Monthly Archives: March 2016

Vecka 7 – Fler Menyer
Ännu en vecka går mot sitt slut och projektet blir mer komplett för varje dag som går. Denna vecka har jag haft mitt fokus på menyer. Jag har gjorde startmenyn för några veckor sedan men för er som inte har läst det eller vet hur jag valde att gå till väga så tänkte jag förklara det.
Kortfattat så börjar jag med att skapa en rad text som visas på skärmen, genom att ladda in en textfil med fonten och sedan sätta ut […]

Vecka 7 – Fler Menyer
Ännu en vecka går mot sitt slut och projektet blir mer komplett för varje dag som går. Denna vecka har jag haft mitt fokus på menyer. Jag har gjorde startmenyn för några veckor sedan men för er som inte har läst det eller vet hur jag valde att gå till väga så tänkte jag förklara det.
Kortfattat så börjar jag med att skapa en rad text som visas på skärmen, genom att ladda in en textfil med fonten och sedan sätta ut […]

Spelutveckling vecka 7
Hej igen!
Förra veckan bestod av flera arbetsmoment, men en av de större var att jag skulle animera en fiende. Denna fiende är en tunna med massa explosivt krut i. Denna fiende ska befinna sig ovanför spelaren och sedan sakta korsa skärmen vertikalt. Blir den inte träffad eller den inte är i närheten av kaptenen så kommer den endast att försvinna ut ur bild. Skjuter man på tunnan eller kommer inom en viss radie till den så kommer den att sakta […]

Spelutveckling vecka 7
Hej igen!
Förra veckan bestod av flera arbetsmoment, men en av de större var att jag skulle animera en fiende. Denna fiende är en tunna med massa explosivt krut i. Denna fiende ska befinna sig ovanför spelaren och sedan sakta korsa skärmen vertikalt. Blir den inte träffad eller den inte är i närheten av kaptenen så kommer den endast att försvinna ut ur bild. Skjuter man på tunnan eller kommer inom en viss radie till den så kommer den att sakta […]

Näst sista veckan är snart slut, åtminstone vad jag har förstått. Detta faktum är nästan lite läskigt då vårt spel ska vara klar om en vecka?(EN vecka?????) Allt känns rätt så stressigt men på samma gång rätt lugnt och skönt. Vi grafiker arbetar inte med några stora artefakter längre utan finputsar endast saker när de blivit implementerade och vi ser att det ser lite konstigt ut. Därmed har jag haft det svårt att välja endast en artefakt till denna bloggpost […]

Näst sista veckan är snart slut, åtminstone vad jag har förstått. Detta faktum är nästan lite läskigt då vårt spel ska vara klar om en vecka?(EN vecka?????) Allt känns rätt så stressigt men på samma gång rätt lugnt och skönt. Vi grafiker arbetar inte med några stora artefakter längre utan finputsar endast saker när de blivit implementerade och vi ser att det ser lite konstigt ut. Därmed har jag haft det svårt att välja endast en artefakt till denna bloggpost […]

Ze Deathscreen
Finally I can move on from writing about the HUD and GUI and work on something else. This week has been about working on the deathscreen or the picture you get when you lost the game.
I googled around on pictures on cities and looked for something that looked similar to what we were doing and house house styles. After a while I had collected enough pictures and inspiration to start working on something. I started out by drawing lines in […]

Ze Deathscreen
Finally I can move on from writing about the HUD and GUI and work on something else. This week has been about working on the deathscreen or the picture you get when you lost the game.
I googled around on pictures on cities and looked for something that looked similar to what we were doing and house house styles. After a while I had collected enough pictures and inspiration to start working on something. I started out by drawing lines in […]

In the week since my last post, we have been working furiously on finishing up our game. One of the things I have been working on is how our game handles the score that the player obtains while playing.
Since we use the score in two different states in the game, the gameplay-state and the victoryscreen-state, I implemented our score class as a member of our main game-state, thus making it exist and be accessible as long as the game is […]

In the week since my last post, we have been working furiously on finishing up our game. One of the things I have been working on is how our game handles the score that the player obtains while playing.
Since we use the score in two different states in the game, the gameplay-state and the victoryscreen-state, I implemented our score class as a member of our main game-state, thus making it exist and be accessible as long as the game is […]

Blog week 5 – Checkpoint
It’s the final countdown!!! …Sorry that was really bad.
Joking aside, it’s only one week left until the finished product of our game is to be presented and everyone is doing their best to get the best possible result out of this project. We got a lot of good feedback both during our Beta playtesting last week and our pre Beta meeting with our teacher Marcus, which we plan to use as much as we can this final week.
One of the […]

Blog week 5 – Checkpoint
It’s the final countdown!!! …Sorry that was really bad.
Joking aside, it’s only one week left until the finished product of our game is to be presented and everyone is doing their best to get the best possible result out of this project. We got a lot of good feedback both during our Beta playtesting last week and our pre Beta meeting with our teacher Marcus, which we plan to use as much as we can this final week.
One of the […]

Potato Pirates, Fifth Update
It is time for the fifth blogpost! Last week, as i mentioned in the last post, and the post before that, I have spent a lot of time redesigning the map because it did not fit the overall art of the game.
Another big complain we got during the playtesting session was that there were little to no feedback from the game in several areas. It was also lacking a clear goal. The player does not know what his mission is […]

Potato Pirates, Fifth Update
It is time for the fifth blogpost! Last week, as i mentioned in the last post, and the post before that, I have spent a lot of time redesigning the map because it did not fit the overall art of the game.
Another big complain we got during the playtesting session was that there were little to no feedback from the game in several areas. It was also lacking a clear goal. The player does not know what his mission is […]

Blog 5 Torsdag 10/3
Blog nr. 5
Level nr. 1 Design/ Layout
David Isaksson grp. 9
So as we managed to slip though the Beta presentation and the finish line is within sight, we find ourselves staring at a mostly finished backlog. So our job as graphic designers these last weeks is to polish everything and finish the last of the menus, texts, background visuals and be ready to fix animations that might look a bit off when they are implemented in the game.
But this week i […]

Blog 5 Torsdag 10/3
Blog nr. 5
Level nr. 1 Design/ Layout
David Isaksson grp. 9
So as we managed to slip though the Beta presentation and the finish line is within sight, we find ourselves staring at a mostly finished backlog. So our job as graphic designers these last weeks is to polish everything and finish the last of the menus, texts, background visuals and be ready to fix animations that might look a bit off when they are implemented in the game.
But this week i […]

5SD033 Benefits of pre-loaded sprites
Most work this week has been in optimizing our game, with few new additions beyond another projectile. However, as the new projectile is mostly a re-thread of older projectile types and the EMP class mashed together, I instead chose to make this blog post about the benefits of loading sprites for projectiles before they are used instead of when they are created.
Crafting Bullets
When we had first started making our projectile class, we created it to hold its own sprite in […]

5SD033 Benefits of pre-loaded sprites
Most work this week has been in optimizing our game, with few new additions beyond another projectile. However, as the new projectile is mostly a re-thread of older projectile types and the EMP class mashed together, I instead chose to make this blog post about the benefits of loading sprites for projectiles before they are used instead of when they are created.
Crafting Bullets
When we had first started making our projectile class, we created it to hold its own sprite in […]

Game Design #5
Group 9 : Flight of the Giraffa
Last post I tried doing the power ups for the player, which was the laser projectile and a power up that is not very often spawned upon destroying an meteor. But if the player succeeds of destroying an meteor and the power up spawns, the player will see a shiny and lovely rainbow meteor that flies at the same speed as the meteor. Upon destroying this rainbow meteor it will instantly create a circle […]

Game Design #5
Group 9 : Flight of the Giraffa
Last post I tried doing the power ups for the player, which was the laser projectile and a power up that is not very often spawned upon destroying an meteor. But if the player succeeds of destroying an meteor and the power up spawns, the player will see a shiny and lovely rainbow meteor that flies at the same speed as the meteor. Upon destroying this rainbow meteor it will instantly create a circle […]

Spelutveckling Blogg 5
Jag har lagt en vecka på att förklara hur jag jobbar i After Effects och veckan efter den så talade jag om hur jag jobbar med ”frame by frame” animering i Photoshop.
Men hur vore det att kanske kombinera dessa sätt att animera för veckans projekt.
Vi har inom gruppen grubblat över ett visuellt problem vi har som bråkat med temat och känslan på spelet. Det är att skepp man skjuter ner släpper missiler och andra powerups trotts att vi gjort […]

Spelutveckling Blogg 5
Jag har lagt en vecka på att förklara hur jag jobbar i After Effects och veckan efter den så talade jag om hur jag jobbar med ”frame by frame” animering i Photoshop.
Men hur vore det att kanske kombinera dessa sätt att animera för veckans projekt.
Vi har inom gruppen grubblat över ett visuellt problem vi har som bråkat med temat och känslan på spelet. Det är att skepp man skjuter ner släpper missiler och andra powerups trotts att vi gjort […]