Monthly Archives: March 2016

It's Raining Crates
Oh wow, what a week. Tomorrow is the deadline and I’ve gotten a lot of things done these last few days. It was pretty hard to decide what to write about!
At first, our powerups were dropped by the enemies when they explode. It didn’t make much sense because they’re not trying to shoot anyone down, they’re just trying to land on your planet. So we switched it up: The powerups now comes in crates (Worms-style), sent by whatever company you’re […]

It's Raining Crates
Oh wow, what a week. Tomorrow is the deadline and I’ve gotten a lot of things done these last few days. It was pretty hard to decide what to write about!
At first, our powerups were dropped by the enemies when they explode. It didn’t make much sense because they’re not trying to shoot anyone down, they’re just trying to land on your planet. So we switched it up: The powerups now comes in crates (Worms-style), sent by whatever company you’re […]

Game Development – 6th Blog Entry
Hello again, everyone! I’m back again to write about my work on our team project “Potato Pirates” one last time. It’s been a journey to say the least, as this is the first time I’ve been a part of the development of an actual game.
Lately, the work I’ve been doing on the game is mostly smaller touch ups like updating older graphics assets so that they follow our visual style guide. That is basically also what the task I’m going […]

Game Development – 6th Blog Entry
Hello again, everyone! I’m back again to write about my work on our team project “Potato Pirates” one last time. It’s been a journey to say the least, as this is the first time I’ve been a part of the development of an actual game.
Lately, the work I’ve been doing on the game is mostly smaller touch ups like updating older graphics assets so that they follow our visual style guide. That is basically also what the task I’m going […]
Blogginlägg nr6
Den här veckan har gruppen försökt pussla ihop det sista och fixa lite sådana grejer som vi känt vart viktiga för spelet men som vi inte ännu hade klart och bortprioriterat lite. En sak som vi fått ganska mycket kritik för av framförallt Marcus har vart att spelaren inte får någon direkt info om hur spelet spelas och att spelet inte riktigt förklaras. Detta har jag försökt åtgärda i veckan med en ganska simpel tutorial.
Eftersom vi var ganska sent ute […]
Blogginlägg nr6
Den här veckan har gruppen försökt pussla ihop det sista och fixa lite sådana grejer som vi känt vart viktiga för spelet men som vi inte ännu hade klart och bortprioriterat lite. En sak som vi fått ganska mycket kritik för av framförallt Marcus har vart att spelaren inte får någon direkt info om hur spelet spelas och att spelet inte riktigt förklaras. Detta har jag försökt åtgärda i veckan med en ganska simpel tutorial.
Eftersom vi var ganska sent ute […]

Implementing A Narrative
This week has been quite a hectic one to say the least. We have mostly been iterating all of our planned assets and some have even been scrapped. Most of the menus and buttons have been reworked. One of the most essential part of our game is the narrative, which has sort of been put to the side for a long time. The general idea of how we wanted the player interact with the narrative was not necessarily through the […]

Implementing A Narrative
This week has been quite a hectic one to say the least. We have mostly been iterating all of our planned assets and some have even been scrapped. Most of the menus and buttons have been reworked. One of the most essential part of our game is the narrative, which has sort of been put to the side for a long time. The general idea of how we wanted the player interact with the narrative was not necessarily through the […]

Game development week 6 – Final
This project is almost finally at its end. Tomorrow we are supposed to have finished all the assets as well as implementing them. The game should be done. So this week I have mostly been doing touchups and fixes on several existing assets and because of this I have not done anything new or interesting so I might as well write about something I made in a previous week just for the sake of having somewhat better content.
In the early […]

Game development week 6 – Final
This project is almost finally at its end. Tomorrow we are supposed to have finished all the assets as well as implementing them. The game should be done. So this week I have mostly been doing touchups and fixes on several existing assets and because of this I have not done anything new or interesting so I might as well write about something I made in a previous week just for the sake of having somewhat better content.
In the early […]

Week 6
Tja tja bloggen!
Vi i grupp 1 har skapat spelet ”Planet Suburbia”. I spelet spelar du som försvarare över planeten och kontrollerar en gigantisk kanon vars uppgift är att skjuta ned inkommande fiendeskepp som försöker krascha in i din planet. Kanonen du spelar som kan inte flytta på sig men kan rotera åt höger och vänster. Du som spelare börjar med att försvara en sektor, men låser sedan upp flera sektorer att försvara under spelets gång. Man kan även som spelare […]

Week 6
Tja tja bloggen!
Vi i grupp 1 har skapat spelet ”Planet Suburbia”. I spelet spelar du som försvarare över planeten och kontrollerar en gigantisk kanon vars uppgift är att skjuta ned inkommande fiendeskepp som försöker krascha in i din planet. Kanonen du spelar som kan inte flytta på sig men kan rotera åt höger och vänster. Du som spelare börjar med att försvara en sektor, men låser sedan upp flera sektorer att försvara under spelets gång. Man kan även som spelare […]

Blog #6 Final
Äntligen har vi nått den sista veckan och detta kommer nog säkert att vara den sista blogginlägget för denna kurs. Under veckan har jag återigen jobbat med feedback-animationer för våra rovfåglar i spelet Trowl, och jag kommer framförallt att diskutera om örnens feedback-animation när den blir träffad av åskmolnet. Denna animation är ett sätt att demonstrera faran med att bli träffad av åskan, men den kommer även visa spelaren att man kan använda blixten till sin fördel. Själva animationen är […]

Blog #6 Final
Äntligen har vi nått den sista veckan och detta kommer nog säkert att vara den sista blogginlägget för denna kurs. Under veckan har jag återigen jobbat med feedback-animationer för våra rovfåglar i spelet Trowl, och jag kommer framförallt att diskutera om örnens feedback-animation när den blir träffad av åskmolnet. Denna animation är ett sätt att demonstrera faran med att bli träffad av åskan, men den kommer även visa spelaren att man kan använda blixten till sin fördel. Själva animationen är […]

[5SD033]”That’s a wrap” or “I should really learn how to explain things better”
So this is my final blogpost of this project. I want to say sorry for the extremely long post. Basically everything is done now and nothing really big was done this week. It was mostly reiterating or changing around in some menues. Re-positioning buttons, changing textures and that kind of thing.
Early Potatodrop menu
I guess the biggest thing I did was the new Potatodrop menu, the menu that pops up when the player flies close to a distillery to allow the […]

[5SD033]”That’s a wrap” or “I should really learn how to explain things better”
So this is my final blogpost of this project. I want to say sorry for the extremely long post. Basically everything is done now and nothing really big was done this week. It was mostly reiterating or changing around in some menues. Re-positioning buttons, changing textures and that kind of thing.
Early Potatodrop menu
I guess the biggest thing I did was the new Potatodrop menu, the menu that pops up when the player flies close to a distillery to allow the […]

Group 4 – Final Mermaid River Blog Post
For the last time, hi everyone!
So this is the final week for the Mermaid River project, and as it stands this week has mostly been about polishing already existing stuff.
Or at least that is what I would have said if I was not pretty much finished with everything I had been assigned to make as all the polish needed were done last week.
But does that mean that I have nothing to talk about? Of course not, a game project is […]

Group 4 – Final Mermaid River Blog Post
For the last time, hi everyone!
So this is the final week for the Mermaid River project, and as it stands this week has mostly been about polishing already existing stuff.
Or at least that is what I would have said if I was not pretty much finished with everything I had been assigned to make as all the polish needed were done last week.
But does that mean that I have nothing to talk about? Of course not, a game project is […]

Space Giraffa – Update 6
During this week I have made a checkpoint manager class and checkpoint objects. When the player finish an enemy wave a checkpoint appears from the right side on the screen and drift past the player. When the player see this checkpoint (that will look like a bear holding a sign) they’ll know that they can jump to this point in the game through the level select screen.
I made some changes in the enemy manager class so that any observing instance […]

Space Giraffa – Update 6
During this week I have made a checkpoint manager class and checkpoint objects. When the player finish an enemy wave a checkpoint appears from the right side on the screen and drift past the player. When the player see this checkpoint (that will look like a bear holding a sign) they’ll know that they can jump to this point in the game through the level select screen.
I made some changes in the enemy manager class so that any observing instance […]

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly just doing some final touch in for the final, the different things I have been doing is all from just fixing some small bugs, to adding some minor features (for example adding a click sound to the buttons). However the biggest things I have probably worked on this week is to create an actually installer for the game, so this week I will mostly be focusing on how I created the […]

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly just doing some final touch in for the final, the different things I have been doing is all from just fixing some small bugs, to adding some minor features (for example adding a click sound to the buttons). However the biggest things I have probably worked on this week is to create an actually installer for the game, so this week I will mostly be focusing on how I created the […]

Spelutveckling Blogg 6
Sista veckan är här och inte mycket har gjorts när det kommer till ny grafik. Så som det bör vara!
Den här veckans inlägg handlar om slutpusslandet av objekt som snart ska in och uppfräschade till den redan befintliga grafiken i spelet.
Så det här inlägget kommer handla om hur jag tar de utspridda delarna av ett objekt och för samman dem i ett sprite sheet som går in i spelets överliggande stil.
Vi har gjort mycket grafiskt till spelet. Mycket har gjorts […]

Spelutveckling Blogg 6
Sista veckan är här och inte mycket har gjorts när det kommer till ny grafik. Så som det bör vara!
Den här veckans inlägg handlar om slutpusslandet av objekt som snart ska in och uppfräschade till den redan befintliga grafiken i spelet.
Så det här inlägget kommer handla om hur jag tar de utspridda delarna av ett objekt och för samman dem i ett sprite sheet som går in i spelets överliggande stil.
Vi har gjort mycket grafiskt till spelet. Mycket har gjorts […]