Monthly Archives: March 2016

Ljud och mera Ljud
(Bildad ovan: cirka 18 ljudredigerings filer)
Nu är det dags för Beta och med Beta innebär det att allting ska vara implementerad. Inte riktigt helt klar, men implementerad. Jag då tog mig an ansvaret att implementera, och eventuellt redigera, all ljud eftersom vi hade bara en ljudeffekt implementerad sen tidigare. Det första som jag då gjorde var att skaffa fram alla ljudeffekter som behövdes.
Eftersom jag hade bara en vecka på mig att skaffa alla dessa ljudeffekter valde jag att hämta de […]

Ljud och mera Ljud
(Bildad ovan: cirka 18 ljudredigerings filer)
Nu är det dags för Beta och med Beta innebär det att allting ska vara implementerad. Inte riktigt helt klar, men implementerad. Jag då tog mig an ansvaret att implementera, och eventuellt redigera, all ljud eftersom vi hade bara en ljudeffekt implementerad sen tidigare. Det första som jag då gjorde var att skaffa fram alla ljudeffekter som behövdes.
Eftersom jag hade bara en vecka på mig att skaffa alla dessa ljudeffekter valde jag att hämta de […]

Code optimization
Welcome dear readers!
This week I’m going to talk about optimization which is highly necessary but is usually overlooked by us unschooled programmers. I will optimize our code structure by removing unnecessary code strips, moving code for more efficient reading from our program as well as reading and understanding from the coder.
Our group have only inexperienced programmers so even though we have tried to make an efficient engine we ended up with several hiccups and since we had time pressure to […]

Code optimization
Welcome dear readers!
This week I’m going to talk about optimization which is highly necessary but is usually overlooked by us unschooled programmers. I will optimize our code structure by removing unnecessary code strips, moving code for more efficient reading from our program as well as reading and understanding from the coder.
Our group have only inexperienced programmers so even though we have tried to make an efficient engine we ended up with several hiccups and since we had time pressure to […]
Level design continuation
Hello dear readers
This week i worked on level design and balancing which was a lot more challenging and more fun than i expected. So as i talked about last week we had a meeting where we decided how each level would look so this week i went about implementing them in the game. So we wanted a system that was easy to manage and easy to change things around so another member of the group implemented a system that allowed […]
Level design continuation
Hello dear readers
This week i worked on level design and balancing which was a lot more challenging and more fun than i expected. So as i talked about last week we had a meeting where we decided how each level would look so this week i went about implementing them in the game. So we wanted a system that was easy to manage and easy to change things around so another member of the group implemented a system that allowed […]
Blog week #4
Hey and welcome to the fourth week of my blog.
Another week started with some really good playtesting. It’s always really good to get some feedback on the current state of the game, especially from people outside the team who can look at it with different eyes. Even though we had a version that was kind of buggy, which we were well aware of, the feedback that we received made it really clear what the players want. Thank you for your […]
Blog week #4
Hey and welcome to the fourth week of my blog.
Another week started with some really good playtesting. It’s always really good to get some feedback on the current state of the game, especially from people outside the team who can look at it with different eyes. Even though we had a version that was kind of buggy, which we were well aware of, the feedback that we received made it really clear what the players want. Thank you for your […]

Meny – vecka 4
Hejsan! I dagen blogginlägg ska jag skriva om hur vi gjorde våran meny i spelet. Den uppgiften jag hade var att skapa en meny med tre olika knappar som ska innehålla olika stadier. De ska även vara möjligt att vandra mellan dessa olika stadier från menyn . De ska vara fem olika stadier som spelet ska kunna gå emellan. Det första stadiet som man kommer in till när man startar spelet är meny stadiet. Vad som finns här är de […]

Meny – vecka 4
Hejsan! I dagen blogginlägg ska jag skriva om hur vi gjorde våran meny i spelet. Den uppgiften jag hade var att skapa en meny med tre olika knappar som ska innehålla olika stadier. De ska även vara möjligt att vandra mellan dessa olika stadier från menyn . De ska vara fem olika stadier som spelet ska kunna gå emellan. Det första stadiet som man kommer in till när man startar spelet är meny stadiet. Vad som finns här är de […]

Denna Vecka: Meny Igen
Denna vecka har jag tyvärr inte gjort så mycket som jag hoppades jag skulle hinna med.
Då vi på två dagar gjorde om hela spelet inför playtestingen i måndags på grund av att vi behövde strukturera om och rensa koden så har jag haft svårt att sätt mig in i den nya koden. Med den nya koden ska det vara lättare att göra objekt och diverse andra saker men då jag precis denna vecka har försökt att sätta mig in i […]

Denna Vecka: Meny Igen
Denna vecka har jag tyvärr inte gjort så mycket som jag hoppades jag skulle hinna med.
Då vi på två dagar gjorde om hela spelet inför playtestingen i måndags på grund av att vi behövde strukturera om och rensa koden så har jag haft svårt att sätt mig in i den nya koden. Med den nya koden ska det vara lättare att göra objekt och diverse andra saker men då jag precis denna vecka har försökt att sätta mig in i […]

Inlägg #4 GUI, HUD och feber
Tja bloggen!
Tänkte inleda denna veckan med att säga att jag har dragit på mig en infektion och feber, vilket hat lett till att mitt arbete har lidit. Denna texten måhända också lämnas lidande pga feberfrossa. Men here we go:
Denna veckan tänkte jag prata om vårat spels s.k. ‘Graphical User Interface’, förkortat GUI, och även vår ‘Heads-Up Display’, eller HUD, som i vårt spel går in i varandra. GUI:n består av hur menyer och andra saker som spelaren kan interagera med i spelet. […]

Inlägg #4 GUI, HUD och feber
Tja bloggen!
Tänkte inleda denna veckan med att säga att jag har dragit på mig en infektion och feber, vilket hat lett till att mitt arbete har lidit. Denna texten måhända också lämnas lidande pga feberfrossa. Men here we go:
Denna veckan tänkte jag prata om vårat spels s.k. ‘Graphical User Interface’, förkortat GUI, och även vår ‘Heads-Up Display’, eller HUD, som i vårt spel går in i varandra. GUI:n består av hur menyer och andra saker som spelaren kan interagera med i spelet. […]

Entity spawning and Level creating
The big problem we faced this week is related to spawning enemies, and the lag that follows when improperly handled.
So, the pre-beta testing happened. We had no level, no challenge, no goal. We had enemies that spawned at the end of the screen in an infinitely repeating fixed pattern, and the ability to interact with them. Not very impressive.
What we needed was a way to build a level, and none of us had any idea of how to do it […]

Entity spawning and Level creating
The big problem we faced this week is related to spawning enemies, and the lag that follows when improperly handled.
So, the pre-beta testing happened. We had no level, no challenge, no goal. We had enemies that spawned at the end of the screen in an infinitely repeating fixed pattern, and the ability to interact with them. Not very impressive.
What we needed was a way to build a level, and none of us had any idea of how to do it […]
Week 4 (Making A Canon Out Of A Plastic Bottle?)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson. I am the sound director for the game ”Potato Pirates”. As I promised last week I will talk about sound for the first time on this blog. Yes, sound is important, but that is something that never had a high priority in comparison to the graphics and codes for the game. We had to be sure that we had a decent working game in the first place.
I finally get to talk about sound and […]
Week 4 (Making A Canon Out Of A Plastic Bottle?)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson. I am the sound director for the game ”Potato Pirates”. As I promised last week I will talk about sound for the first time on this blog. Yes, sound is important, but that is something that never had a high priority in comparison to the graphics and codes for the game. We had to be sure that we had a decent working game in the first place.
I finally get to talk about sound and […]

Week 7
This week i have worked on the animation of the mermaid enemy, but i have worked on the menu as well, and that is what i will be covering in this weeks blog. This was the result:
Before i go into detail, here is a quick overview over my work and thoughts:
The background is intentionally taken from the game to reveals what the game will be like. I made the menu out of wood, with planks that are closely associated to […]

Week 7
This week i have worked on the animation of the mermaid enemy, but i have worked on the menu as well, and that is what i will be covering in this weeks blog. This was the result:
Before i go into detail, here is a quick overview over my work and thoughts:
The background is intentionally taken from the game to reveals what the game will be like. I made the menu out of wood, with planks that are closely associated to […]

Week 6, It is friendly, right?
This week has been hectic!
A lot has been done, but nothing new!
We had our core down at the Alpha, and we knew things had to be fixed and added.
But we also took alot of knowledge from other peoples presentations and the feedback that they got.
With alot of knowledge under our feet about color, about shapes and about symbolism we started working on our pirate-themed pick-ups and power-ups.
A cannonball just looks like a black ball, so we need to add something. […]

Week 6, It is friendly, right?
This week has been hectic!
A lot has been done, but nothing new!
We had our core down at the Alpha, and we knew things had to be fixed and added.
But we also took alot of knowledge from other peoples presentations and the feedback that they got.
With alot of knowledge under our feet about color, about shapes and about symbolism we started working on our pirate-themed pick-ups and power-ups.
A cannonball just looks like a black ball, so we need to add something. […]

Week 4
Tja tja bloggen!
I min grupp arbetar vi med ett spel kallat Planet Suburbia. Spelets avatar är en gigantisk kanon, vilket är vad du som spelare styr och spelar. Du kan inte flytta på dig, men du kan rotera kanonen för att skjuta inkommande fiender. Fienderna är inkommande aliens vars mål är att nå planeten och sektorn du befinner dig i. I spelet finns det fyra sektorer, spelarens uppgift är då att förhindra att någon fiende lyckas nå planeten på alla […]

Week 4
Tja tja bloggen!
I min grupp arbetar vi med ett spel kallat Planet Suburbia. Spelets avatar är en gigantisk kanon, vilket är vad du som spelare styr och spelar. Du kan inte flytta på dig, men du kan rotera kanonen för att skjuta inkommande fiender. Fienderna är inkommande aliens vars mål är att nå planeten och sektorn du befinner dig i. I spelet finns det fyra sektorer, spelarens uppgift är då att förhindra att någon fiende lyckas nå planeten på alla […]