Monthly Archives: March 2016

Hello, I am back. Yey.
This week I have mostly been working on small objects like crosshair, end screen fonts and so on, but I have remade our start menu and I would love to get outsiders opinion and tips on what you think about it. Constructivly of course!
So I will show it to you first, then break it down. Here it is. The menu text will be implemented by the programmers.
So what I have basicially done, for starters, is […]

Hello, I am back. Yey.
This week I have mostly been working on small objects like crosshair, end screen fonts and so on, but I have remade our start menu and I would love to get outsiders opinion and tips on what you think about it. Constructivly of course!
So I will show it to you first, then break it down. Here it is. The menu text will be implemented by the programmers.
So what I have basicially done, for starters, is […]

Tiles, tiles, tiles
Tja bloggen!
Den här veckan har varit väldigt stressigt. Det är sista rushen inför betan och det är fortfarande en hel del saker vi vill hinna färdigt med. Men jag måste säga att jag är nöjd med att vi har kommit så pass långt ändå.
Efter att vi grafiker gjorde en style guide förra veckan så hamna vi lite efter. Kodarna har mer eller mindre suttit och väntat på att få in lite art stuff, men nu så känns det som att […]

Tiles, tiles, tiles
Tja bloggen!
Den här veckan har varit väldigt stressigt. Det är sista rushen inför betan och det är fortfarande en hel del saker vi vill hinna färdigt med. Men jag måste säga att jag är nöjd med att vi har kommit så pass långt ändå.
Efter att vi grafiker gjorde en style guide förra veckan så hamna vi lite efter. Kodarna har mer eller mindre suttit och väntat på att få in lite art stuff, men nu så känns det som att […]

Level Re-Design Week 6
Week 6, Group 12, Oscar Selstam
This week our group has focused heavily on eliminating unnecessary elements and features that just won’t make the deadline. Amongst these were the level design. We had been developing the game after this image as it represented the rest of the design well.
The layout was designed using 45 degree slopes, circles and rectangles, simple shapes that would be relatively easy to implement whilst still keeping a interesting environment possible.
After major problems with the collision system, […]

Level Re-Design Week 6
Week 6, Group 12, Oscar Selstam
This week our group has focused heavily on eliminating unnecessary elements and features that just won’t make the deadline. Amongst these were the level design. We had been developing the game after this image as it represented the rest of the design well.
The layout was designed using 45 degree slopes, circles and rectangles, simple shapes that would be relatively easy to implement whilst still keeping a interesting environment possible.
After major problems with the collision system, […]

Week 4, Natural Disaster: Tsunami
With a game concept like Datepocalypse, where a big pile of chaos should serve as one of the main flavors of the game, some of the hardships comes in the form natural disasters and this week I’ve been working on one that we call the Tsunami. As other games may give the player a screen sweeper, to clear all enemies from the play area, this game has this “enemy” which basically does the same thing but at the same time might […]

Week 4, Natural Disaster: Tsunami
With a game concept like Datepocalypse, where a big pile of chaos should serve as one of the main flavors of the game, some of the hardships comes in the form natural disasters and this week I’ve been working on one that we call the Tsunami. As other games may give the player a screen sweeper, to clear all enemies from the play area, this game has this “enemy” which basically does the same thing but at the same time might […]

Animation Methods Part 2
This is a continuation of last week’s post as well as last week’s task. But let’s do short recap of last week.
Last Week
Last week’s “puppet”
So last week I started on my crawler attack (swipe) animation for my game (why? Because an enemy should be able to attack, right?). What I made was a puppet to help me see what the finished animation would look like. I also wrote shortly about some different methods I like to use when animating. As […]

Animation Methods Part 2
This is a continuation of last week’s post as well as last week’s task. But let’s do short recap of last week.
Last Week
Last week’s “puppet”
So last week I started on my crawler attack (swipe) animation for my game (why? Because an enemy should be able to attack, right?). What I made was a puppet to help me see what the finished animation would look like. I also wrote shortly about some different methods I like to use when animating. As […]

Del Fyra – Rainbow
Det som jag har fokuserat mest på denna veckan är att ändra många små saker i spelet så det känns mer rätt. då nu har vi fler saker i spelet har “jag” ändrat på beteenden mot varann. En av grejerna jag har ändrat på är Power-up:en som “rensar skärmen”. Det blir vad denna blogg posten kommer handla om.
Hur den fungerar är att man plockar upp den så man kan använda den när man vill endast 1 gång (sen hämta en […]

Del Fyra – Rainbow
Det som jag har fokuserat mest på denna veckan är att ändra många små saker i spelet så det känns mer rätt. då nu har vi fler saker i spelet har “jag” ändrat på beteenden mot varann. En av grejerna jag har ändrat på är Power-up:en som “rensar skärmen”. Det blir vad denna blogg posten kommer handla om.
Hur den fungerar är att man plockar upp den så man kan använda den när man vill endast 1 gång (sen hämta en […]

Fixing and Tweaking and… Stuffs!
So, this is a hard one. Since we are suppose to focus on just one thing we’ve worked on during the week I guess I’ll have to talk about what took the longest time since I have worked on a lot of things this week.
I didn’t really implement anything new, just fixed on what was already there. Added to it, removed from it and reworked it. But what took most of my time this week was according to my notes […]

Fixing and Tweaking and… Stuffs!
So, this is a hard one. Since we are suppose to focus on just one thing we’ve worked on during the week I guess I’ll have to talk about what took the longest time since I have worked on a lot of things this week.
I didn’t really implement anything new, just fixed on what was already there. Added to it, removed from it and reworked it. But what took most of my time this week was according to my notes […]

MERMAID RIVER BLOG #4 – Tappar Andan
Hej där i nattmössan,
Förra veckan var jag mitt uppe i att lägga pussel med Grupp fyras sanddynor i vår bakgrund som utspelar sig på havets botten. Jag kan med gott samvete bekräfta att Mermaid River nu börjat likna ett spel, t.o.m ett roligt spel, som nästa måndag ska visas upp i beta-form! Alla har bidragit med stort engagemang till att färdigställa och motivationen är tillbaka igen i laget och eftersom en beta innebär att vi inte kan bekräfta fler tillägg […]

MERMAID RIVER BLOG #4 – Tappar Andan
Hej där i nattmössan,
Förra veckan var jag mitt uppe i att lägga pussel med Grupp fyras sanddynor i vår bakgrund som utspelar sig på havets botten. Jag kan med gott samvete bekräfta att Mermaid River nu börjat likna ett spel, t.o.m ett roligt spel, som nästa måndag ska visas upp i beta-form! Alla har bidragit med stort engagemang till att färdigställa och motivationen är tillbaka igen i laget och eftersom en beta innebär att vi inte kan bekräfta fler tillägg […]

I veckan har jag framför allt arbetat med att få ljud att fungera i spelet. Det finns två olika metoder att ladda in och spela ljud i sfml. Jag använde mig av Audio delen av sfml som kommer med. I början hade jag ganska stora problem eftersom att visual studio sa att jag hade externa errors. Jag letade runt på internet efter svar och såklart hade jag inte lagt till lib filen för audio, så jag lade till det i […]

I veckan har jag framför allt arbetat med att få ljud att fungera i spelet. Det finns två olika metoder att ladda in och spela ljud i sfml. Jag använde mig av Audio delen av sfml som kommer med. I början hade jag ganska stora problem eftersom att visual studio sa att jag hade externa errors. Jag letade runt på internet efter svar och såklart hade jag inte lagt till lib filen för audio, så jag lade till det i […]

Week 4 – The third enemy
Another week has gone by and the Beta day is approaching… For the Beta, we were supposed to have all the challenges and the game itself was supposed to be overall feature complete, so I have been working on the third enemy which is also the last enemy the game is going to have.
It took a while to decide how the third enemy was going to look like because I wanted it to fit our game’s earth theme and maybe […]

Week 4 – The third enemy
Another week has gone by and the Beta day is approaching… For the Beta, we were supposed to have all the challenges and the game itself was supposed to be overall feature complete, so I have been working on the third enemy which is also the last enemy the game is going to have.
It took a while to decide how the third enemy was going to look like because I wanted it to fit our game’s earth theme and maybe […]

Tiling the asteroid!
Flight of the Giraffa – Update 4
This will be the fourth blog post about our space shooter project. If you want more information about previous updates, please check out some earlier blog posts!
This time I will talk about one of the obstacles I’ve been working on for the game, the asteroid. Since the gameplay in our game is pretty straightforward, we thought that the game would be more interesting if the player needed to navigate through the level in some […]

Tiling the asteroid!
Flight of the Giraffa – Update 4
This will be the fourth blog post about our space shooter project. If you want more information about previous updates, please check out some earlier blog posts!
This time I will talk about one of the obstacles I’ve been working on for the game, the asteroid. Since the gameplay in our game is pretty straightforward, we thought that the game would be more interesting if the player needed to navigate through the level in some […]

[5SD033] Natural Disasters; Hurricane
Since last week I have started working on implementing one of three natural disasters we will have in our game, Datepocalypse. The first one is a hurricane disaster, like in real life, don’t quote me on this since I have never seen one in real life, the hurricane will in a predetermined pattern around the view-able playing area and in case of either of the avatars gets to close to the hurricane she will be sucked into the hurricane for […]

[5SD033] Natural Disasters; Hurricane
Since last week I have started working on implementing one of three natural disasters we will have in our game, Datepocalypse. The first one is a hurricane disaster, like in real life, don’t quote me on this since I have never seen one in real life, the hurricane will in a predetermined pattern around the view-able playing area and in case of either of the avatars gets to close to the hurricane she will be sucked into the hurricane for […]