Daily Archives: March 10, 2016

Femte blogginlägget
Oj då, det har redan gått 5 veckor sen vi började blogga, och nästa vecka är sista veckan vi behöver blogga på det här projektet.
Denna vecka har tyvärr varit dålig på produceringfronten. Det känns som att jag har fått extremt lite gjort den här veckan.
Jag har iallafall, utöver andra saker fortsatt med att ge fienderymdskepen nå små trevliga animationer som gör det väldigt tydligt för spelaren att skeppen som landat nu mera är en del av bakgrunden, det går alltså […]

Femte blogginlägget
Oj då, det har redan gått 5 veckor sen vi började blogga, och nästa vecka är sista veckan vi behöver blogga på det här projektet.
Denna vecka har tyvärr varit dålig på produceringfronten. Det känns som att jag har fått extremt lite gjort den här veckan.
Jag har iallafall, utöver andra saker fortsatt med att ge fienderymdskepen nå små trevliga animationer som gör det väldigt tydligt för spelaren att skeppen som landat nu mera är en del av bakgrunden, det går alltså […]

Death Animation of Aquilla, Group 12 #5
Hello dear readers and fellow programmers!
This week I’ve been tackling the issue of making a Death animation for the player which is a ship by the name of Aquilla. So I’ve been getting less and less work done mostly because the game is getting more complicated as we progress on due to there beeing more managers and more pieces of the puzzle needing to co-exist and work together, causing errors for minor faults in the code or just lack of […]

Death Animation of Aquilla, Group 12 #5
Hello dear readers and fellow programmers!
This week I’ve been tackling the issue of making a Death animation for the player which is a ship by the name of Aquilla. So I’ve been getting less and less work done mostly because the game is getting more complicated as we progress on due to there beeing more managers and more pieces of the puzzle needing to co-exist and work together, causing errors for minor faults in the code or just lack of […]

Week 5 – Tsunami
During this week I have been working on several smaller artifacts and I’m sorry to say that none of them are completely done. But one of them is the tsunami that will appear in the game and it’s the one that is closest to be done. It haven’t been tested in game yet and is why I’m calling it not done. The tsunami will move from the top of the screen towards the bottom and will be as wide or […]

Week 5 – Tsunami
During this week I have been working on several smaller artifacts and I’m sorry to say that none of them are completely done. But one of them is the tsunami that will appear in the game and it’s the one that is closest to be done. It haven’t been tested in game yet and is why I’m calling it not done. The tsunami will move from the top of the screen towards the bottom and will be as wide or […]

You got a new Highscore!
This week I finished our highscore system, but when I say finished I actually mean “we finally got this thing working properly don’t touch it”. We’ve actually been working on the highscore system on and off for a few weeks now and it didn’t work nicely until recently. And we still need to work a bit on the UI. Why it took so long is because we had a bunch of small problems that together caused a pretty large mess.
Let […]

You got a new Highscore!
This week I finished our highscore system, but when I say finished I actually mean “we finally got this thing working properly don’t touch it”. We’ve actually been working on the highscore system on and off for a few weeks now and it didn’t work nicely until recently. And we still need to work a bit on the UI. Why it took so long is because we had a bunch of small problems that together caused a pretty large mess.
Let […]

[5SD033] Wave System
Hello! This week I have mainly been fixing bugs, some refactoring of the code and finished features we needed to have done before our Beta milestone we had last Monday. Except all of this I have also implemented a new system, the Wave System.
This new features replaced our hardcoded system we used before, instead of spawning enemies from a update loop we can now to this from a json file. In this post I will try to explain how this works, step by step. Starting […]

[5SD033] Wave System
Hello! This week I have mainly been fixing bugs, some refactoring of the code and finished features we needed to have done before our Beta milestone we had last Monday. Except all of this I have also implemented a new system, the Wave System.
This new features replaced our hardcoded system we used before, instead of spawning enemies from a update loop we can now to this from a json file. In this post I will try to explain how this works, step by step. Starting […]
Week 5 (How To Make A Propeller Plane Out Of An Electric Shaver)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson. I am the sound director of the game “Potato Pirates”. Last week I talked about how to make a sound effect for the “Potato Canon”, and this week I will talk about how to make a sound that sounds like a propeller on a plane. The game will take place during the 1920’s , so we will be using propeller planes as both the player avatar and as enemies (like the “Fighter Plane” which […]
Week 5 (How To Make A Propeller Plane Out Of An Electric Shaver)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson. I am the sound director of the game “Potato Pirates”. Last week I talked about how to make a sound effect for the “Potato Canon”, and this week I will talk about how to make a sound that sounds like a propeller on a plane. The game will take place during the 1920’s , so we will be using propeller planes as both the player avatar and as enemies (like the “Fighter Plane” which […]

Fixa med HUD, Grupp 4 post #5
Efter vår beta presentation så sa Markus att han tyckte att vi skulle flytta på vår luftmätare för spelaren. Detta var något som vi hade funderat på att göra då vi kände att den låg i vägen för spelaren. Den låg från början högst upp på skärmen men eftersom att spelaren måste åka högst upp på skärmen så blockerade den vyn för spelaren. Så vi bestämde att vi ville både luftmätaren lägga den på vänster sida av skärmen, vi valde […]

Fixa med HUD, Grupp 4 post #5
Efter vår beta presentation så sa Markus att han tyckte att vi skulle flytta på vår luftmätare för spelaren. Detta var något som vi hade funderat på att göra då vi kände att den låg i vägen för spelaren. Den låg från början högst upp på skärmen men eftersom att spelaren måste åka högst upp på skärmen så blockerade den vyn för spelaren. Så vi bestämde att vi ville både luftmätaren lägga den på vänster sida av skärmen, vi valde […]

week 5, Loading screen
As our game has grown larger and larger asset wise over the weeks I guess it’s not that surprising that there might be a great amount of data that needs to be loaded for the game to start. This could of course have been handled differently than we did but we chose to load every game texture as the game starts, in comparison to load everything as it is needed. This is also a viable way to do it as […]

week 5, Loading screen
As our game has grown larger and larger asset wise over the weeks I guess it’s not that surprising that there might be a great amount of data that needs to be loaded for the game to start. This could of course have been handled differently than we did but we chose to load every game texture as the game starts, in comparison to load everything as it is needed. This is also a viable way to do it as […]

Balance And Testing
So this week as we continue to improve upon our game Trowl i have put all of my focus and attention towards balancing the game, because one of the changes we did this week was to make the game autoscrolling which made it so that i had to rework alot of the leveldesign in the game. But we did this change because of feedback we have gotten from playtesters that did not know that they are suppose to move forward […]

Balance And Testing
So this week as we continue to improve upon our game Trowl i have put all of my focus and attention towards balancing the game, because one of the changes we did this week was to make the game autoscrolling which made it so that i had to rework alot of the leveldesign in the game. But we did this change because of feedback we have gotten from playtesters that did not know that they are suppose to move forward […]
Veckoreflektion Blog 5 10/3 -16
Hej nya läsare!
Jag har tyvärr tråkiga nyheter och det är att jag har varit sjuk under den senaste veckan och har därför inte kunnat arbeta på vårat projekt.
Det är givetvis trist och jag hoppas att inför kommande vecka ha frisknat till och kommer kunna arbeta extra hårt inför final release!
Veckoreflektion Blog 5 10/3 -16
Hej nya läsare!
Jag har tyvärr tråkiga nyheter och det är att jag har varit sjuk under den senaste veckan och har därför inte kunnat arbeta på vårat projekt.
Det är givetvis trist och jag hoppas att inför kommande vecka ha frisknat till och kommer kunna arbeta extra hårt inför final release!

This week i have finished the animation for our last enemy to the game.
I have made references to this enemy before in an earlier blogpost called ”Vecka 4, Show me your moves”, where i called it ”Gammelgäddan”. The name was just a placeholder for whatever horrible beast that we could come up with!
After a few ideas about giant octopuses, actual pike or maybe a shark, we came up with something. As this enemy is suppose to be a one hit knockout […]

This week i have finished the animation for our last enemy to the game.
I have made references to this enemy before in an earlier blogpost called ”Vecka 4, Show me your moves”, where i called it ”Gammelgäddan”. The name was just a placeholder for whatever horrible beast that we could come up with!
After a few ideas about giant octopuses, actual pike or maybe a shark, we came up with something. As this enemy is suppose to be a one hit knockout […]

Space Giraffa – Update 5
Other than recovering from Monday’s beta presentation, this week has been pretty mild. I have chosen some easier tasks to complete for this scrum session. One of them was a High score system that can add entries and sort them with the previous score entries which are loaded from a save file.
First of all, I created a struct called “Entry” that contains an integer and a string data type. The integer stores the users’ score and the string stores the […]

Space Giraffa – Update 5
Other than recovering from Monday’s beta presentation, this week has been pretty mild. I have chosen some easier tasks to complete for this scrum session. One of them was a High score system that can add entries and sort them with the previous score entries which are loaded from a save file.
First of all, I created a struct called “Entry” that contains an integer and a string data type. The integer stores the users’ score and the string stores the […]