Monthly Archives: March 2016

Week four post
So this week i actually worked on something else than the enemies for our game. This week was dedicated to the animation of the games protagonist himself: Captain Noleg himself
Up until this point we had only made keyframes for the captains different states. These were all we needed in order to test the game out and see if his design and color scheme would work in the background. However, at this time all the keyframes for the games different enemies and […]

Week four post
So this week i actually worked on something else than the enemies for our game. This week was dedicated to the animation of the games protagonist himself: Captain Noleg himself
Up until this point we had only made keyframes for the captains different states. These were all we needed in order to test the game out and see if his design and color scheme would work in the background. However, at this time all the keyframes for the games different enemies and […]

Goder afton läsare.
Denna vecka har jag varit upptagen med att bygga klart kometen från förra veckan. Den har fått sig en fungerande rörelse, det har visat sig vara ytterst krångligt att få dethär att fungera som det ska. Jag tror att stor del av detta är att självklart oerfarenhet. Nästa problem hänger nog på att vi inte har gjort vettiga states. Vi använder just nu oss av enums för att hålla i alla olika states. Vilket gör, vad jag tror i […]

Goder afton läsare.
Denna vecka har jag varit upptagen med att bygga klart kometen från förra veckan. Den har fått sig en fungerande rörelse, det har visat sig vara ytterst krångligt att få dethär att fungera som det ska. Jag tror att stor del av detta är att självklart oerfarenhet. Nästa problem hänger nog på att vi inte har gjort vettiga states. Vi använder just nu oss av enums för att hålla i alla olika states. Vilket gör, vad jag tror i […]

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – New Hud
Hello dear readers, this week I have been working on finishing the loading system in the game, I have also been working on a new experimental HUD that I will be focusing on in this week’s blog post.
Before going into detail on how it works and looks I thought I would give some backstory, in the beta playtest and earlier we had a more “static” HUD, it was kind of basic but did what we wanted, you could see […]

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – New Hud
Hello dear readers, this week I have been working on finishing the loading system in the game, I have also been working on a new experimental HUD that I will be focusing on in this week’s blog post.
Before going into detail on how it works and looks I thought I would give some backstory, in the beta playtest and earlier we had a more “static” HUD, it was kind of basic but did what we wanted, you could see […]

Power up, Moonshine
This past week has been quite busy as the beta is approaching!
One of the things I have done this past week is writing the code for some of our power-ups and implementing them into our game. The power-up I will discuss in this post is our Moonshine ability.
The idea behind the moonshine power-up is that it should slow down everything in the game, including the player. The player’s movement speed however shouldn’t get slowed down as much as everything else […]

Power up, Moonshine
This past week has been quite busy as the beta is approaching!
One of the things I have done this past week is writing the code for some of our power-ups and implementing them into our game. The power-up I will discuss in this post is our Moonshine ability.
The idea behind the moonshine power-up is that it should slow down everything in the game, including the player. The player’s movement speed however shouldn’t get slowed down as much as everything else […]

Blogg 3 mars
Okej, så… kursen är snart slut och vi visar vår Beta på måndag, vilket innebär att mitt arsenal av intressanta artefakter att skriva om börjar sina. Har under projektets gång mest ägnat mig åt antingen rymdskepp eller olika screens/menyer. Har bloggat om alla skepp redan eftersom jag råkade slå ihop fyra av dem i samma inlägg (whoops). Screens och menyer har jag inte så mycket att säga om, eftersom Mr. Jonte hittade fonterna och gruppen tillsammans bestämde vad de skulle […]

Blogg 3 mars
Okej, så… kursen är snart slut och vi visar vår Beta på måndag, vilket innebär att mitt arsenal av intressanta artefakter att skriva om börjar sina. Har under projektets gång mest ägnat mig åt antingen rymdskepp eller olika screens/menyer. Har bloggat om alla skepp redan eftersom jag råkade slå ihop fyra av dem i samma inlägg (whoops). Screens och menyer har jag inte så mycket att säga om, eftersom Mr. Jonte hittade fonterna och gruppen tillsammans bestämde vad de skulle […]

Fjärde blogginlägget.
Hallå på dig, min enda läsare.
Dags för fjärde blogginlägget då.
Den här veckan har fokusen för mig varit på att animera fienderymdskeppen. Så att allt som ska ha animation har en animnation till betat på måndag.
Jag har bland annat gjort en liten animation för ett staket som ska dyka upp när/ om fienderymdskeppen landar. Jag har även gjort animationer för thrusters på fienderymdskeppen så att de ser lite mer levande ut.
På våran pre- beta, eller speltesting i måndags så fick vi […]

Fjärde blogginlägget.
Hallå på dig, min enda läsare.
Dags för fjärde blogginlägget då.
Den här veckan har fokusen för mig varit på att animera fienderymdskeppen. Så att allt som ska ha animation har en animnation till betat på måndag.
Jag har bland annat gjort en liten animation för ett staket som ska dyka upp när/ om fienderymdskeppen landar. Jag har även gjort animationer för thrusters på fienderymdskeppen så att de ser lite mer levande ut.
På våran pre- beta, eller speltesting i måndags så fick vi […]

Blog Week 4: Boss falls and arms
This sprint I’ve been working on the last of three attacks for the boss, three is always one of those perfect numbers. This artifact I guess is actually two different parts, but they’re a part of the same set so I’m going to count them as one.
The animation starts with the boss jumping up a bit and then bluntly put, falls on his bum. This indicates the attack is about to commence. The animation itself was actually pretty simple, I […]

Blog Week 4: Boss falls and arms
This sprint I’ve been working on the last of three attacks for the boss, three is always one of those perfect numbers. This artifact I guess is actually two different parts, but they’re a part of the same set so I’m going to count them as one.
The animation starts with the boss jumping up a bit and then bluntly put, falls on his bum. This indicates the attack is about to commence. The animation itself was actually pretty simple, I […]

Vecka sex: Slutspurt
hej alla kära läsare “host”
Sista veckan innan betan ska vara klar och alldelse för mycket att göra. Jag får dock bara skriva om en sak så jag tänker förklara hur vår slutliga level layout kommer att se ut.
Jag har redan skrivit ett inlägg angående vår level layout men den respons som vi fick efter beta testningen tydde på att vi behövde göra några förändringar. Först och främs så behövde vi göra banan större. Anledningen till att banan var så liten […]

Vecka sex: Slutspurt
hej alla kära läsare “host”
Sista veckan innan betan ska vara klar och alldelse för mycket att göra. Jag får dock bara skriva om en sak så jag tänker förklara hur vår slutliga level layout kommer att se ut.
Jag har redan skrivit ett inlägg angående vår level layout men den respons som vi fick efter beta testningen tydde på att vi behövde göra några förändringar. Först och främs så behövde vi göra banan större. Anledningen till att banan var så liten […]

Blog week 4 – Branches
This week has been interesting… We’ve worked to make up for lost time and has as an result put in lots of things into the game on a short amount of time. My biggest problem starting this text was to choose wich one of the artefacts I should document, and while it’s not a big animation or anything this time, it has more to do with the process of its creation rather than how long it took to draw or […]

Blog week 4 – Branches
This week has been interesting… We’ve worked to make up for lost time and has as an result put in lots of things into the game on a short amount of time. My biggest problem starting this text was to choose wich one of the artefacts I should document, and while it’s not a big animation or anything this time, it has more to do with the process of its creation rather than how long it took to draw or […]

Game development week 4 – Power-ups
Although there is still a couple of animations left to do for the main character I thought that I might as well switch it up a bit and include some other types of assets for this week, just for the sake of variation. So among other things, I have been working on the sprites and animations for the different power-up pickups we have got in our game which are:
Power-shot (Red) – Arrow continues through the enemy and can hit other enemies.
Rain of […]

Game development week 4 – Power-ups
Although there is still a couple of animations left to do for the main character I thought that I might as well switch it up a bit and include some other types of assets for this week, just for the sake of variation. So among other things, I have been working on the sprites and animations for the different power-up pickups we have got in our game which are:
Power-shot (Red) – Arrow continues through the enemy and can hit other enemies.
Rain of […]

Damage, Damage, Damage
today i am going to talk about what i did this week. So this week i had to fix a big thing in our project. It is the F##))¤=) damage state of our planet. So i went a little bit crazy because not everything wanted to work like i wanted to but in the end ”everything” worked out just fine. So at the start we had already our normal sprites that we implemented for our planet. Now when the aliens […]

Damage, Damage, Damage
today i am going to talk about what i did this week. So this week i had to fix a big thing in our project. It is the F##))¤=) damage state of our planet. So i went a little bit crazy because not everything wanted to work like i wanted to but in the end ”everything” worked out just fine. So at the start we had already our normal sprites that we implemented for our planet. Now when the aliens […]

[5SD033] Clouds, bugs and yet more clouds
This week I spent most of the time fixng bugs or patching things in response to the feedback from the playtest this past monday. So now the potato dropping menu appears right as you fly over the destillery and you are also able to control the menu with keyboard instead of the mouse. I had to remove mouse input in the menu because it made it possible for two buttons to display that they were pushed down at the same time […]

[5SD033] Clouds, bugs and yet more clouds
This week I spent most of the time fixng bugs or patching things in response to the feedback from the playtest this past monday. So now the potato dropping menu appears right as you fly over the destillery and you are also able to control the menu with keyboard instead of the mouse. I had to remove mouse input in the menu because it made it possible for two buttons to display that they were pushed down at the same time […]