Monthly Archives: March 2016

Färger i en viiiind
Den här veckan har jag arbetat på en radie av artefakter, men den som jag vill dela med mig av för denna gången är färgläggningen av en ny fiende, nämligen Jelly Roger, en manet som skjuter en form av elektrisk massa mot spelaren.
När den var utan färg såg den bara platt och trist ut:
Sedan dess har den blivit lite mer förfinad och jag har experimenterat på diverse olika färger att klä den i. Första tanken var att ge den ljusa […]

Färger i en viiiind
Den här veckan har jag arbetat på en radie av artefakter, men den som jag vill dela med mig av för denna gången är färgläggningen av en ny fiende, nämligen Jelly Roger, en manet som skjuter en form av elektrisk massa mot spelaren.
När den var utan färg såg den bara platt och trist ut:
Sedan dess har den blivit lite mer förfinad och jag har experimenterat på diverse olika färger att klä den i. Första tanken var att ge den ljusa […]
The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.

Implementation of Animation Code
This week I have mostly been implementing animation for several sprites and special effects, using an animation code I made beforehand. I have previously used this code only to switch singular frames on sprites, but, as I am aware of now, it is a bit more difficult to cycle through animation frames using this code unless they are in a specific order.
Overall, the function is fairly simple and looks something like this:
inline void Animation(sf::Sprite* p_sprite, sf::Vector2i p_vectorI, int p_xMin, int […]

Implementation of Animation Code
This week I have mostly been implementing animation for several sprites and special effects, using an animation code I made beforehand. I have previously used this code only to switch singular frames on sprites, but, as I am aware of now, it is a bit more difficult to cycle through animation frames using this code unless they are in a specific order.
Overall, the function is fairly simple and looks something like this:
inline void Animation(sf::Sprite* p_sprite, sf::Vector2i p_vectorI, int p_xMin, int […]

Blogpost Four!
Another week of animation! Since last week I have had so much fun with the new death animation for the player plane. This week I got to do the death animation for the blimp, or the “Led Zeppelin” as it’s called. Erik Levin in our group made the Led Zeppelin’s moving animation and art in the game. It was up to me to make his nice blimp blow up. Fine by me mohahahaha.
Erik’s blimp, now this is gonna be fun […]

Blogpost Four!
Another week of animation! Since last week I have had so much fun with the new death animation for the player plane. This week I got to do the death animation for the blimp, or the “Led Zeppelin” as it’s called. Erik Levin in our group made the Led Zeppelin’s moving animation and art in the game. It was up to me to make his nice blimp blow up. Fine by me mohahahaha.
Erik’s blimp, now this is gonna be fun […]
Kommentar till G.12
Tjena gubbar, har kikat igenom eran repository och jag ser att ni inte lagt till något i karaktärens .H eller .CPP fil. Men samtidigt har ni en rätt kort kod och jag kan för tillfället inte testa den då det är flera error i koden. Men av det jag har förstått, nu kollar jag på kollissioner. Är att ni använder er av X-koordinaten av spelare och X-koordinat av fiende för att kolla kollission. Detta betyder att Spriten för dessa båda […]
Kommentar till G.12
Tjena gubbar, har kikat igenom eran repository och jag ser att ni inte lagt till något i karaktärens .H eller .CPP fil. Men samtidigt har ni en rätt kort kod och jag kan för tillfället inte testa den då det är flera error i koden. Men av det jag har förstått, nu kollar jag på kollissioner. Är att ni använder er av X-koordinaten av spelare och X-koordinat av fiende för att kolla kollission. Detta betyder att Spriten för dessa båda […]
Vecka 4
Den här veckan har handlat mycket om att få färdigt spelet i ett spelbart skick tills betan. De mesta finns nu i spelet men det känns fortfarande som det finns massor som behöver fixas, sättas ihop, finslipas etc. Något som knappt tidigare existerat och som vi fått mycket kritik för att vi inte prioriterat är feedbacken i spelet, d.v.s. att det händer saker men det är mycket svårt för spelaren att uppfatta detta.
Förutom att fixa allt ljud så behövde […]
Vecka 4
Den här veckan har handlat mycket om att få färdigt spelet i ett spelbart skick tills betan. De mesta finns nu i spelet men det känns fortfarande som det finns massor som behöver fixas, sättas ihop, finslipas etc. Något som knappt tidigare existerat och som vi fått mycket kritik för att vi inte prioriterat är feedbacken i spelet, d.v.s. att det händer saker men det är mycket svårt för spelaren att uppfatta detta.
Förutom att fixa allt ljud så behövde […]

Hi guys!
This week I will talk about tornados. Or more precisely tornado animation.
In our game we have a power up that allows the player to summon a tornado which eliminates all the enemies and obstacles currently present on the screen.
A few weeks back I did the icon for the power up which ended up like this.
However, this was only concept art and the art style of the game has change a bit since then.
I have never animated a tornado before […]

Hi guys!
This week I will talk about tornados. Or more precisely tornado animation.
In our game we have a power up that allows the player to summon a tornado which eliminates all the enemies and obstacles currently present on the screen.
A few weeks back I did the icon for the power up which ended up like this.
However, this was only concept art and the art style of the game has change a bit since then.
I have never animated a tornado before […]

Desolate Echo – Week 6
This week I worked on some animations for the Spyderling – one of the enemies in the game – and specifically on its death animation. I am really satisfied with the result.
A more crystalline creature
A creature of flesh and blood
When we first conceptualized the spyderlings, we envisioned them to be either creatures made up in part of crystals or to be creatures that had crystals growing on/into them.
This affected the death animation, as we would have to decide whether to have […]

Desolate Echo – Week 6
This week I worked on some animations for the Spyderling – one of the enemies in the game – and specifically on its death animation. I am really satisfied with the result.
A more crystalline creature
A creature of flesh and blood
When we first conceptualized the spyderlings, we envisioned them to be either creatures made up in part of crystals or to be creatures that had crystals growing on/into them.
This affected the death animation, as we would have to decide whether to have […]

The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The most obvious and straight-forward to this is a minimap. […]

The Minimap
When you have a playing field that’s large enough so the screen barely covers 1/5th of the map, you’re going to have issues with knowing where the enemies, obstacles or what you now have is coming from. When you’re also limited in how fast you can check all directions, it’s just going to be an frustrating experience unless you have some other way to see where the enemies are coming from.
The most obvious and straight-forward to this is a minimap. […]

Dum dum dum dduuuuuu, Week 4 of Game development reflections, le Music edition
Heeeyyoooo!! Well, well, back here yet again are we? Yep, that’s right, you guessed it! It’s time for the next post of GAME DEVELOPMENT!! So, we are now six weeks into the course and the Beta is coming to it’s end. I’m starting to sweat bullets, as we still got some things to work out and finish and the deadline is just coming closer and closer. Most of the things left is programming assets and the programmers are staying up […]

Dum dum dum dduuuuuu, Week 4 of Game development reflections, le Music edition
Heeeyyoooo!! Well, well, back here yet again are we? Yep, that’s right, you guessed it! It’s time for the next post of GAME DEVELOPMENT!! So, we are now six weeks into the course and the Beta is coming to it’s end. I’m starting to sweat bullets, as we still got some things to work out and finish and the deadline is just coming closer and closer. Most of the things left is programming assets and the programmers are staying up […]

Inlägg 4
Stress och hur det påverkar dig som spelare.
I vårat spel har vi ingen health bar som traditionella spel brukar ha eller liv i form av hjärtan som försvinner när spelaren tar skada.
I Trowl så har spelaren en mätare som konstant ökar som kallas stress.
Stress ökar hela tiden under spelets gång med en konstant hastighet och ifall spelaren blir träffad av en fiende så skjuter stress upp med x procent. Samma ifall en av owletsen blir träffad av en fiende.
För att sänka […]

Inlägg 4
Stress och hur det påverkar dig som spelare.
I vårat spel har vi ingen health bar som traditionella spel brukar ha eller liv i form av hjärtan som försvinner när spelaren tar skada.
I Trowl så har spelaren en mätare som konstant ökar som kallas stress.
Stress ökar hela tiden under spelets gång med en konstant hastighet och ifall spelaren blir träffad av en fiende så skjuter stress upp med x procent. Samma ifall en av owletsen blir träffad av en fiende.
För att sänka […]