I and the group have been working on the new level design. We had been waiting for our teams programmers to greenlight the screen size of the collision boxes we’re using for the levels collision map.
The collision map
Once we had the size we could finalize a resolution for the level. It ended up being a 8000×6000 pixels large image, which would have to be split into pieces for the final game.
This took place on […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – Visuals of the new Level Design

Oscar Selstam, Team 12: Colossus Core
This week I and the group have been working on the new level design. We had been waiting for our teams programmers to greenlight the screen size of the collision boxes we’re using for the levels collision map.
The collision map
Once we had the size we could finalize a resolution for the level. It ended up being a 8000×6000 pixels large image, which would have to be split into pieces for the final game.
This took place on […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a Menu ground up. Part 1.

Having the beta presented, the team has gotten time to catch a breather, and now we’re ready for the final push before the release!
With all gameplay related things working, while the graphic artists churn out more animations and updating older sprites, we need to build everything around the game.
One of the things we needed was a menu.
We already had a menustate that we made at the same time as all other states, but it didn’t do much apart from being […]

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Program: Programming

Building a Menu ground up. Part 1.

Having the beta presented, the team has gotten time to catch a breather, and now we’re ready for the final push before the release!
With all gameplay related things working, while the graphic artists churn out more animations and updating older sprites, we need to build everything around the game.
One of the things we needed was a menu.
We already had a menustate that we made at the same time as all other states, but it didn’t do much apart from being […]

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Program: Programming

Desolate Echo – Week 7

So, I’ve been working on an animation for an energy shield for the hovercraft, specifically when the shield is recharged and re-activated again after being depleted by an enemy’s attack.
This is what I ended up with:
(and it’s looking pretty cool if I may say so myself)
A slow flash followed by softly flickering panels
I used GraphicsGale as usual, as the ability to create layers with opacity really is a big help in making this kind of transparent shield.
Design-wise I went with a bubble […]

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Program: Graphics

Desolate Echo – Week 7

So, I’ve been working on an animation for an energy shield for the hovercraft, specifically when the shield is recharged and re-activated again after being depleted by an enemy’s attack.
This is what I ended up with:
(and it’s looking pretty cool if I may say so myself)
A slow flash followed by softly flickering panels
I used GraphicsGale as usual, as the ability to create layers with opacity really is a big help in making this kind of transparent shield.
Design-wise I went with a bubble […]

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Program: Graphics

V 8 5SD033

I måndags var det beta presentation av vårt spel Mermaid River som vid det tillfället inte nådde upp till våra förväntningar som vanligt. Vi hade implementerat alla mekaniker och olika objekt men saknade estetiska delar so som en paralax bakgrund för att få en bättre känsla av djup i spelet. Enligt mig gick dock presentationen bra och vi fick bra feedback och i princip ingen kritik angående de designbeslut som vi har tagit. Mina uppgifter för denna veckas sprint som […]

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Program: Programming

V 8 5SD033

I måndags var det beta presentation av vårt spel Mermaid River som vid det tillfället inte nådde upp till våra förväntningar som vanligt. Vi hade implementerat alla mekaniker och olika objekt men saknade estetiska delar so som en paralax bakgrund för att få en bättre känsla av djup i spelet. Enligt mig gick dock presentationen bra och vi fick bra feedback och i princip ingen kritik angående de designbeslut som vi har tagit. Mina uppgifter för denna veckas sprint som […]

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Program: Programming