Monthly Archives: March 2016

Blog week six: challenging the player

Hello and welcome!
For this final week I’ve almost exclusively been working on getting our design document ready for hand in. Some things needed to be defined more clearly, for example a level layout and what kind of scenarios the player would experience, to teach them how the game works and later on to challenge them. These will most likely not show up in the final version of our game, but they are part of the original vision we had and will […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week six: challenging the player

Hello and welcome!
For this final week I’ve almost exclusively been working on getting our design document ready for hand in. Some things needed to be defined more clearly, for example a level layout and what kind of scenarios the player would experience, to teach them how the game works and later on to challenge them. These will most likely not show up in the final version of our game, but they are part of the original vision we had and will […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8-Last Stretch

Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8-Last Stretch

Hey there! Last week before final release. The pressure is ever present and it feels way more invasive than it ever did before. I have mainly focused on some personal affairs and amending the Game Design Document, so I have just done a few minor graphical artifacts.
The centre piece is the redesigned scrap sprite. The first one had the look of a rusted and oxidized metal panel with some internal support beams (I think they have a more fancy name […]

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Program: Graphics

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Programming

Shockwave PowerUP LAST CALL!

Dear, reader.
This week I have had a lot of bug fixing to do but i also had to work on a few items we weren’t able to make in time for our beta testing. So today i will write about our shock wave power up that I been working on this week.
Foremost we wanted a Time bomb as a power up that you threw out of the ship that would explode after a couple of seconds. But the closer we […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post #6 – More Music

Hi! this is the last post about the game Mermaid river. It has been an exciting journey with allot of laughs, headaches and late night crunches.
Some posts back I did write about the making of the main theme song for Mermaid River and today I will write about the making of the title screen music. At the Beta presentation we got allot of feedback concerning the dark ambience of the game, the audience wanted to see more of it so […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post #6 – More Music

Hi! this is the last post about the game Mermaid river. It has been an exciting journey with allot of laughs, headaches and late night crunches.
Some posts back I did write about the making of the main theme song for Mermaid River and today I will write about the making of the title screen music. At the Beta presentation we got allot of feedback concerning the dark ambience of the game, the audience wanted to see more of it so […]

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Program: Graphics

v 9 5SD033

Sista crunchen lider mot sitt slut
Denna vecka har varit utan tvekan den mest stressfulla veckan under hela kursen. På grund av dålig planering och tidsoptimism har arbetet inte gått som det ska tidigare veckor. Detta har i sin tur har lett till att alla små saker som binder ihop spelet har hamnat på denna veckas planering akut. I början av veckan verkade det inte så fasligt många saker som behövde göras men en sak ledde till en annan och helt […]

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Program: Programming

v 9 5SD033

Sista crunchen lider mot sitt slut
Denna vecka har varit utan tvekan den mest stressfulla veckan under hela kursen. På grund av dålig planering och tidsoptimism har arbetet inte gått som det ska tidigare veckor. Detta har i sin tur har lett till att alla små saker som binder ihop spelet har hamnat på denna veckas planering akut. I början av veckan verkade det inte så fasligt många saker som behövde göras men en sak ledde till en annan och helt […]

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Program: Programming

Blogg 6 – After Effects

Hey ho lets go – sista bloggen för det här projektet! Lite sorgligt, kommer sakna grupp 17 och Planet Suburbia.
Som jag skrev i föregående inlägg så har jag redan skrivit om alla assets jag gjort, fram till igår ca 14:00. Då man vinner vårt spel kommer det upp en Victory Screen som Ida målat, så då kom vi på att det vore lite coolt med fyrverkerier som avfyras, just because liksom.
Funderade lite på hur det skulle kunna göras smidigast i […]

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Program: Programming

Blogg 6 – After Effects

Hey ho lets go – sista bloggen för det här projektet! Lite sorgligt, kommer sakna grupp 17 och Planet Suburbia.
Som jag skrev i föregående inlägg så har jag redan skrivit om alla assets jag gjort, fram till igår ca 14:00. Då man vinner vårt spel kommer det upp en Victory Screen som Ida målat, så då kom vi på att det vore lite coolt med fyrverkerier som avfyras, just because liksom.
Funderade lite på hur det skulle kunna göras smidigast i […]

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Program: Programming

Sista blogginlägget, för den här gången.

Dags för sista blogginlägget då. Den här veckan har det varit slutspurt på spelprojektet. Jag hade mer eller mindre fått slut på saker jag kan göra grafiskt den här sprinten, så jag fortsatte lite på samma spår jag höll på med förra sprinten. Animera rymdskeppen så att man tydligt ser att de har bosatt sig och inte går att skjuta sönder längre. Och att rita lite växter och träd, samt att rita ”utsmyckningar” till villaområdena. Så det var precis det […]

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Program: Graphics

Sista blogginlägget, för den här gången.

Dags för sista blogginlägget då. Den här veckan har det varit slutspurt på spelprojektet. Jag hade mer eller mindre fått slut på saker jag kan göra grafiskt den här sprinten, så jag fortsatte lite på samma spår jag höll på med förra sprinten. Animera rymdskeppen så att man tydligt ser att de har bosatt sig och inte går att skjuta sönder längre. Och att rita lite växter och träd, samt att rita ”utsmyckningar” till villaområdena. Så det var precis det […]

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Program: Graphics

Throw Animation

Hello everyone! This week I have been working on animations for the hoomans to make them throw objects at our owl in game. The humans can be found in a previous blogpost. The humans had to be resized and polished before being animated. Our game is about an owl mother who loses her owlets when the locomotive she had built a nest on starts moving and they get flung to the back of the train. Now the owl mother has […]

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Program: Graphics

Throw Animation

Hello everyone! This week I have been working on animations for the hoomans to make them throw objects at our owl in game. The humans can be found in a previous blogpost. The humans had to be resized and polished before being animated. Our game is about an owl mother who loses her owlets when the locomotive she had built a nest on starts moving and they get flung to the back of the train. Now the owl mother has […]

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Program: Graphics

Buckets of fun

Hallå, kära läsare!
Nu är sista veckan här och final väntar runt hörnet! Vad jag tänkte berätta för om den här veckan handlar, som oftast, om färg och form. För att mer specifik tänkte jag prata om en hink; en hink precis som den här:

Min sista power-up att göra var en hink som den ovan, men fylld med fiskbitar. Så som den fungerar i spelet, så kastar man fiskmat ner mot bottnen och då dras majoriteten av fienderna mot den istället […]

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Program: Graphics

Buckets of fun

Hallå, kära läsare!
Nu är sista veckan här och final väntar runt hörnet! Vad jag tänkte berätta för om den här veckan handlar, som oftast, om färg och form. För att mer specifik tänkte jag prata om en hink; en hink precis som den här:

Min sista power-up att göra var en hink som den ovan, men fylld med fiskbitar. Så som den fungerar i spelet, så kastar man fiskmat ner mot bottnen och då dras majoriteten av fienderna mot den istället […]

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Program: Graphics

MERMAID RIVER BLOG #6 – Sista Spurten

Då var det dags,
Vi är inne på den mest hektiska veckan sedan Alfan; spelet ska  nämligen visas upp i sitt mest finslipade stadie! Alla i Grupp 4 har kämpat krypandes i varmaste sanden, in i tidiga soluppgångar och jobbat ihop som en fullständig grupp! Sedan måndags har vi lagt de sista händerna på att finputsa befintliga artefakter.                                                                                 Medan gruppens två  grafiker, Filip och Max, har grävt ner sig i färgläggning, animationer och assets för Mermaid […]

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Program: Graphics

MERMAID RIVER BLOG #6 – Sista Spurten

Då var det dags,
Vi är inne på den mest hektiska veckan sedan Alfan; spelet ska  nämligen visas upp i sitt mest finslipade stadie! Alla i Grupp 4 har kämpat krypandes i varmaste sanden, in i tidiga soluppgångar och jobbat ihop som en fullständig grupp! Sedan måndags har vi lagt de sista händerna på att finputsa befintliga artefakter.                                                                                 Medan gruppens två  grafiker, Filip och Max, har grävt ner sig i färgläggning, animationer och assets för Mermaid […]

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Program: Graphics

#6 Update spaceshooter

This will be the last blog update for the space shooter project, tomorrow we will present our final project and there will be no further work. I suspect that we still have to update this blog so even though it’s the end of the project it will continue.
So what does an artist do the last day of a project when all of the actual work lies on the programmers? The answer, mostly random small additions that might not even make […]

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Program: Graphics

#6 Update spaceshooter

This will be the last blog update for the space shooter project, tomorrow we will present our final project and there will be no further work. I suspect that we still have to update this blog so even though it’s the end of the project it will continue.
So what does an artist do the last day of a project when all of the actual work lies on the programmers? The answer, mostly random small additions that might not even make […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 6 -Fixing level music

The time has come! This is officially the last blogpost for the ”Space Giraffa” project. It’s been a very educating experience, with a lot of up and downs, which I’m happy to have been a part of.
So what have I done this final week? Honestly mostly polishing. We artist tried to make sure that pretty much all the art needed were done last week so the programmers simply could implement everything this week. I guess if there’s anything I can […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 6 -Fixing level music

The time has come! This is officially the last blogpost for the ”Space Giraffa” project. It’s been a very educating experience, with a lot of up and downs, which I’m happy to have been a part of.
So what have I done this final week? Honestly mostly polishing. We artist tried to make sure that pretty much all the art needed were done last week so the programmers simply could implement everything this week. I guess if there’s anything I can […]

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Program: Graphics